
Chapter 2

Looking at herself in the full length mirror, Jennie releases a depress sigh. She's been disturbed about this engagement and this engagement has still been disturbing her.

The dress fitted perfectly, they had her hair and make up styled perfectly, from how they curled and design it to how they kept her makeup sophisticating yet simple. Anyone would be happy to be dressed like this but

She wasn't ready for marriage.

Its not like she minded getting married but the reason for her marriage was annoying her, she felt sold by her parents. Apart from that she didn't want to get married to the investor's son, Kim Namjoon.

Kim Namjoon, he wasn't bad looking, actually he is quite a looker but he was full of himself. The moment he graduated from college, he started taking on his Father's business, their family is quite influential, so they always made sure he was seen as a perfect guy in the media.

But if you have actually met the guy, he is a snob, and a really arrogant man. But he was good at negotiating business with Korean billionaire's and foreign CEO with his knowledge of English.

Jennie immediately knew he was a smart one especially when she watch him from afar as he talked with her father, he acted mature, well mannered and knew humor as he  laughs at her dad's joke before sipping his wine but his expression as he sips that wine showed he wasn't humored by whatever her dad said but was being business minded. The way his eyebrow raised up from irritation and the moment her dad turned back to him, his eyes sparkled again as he smiled at him pretentiously. Well are family was fake as well and they Were obviously using each other.

That's why she was sure this married is business for him, another way to earn success, the more successful he gets, the more motivated his dad would probably be to hand all the company to the young man.

But Jennie wasn't going to sell herself for the foolish man's ambition.

A hand on her shoulder makes her flinch.

"You look amazing." Her Mom's voice spook from behind. Jennie glance at her mother through the mirror and relaxed, letting out a breath.

Her mother seemed satisfied with how Jennie looked, as she stares proudly at her daughter.

"I know you hate this but.. Trust us, this is for your own good."

Her mom dressed elegant as well, also with that deep dark lipstick that made her look  bold, cold and sharp and it's true, her mother wasn't someone you can mess with.

"I find it interesting cause I don't know how this would do me good. Its not like I'm the heir to your company."

"Exactly why you need to marry someone who is an heir himself."

"So both of your daughter's would bring you power."

"Jennie.." Her mother warm voice, did not comfort her at all actually.

"You remind me of my friends, they only hang around when its time to benefit from me. I guess it's you and dad's time to reap from what you sowed."

"How can you say such things about your parent." Her mother expression was becoming less calm as she her thick eyebrows dips down.

Her mother drops her hand from Jennie's shoulder and moves back.

"Just prepare." She says sternly then walks away.

Jennie looks at herself in the mirror one last time before Calling after her mother.

"Eomma." Her mother turns around.


"I'm going to repay everything you've done for me with this engagement." Her mom lips lifts at what she heard.

"You made a good choice honey." Walking towards Jennie, she gives her daughter a hug before walking away, relieved, this marriage would relieve her from any conflicts in the future.

The Kim's were good at ending any contract if any problem occurs but with his son marriage with her daughter, ending their contract would not be an option anymore when he finds out about Their family's bankrupt.

Jennie didn't lie, she was going to repay her parents by crashing this engagement party. She knew the reason behind this marriage and it disgusted her how they suddenly cared about her when this engagement happened.

It was always about her older sister, Jisoo.

Pulling out her phone, she texted her boyfriend again.

Jennie: Where are you! The party will start in thirty minute!

Biting her nails anxiously, she takes a sit on her bed, waiting for the reply of Sehun as she continuously tap her feet on the furry white carpeted floor.

At this moment, she is more determined to ruin the stupid engagement more than ever.

If they wanted more power why not ask her sister to marry the investor's son instead. If this was really the best for a daughter, why not hand it to Jisoo, I mean they always gave her the best anyway.

The buzz of her phone, snaps her out of thought as she immediately reaches for her phone.

Sehun: I know i agreed to this but.. Listen, I can't just show up and ruin your engagement and you are talking of your family the Ruby's and Your fiancé's family The Kim's, who knows what they'll do if I show up and interrupt.

Anger rushes through her as she reads the reply. Sehun had always been positive about this idea and had always agree to her plan, to this plan.

