

everything happend in life is mean to be for lesson or somone.

Dark_Books · ファンタジー
2 Chs


current location : forest of sevenia

destination : family party in uncle lee's house

time: 9:30 pm

place: inside the car in middle of forest!


me: yah dont shout on me enough now!

she: why i need to shout on you! look at your sweetheart again get fainted on middle of forest.

me: dont blame on me and my sweetheart!

actually your the one who is unlucky for me and my sweetheart!

she:(dramamatically) woh.. then why you ask me to come you bish!

me: i was out of mind!

she: now you realise your out of mind! i already know that your out of your mind! good late but not least!

me: get out of my car!

she: who on this earth want to stay olinside the car with you(as she said get off from car and slam the door! )

me: yah my sweetheart dont hurt her!

she: really? what will you do if i then. (she start kicking my car)

i get off from car and start run towards her as she start run around the car and i am busy to cheasing her

and after lots of struggle i cought her while pushing her inside the car and suddenly i lost my balance and colabs on her but i prevent myself colabsing on her with helo of my hand. but her sudden movment caought my attention and i turn down my face.

and saw her beautiful face. her deep eyes her plumpy lips her red cheeks. she start glaring of me by mouthing under her breath but i heared it)

she: prevert!

me: ehat did you said

she: nothing can you get up

me:(with smrink) no! and stared at her lips.. she notice that and close her eyes i also start moving my lips towards her ready to smash my lips with her but sudden sound catch our attention.

me: agh.. not again! cant let husband and wife spend there precious time with each other for minute(i said while growling)

but our eyes wided when we start noticing red eyes around us starring at us from dark we quickly get inside the car and lock the doors!

she: wah! first saying yes to jerk like you!

second :getting inside this car

third: stucking in forest.

fourth : cought by wolf pack

now what remains to add in this all trouble

he: woh what do you mean by jerk huh! do you even know who am i?

me: a billionaire idiot! JERK!