

everything happend in life is mean to be for lesson or somone.

Dark_Books · ファンタジー
2 Chs

car start

she : billionaire idiot jerk!

he: i will divorce you.

she: who want to stay with you. why you need to divorce me huh. i divorce you.

both: first let me get out from here!

both: dont copy my words

both: you copy cat.

both: agh.. dont talk to me. hump!

suddenly a wolf jump on car window.

both: ahhh!

she: tae do something!

me: what should i do you want.

he start growing on window front if us.

tae: ah.. i shouldnt had to take you at first place.

me: she let me fo something.

(she start turning on the car but its not so she start kicking the car.

he: agh my darling respect her.

she: (while turning towards him)

definatly i will try if i get back from here without dieing! i will respect her and make her marry with another owner. who will always take care of her. and make her happy then you!

and suddenly car start.

she: look she also want someone who will love her and take care of her. suddenly car stoped. hard. he put hand betwren car and her so she didnt get hit. and quickly move side.

she: yah your darling is so.. damn!

he: you should remove your feet from brake first