
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · ファンタジー
62 Chs

59: Princess Jexica

Days ago...

I destroyed the whole forsaken house to summon a beast. Everyone is awaken, and healed?

Veursula shielded herself from my beast's attack using an invisible barrier. "Calm down! Kindly give me a chance to explain myself?!" she said in a hostile tone.

"Your action explains everything!" I said.

"Really? But you haven't seen everything I did."

Mishuzyñel asked Davih about this Mount. And he failed to answer since he's even wondering who this creature could be.

"That kid is a witness that I healed your comrades. Fret not! I have a new master." She shows me the firm locked gold bracelet on both wrists.

"That's one of his wishes. On other words, he made me a genie! And for the second request, he commanded me to protect all of you until we meet again. I never thought I will end up like this," she pouts as she mumbles the concluding sentence.


I look around me and someone is missing attendance. And that one has another one.

"Where's Haris?!"

"What? You don't know? That's why..." she mumbles again.

"I was about to ask the same question for a different person. Where's Ashti?" Aishmalen began.

Veursula activated another barrier around us to defend us from the approaching Callions.

"I have no choice but to follow his commands. The last time I saw him, together with that girl, is inside a mine cave."

"Where is that?" I asked.

"Even if I tell you, I'm pretty sure they already left that place."

I moved my mouth to speak when Aishmalen utters first. "Let's assume they're both fine. And as for the left ones, we'll go straight to Landline and find them."

"I like that! You're more concern about the people around than the ones who left!" She smirks at me. To cast away the embarrassment, I released the beast and proceeded to the plan.

I summoned Rellze to tell more information about that Landline since none of us is a traveler. He shows me the map of the whole Alcubra Nation and pointed our location. As for the Landline, it's going south from our exact position.

Now the best way we could catch up to them is the road in the sky.

Or we shouldn't?

They left us unconsciously, there must be a reason why and why can't we join them for the meantime.

"From now on, this tedious journey will be led by me!" I told them. I have to prevail determination despite my ignorance from traveling. Resolve must be maintained.

"Your highness, please use this," Rellze suggested for me to use a compass with a chain lace.

"I'm grateful. That will be helpful."

I whispered to the compass where will be the destination. And the arrow points to south, same accordance to the map.

I summoned Maruwie again for the flight, and Mishu created a crystal stairs to make the hike convenient. Before we fly, Rellze left our world on his own and we left the kingdom, following the direction of the compass together with Veursula.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

"Haaah... I presume I have the sweetest sleep last night!" Mishuzyñel mutters.

"Oh let me guess, you dream isabout a sheep!" Davih exclaimed.

"Hah! How did you know?!"

They continued the chattering yet I have no plan of joining them. I keep my daze forward, pressing my knees to my chest.

"Relax Princess Jexica, I'm sure they're safe," Aishmalen started our own conversation.

"The fact that they left us... disappoints me."

"I have no idea why, but Haris hides his mysterious reason. That's the kind of stranger he is to me."

Suddenly, Veursula barged into the topic. "She's sulking because he left her. That's her point of view."

"Tsk!" My reaction.

"And this Prince is concern about the Princess," she passed the teasing to Aishmalen.

"Not just her. I'm worried about those two."

"Really? The big problem is that chain. The most important is the sacrifice. And the biggest question is, who?"

"What are talking about, Veursula?"

"You didn't know too? You're so ignorant, your highness. That chain is a curse. To unlock that chain, one of them must die."

We both gave her a sudden glance after she said that. Her lips remains silent, I passed the look to Aishmalen with the unsaid words of anxiety. Then I keep my face onward. I'm nervous! I'm more concern about Haris about this curse.

This travel isn't taking us long and I hope it's not too late to for me notice Maruwie's wing, it is healed. That's the reason why she fly fast.

A vast and perfectly green grass land is the sign on the Landline. We crossed above the burning forest. But I don't sense danger at all. I ordered Maruwie to move gently as the wind then I summoned a cupid to shoot ahead. While waiting for the dome's response, I rests in silence—then furrowed when the arrow never reached a barrier.