Yes, he always gave excuses like he had to focus on paying for his motorcycle bills, and Jennie would pay it, but then he'll buy a new car and tell her allover again that he can't ruin the wedding as he had to work to pay for his expensive car and Jennie would pay it just to make sure he would be available for today but now all of a sudden, he can't.

Jennie: If you love me, you better come here and ruin this engagement.

After waiting for another minute, Sehun replies.

Sehun: I do love you... But I am not ready for commitment, I am not ready to face the problem your fiancees parent might cause me for literally embarrassing their son.

Fed up, Jennie immediately dials his number, she didn't want to talk through text anymore.

But he cut it off..

And it made her more angrier than she already is.

Dialing him again, he cut it off. Biting her bottom lips furiously, she goes back to texting.

Her fingers furiously typing on her screen as she literally shots dagger at her phone with her intense glare.


she could've threaten to break up with him but she was too attach with him already, too comfortable, that it was hard to break up with him. It wasn't the first time she taught of breaking up with him but throwing away the three year they dated was hard for her, he was the only guy she dated this long.

Sehun: I'm sorry babe, I promise I'll make it up to you. Just trust me and just go along with the engagement.

Letting out a scream, she tossed her to the floor.


No one is on her side, nothing was going her way. Her parents were getting what they wanted again, she's being used again.

"Jerk. I swear I'll seriously end it with you, you stupid punk." She grumbles under her breath as she breaths furiously.

She could say it but sadly breaking up with him, she couldn't do it. She wondered if it was a female gender that made her like this. Guys could always break up with her in a blink of a eye, that's why she stopped dating millionaires and dated someone who'd actually need her but now she's the one who needs him and she's still the one being played.

Standing up, she walks out of her room, hands clenched.

The first guy she sees would be the guy she'll engage with.

They shouldn't have messed with her, she's not going down like this. She'll show them.

It seems like the whole house was empty as everyone was in the event room preparing.

Just anyone. She didn't have guy Friend's to call and worst part is even if she said she'll get engaged with the first guy she sees, she wasn't sure if the guy would agree. She didn't care who the guy was, she would try and have her way.

She was already down stairs, in front of the entrance door band, the only person she has seen was some female maid, and a old man looking for a bathroom.

Frustrated, she sighs in defeat. Should I just run away from the engagement?

But they'll end up setting it to another day or worst announce it online to the public instead of at a party.

Ruining this engagement party was a better option, so people would think she's engaged to another guy instead of the arrogant Kim Namjoon.

His words to her at that party was what made her determined to not get engaged with him.

"Just go along with the engagement. It'll make mommy and daddy rich, it'll make me richer, though you won't have anything from me.. But think about it, you'll have a rich husband to brag anyway, I won't stress you, you just have to make sure I have dinner and keep the house clean, I mean I really don't mind.. Having you as a wife." The way his eyes glanced at her body disgustingly before he gave a smile and raise his glass of wine then walks away, annoyed her.

Me, become a housewife, in his ugly dreams!

The door suddenly slowly opens. A guy walks in then bows at her.

He looked about her age.

Another guy follows him in but this guy looked much older and had a guard uniform on.

Their face were totally different. While the first boy had a soft, innocent look, the second guy had a tougher expression.

He was a guard, so of course he had to look tough.

The guard bows at her sternly. "Good morning mam." He says and Jennie brush him off with her hand.

The guard then guides the boy away, while Jennie stares contemplating on who she'll pick in the two.

The guard had the boy sit in a chair then fill a form in a white paper.

Jennie just stood observing, the guard who stood toughly with his hand in his back as he watch the younger boy fill the form.

She then turn her gaze to the boy filling the form. Something told her, he was perfect for her plan... But she wasn't sure. The way he was innocently focus on what he was writing. She also noticed the bruises on his face which made her become curious about him.

After filling the form, the boy then grabs three heavy shopping bag and hands it to the guard.

She didn't notice the shopping bag with him at first but now she noticed it, she realised it was the shopping bag of what she had bought a while ago.

"Is that mine."

🔆V O T E   A N D  C O M M E N T🔆