"What are you doing?" Aishmalen asked. I didn't answer since I have my own question in mind.

What happened to the barrier?

We all looked down where Veursula points. A fissured ground with blood stains. Crime occurred here recently. We continued the flight, still, nothing blocked our move. The barrier has defect.

The compass twiddles. I saw a white house with a garden on top of a mountain, but I doubted. It would be better to visit a kingdom than a strange house. I whispered to the compass the nearest kingdom from here. Then north east is the way.

Only a few minutes passed, we found the Kingdom.

When we came there and entered the place normally without needed permission from a knight. They don't even have that. The first place that caught my attention is the neat graveyard and a floral white pavilion in the middle. They don't have a castle, only a mansion. And the rest are flimsy wooden houses.

Farm is dominant. They don't have walls for surrounding this place, only residential fences. The smile on everyone's face depicts their simple lifestyle. They welcomed us rather than fear. This place is so weak!

Is this really a kingdom? The compass brought us here, which means the answer is yes. I was still roaming my head roundabout when Aishmalen taps me on my shoulder.

"You're day dreaming. Let's eat. A native invited us."

We came inside a small restaurant for food. They have few costumers and lots of feline in different races. Mishuzyñel and Veursula are having fun with those while giving their hardest effort to influence Davih. I don't want to join such childish discussion.

After I eat, I want to investigate something. A place susceptible to hazards shouldn't exist in this era.

"Something the matter? You're always missing your presence of mind."

"I'm concern about this place. They're very defenseless. I oppose with their hospitality."

"Admit it or not, right now, they're helpful to us. They took and feed us-"

"You shouldn't trust anyone easily!" I whispered that made him speechless.

I left them for me to check the place alone. I want to see what's in the esteemed pavilion, and then I found another grave stone with a carved named 'King Xymon'; beside him is 'Queen Iry'. Does it mean their rulers are dead?

"They're the former sovereign in their kingdom." A man spake behind me. He's wearing a brown and slightly dirty apparel and a pilot goggle.

"Their kingdom?"

"Yes. From far away kingdom, but they're buried here."

I took the opportunity to inform a stranger. "I'm a visitor in this... kingdom? Place. Just so you know, the dome to protect this nation devoid in power. We found it easily plundered, that's a great advantage from the enemies outside. And this place will be the easiest and weakest target since everything in here lacks protection. I'm not belittling everyone, I just prioritize the safety."

"You came outside and you knew about this barrier?"

"I'm Princess Jexica from foreign kingdom."

"Jexica? I think I heard about you from my wife!"


"Welcome to my kingdom! My wife is one of the five high councils; the only one standing among them. The other three and the knights from Crysleigh Kingdom are petrified by the god of dominion. And that god is currently missing. As of now, the last council's duty is to research about the enemy. And we have almost all the information about her."

"You're the King?" I bow my head a little, "I have no idea about that plan," I lift my head, "but does it mean we had a great loss in power?"

"Indeed. But same goes for the enemy. We've measured its weaknesses and whereabouts. We've made several tactics, the only missing is... the child." He laughs. "But I guess he or she's no longer a child!"

I'm a serious person, and I don't laugh about such things. He's the simplest royal I've ever met.

The explosion of synchronized fireworks calls everyone's attention. After those, a continuous echo of a bell. The sound of warning!

"There's so many of them," he said.


"Enemies. More than five fireworks threats a great number of enemies approaching. We do have spies five hundred meters away from here."

All the people, I'm not expecting them to act organized and calmed in this menace! I look above and I found enormous steampunk ships above the clouds. It releases canons and fired the enemy from afar.

"You're lucky you came here without dealing with those. This is Monteih Kingdom! And I am their King, Roshan is my name. This is a place where I use and accumulate my inventions, including those clouds." He pointed above.

"A-An artificial clouds?!"

"Go somewhere safe. We don't wish to daunt our visitors." Then he left me in a hurry.

So my hunch came to reality! I summoned a unicorn and fly above to see the whole scenery. None else but Callions from afar are coming.

They're countless.

Like millions; coming to us outrageously like an ocean wave. At the same time, I'm impress with their prowess. They have hidden strategies underground, planes that deals great agility appeared from the ground to disperse bombs down to those Callions. Another bad thing is, they're endless. If they keep launching, most of their loads will lost.

I thought this height is a perfect place until I heard Veursula's voice. "So here you are!" she said.

She's together only with Mishuzyñel. And they're both riding on a carpet.

"Wow! What a marvelous view!" said the mischievous Princess.

"There's no way to stop this ambush. Unless they have walls. If not, it would be their loss."

"Hmph! You're so rigorous in this type is issue." I glare at Veursula and she's smirking at me.

"Walls, you say? I can make it!"

At first, this kid points ahead with one eye closed. Afterwards, tall crystals sprouted; she turns round and round remaining that finger raised while the crystals are following its direction. Eventually, she made crystal walls surrounding the whole Kingdom—not that close to the residence's houses.

"Alright! Now this place is safe! The trapped Callions inside are dead!" she screamed in a victor's voice.


She's still jumping in joy. So I ate my words. It is indeed a great suggestion but we don't have consent to the rulers. The carpet disappeared and they both fall. They expect me to follow so I didn't.

These walls... this could be the sign of my great hunch.

I came down to talk about this matter. And down here, I recognize the native's fear, at the same time, confusion.

"Oh! You're the worse being I've ever met, Mishu-brat."

"Jexica, where have you been?" Aishmalen asked but I didn't answer, I was thinking about the biggest possible problem. "What's your favorite color?" he asked again.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"So you want personal questions than informational stuffs?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. He truly caught my attention with that! "I was just thinking how to solidify this Kingdom so I conversed with the King."

"Sounds like you have a full pack of guts!"

"Aren't you ashamed of your appearance? You're exposing your scales to commoners and foreigners."

He folds his arms, "Why would I? For my opinion, that unicorn is a great thief of attention. By the way, what's with that question?"

I didn't answer him again instead I left them again, still riding this unicorn going to the mansion. Discussion is crucial with the King. I need to warn him.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

Ever since Mishuzyñel's ostentatious action, the King came here in their mansion. They don't have thrones, just a regular pure mansion with big pictures of ancestors.

"So you made those walls?!" he sounds delighted... and impressed.

"No. My friend did. She's a princess too, yet still immature."

"Then we have royal visitors! It's a pleasure to have you all here! Also, you have the gratitude. It's true it would be our loss if we kept on fighting them, now, I have to warn other kingdoms about this experience. I shall call for a muster."

"Please make it urgent!" I pleaded. "Those walls... I mean if you all lock yourself in a limited space while the Callions reigns outside, they have greater dominion. They will destroy the nature, resources and beasts for meat until nothing will be left for humans. If you leave, then you're eaten, if you stay, then you'll starve to death. I'm saying, this can be the beginning of famine."

He smiles at me. "I like that prediction. You're clever." He look outside the window. "I will deliver a permission letter to Greenland Kingdom, the safest Kingdom, for you and your friends to rest there. This isn't a perfect place too. But I'm sure you'll be all safe under Queen Elizabeth's arms."

"Queen Elizabeth? We haven't met before," I commented.

He's looking for something inside the treasure chest, and he picked a scroll where a ship design was drawn. He laid it on the table while sketching another one.

"You're the inventor of those ships? Outstanding. You can manage this place after all."

"Thank you. Not all royal must have their gift."

"You're giftless? Then this isn't considered a kingdom," I murmured. "I fulfilled my intention here. Thank you for your hospitality," I left after I said that.

He didn't respond; too busy with his art. I saw their garden while walking in their open hallway. A fountain in the middle waters the plants through thin ruts on the ground to give path for the water. They have abundant flowers. I sat beside the fountain and realized this is a wishing waters.

Not too many coins are sleeping underwater. Pathetic. Just like this place.

However, my wish is... I held the necklace Haris gave me during our travel on the waters.

I wish I was Ashti.

Just like how I wish to be Ainsley before.