
Our People lie here

In a world long ago, there are two kingdoms. Silver, and Golden Kingdom. In this world, you are either born a silver or golden knight. Born under the sun or moon. Training, and work leads you to work for your kingdom, or you can live a normal calm life. Now there's one silver knight, Ginno Tsuki has the plan to become the best knight ever. And after tragedy in the Silver kingdom, she might become just that.

Rix_Here · ファンタジー
3 Chs

2- Ambush

And that was the day I became a knight. The next day, I had to do training and work duty like everyone else. Yet I was awarded 3 medals that day. One for being the youngest knight ever, becoming a knight without training, and beating the right bishop. Fast forward 3 years. I was still working as a knight, but I was more trained than ever. I had been a part of 3 small wars and 104 missions within those three years. Because of my skill, I worked alongside the bishops and high placed knights. I wanted to be the best knight ever, and it made me glad to be the youngest in the league. One day, everyone was outside, standing on their ground like any other day. A great amount of people were absent that day, due to it being a holiday. But since most of us were peasants, a lot of us stayed anyway. I was talking to Armona when suddenly I felt sick.

I stopped talking mid- sentence. "Is everything okay Ginno"? I listened to my senses, and I could smell it very faintly....gold. "We're being ambushed, we're under attack", I shouted, putting on my helmet. Just then, a golden army barged through the castle gates. They outnumbered us, but most of us could fight them off. As I fought, I watched as my peers and friends were killed. I turned around to see the castle doors open. "The royal family"! I ran inside and straight to the throne room. "My king-"! I dropped my sword and fell to my knees. They were all dead... the entire royal family. They had been beheaded and their crowns and tiaras were gone. "No", I whispered. I ran outside as a wave of anger washed over me. I swung my sword at the first golden knight I saw. They swung back at me and I dodged it.

I sliced his throat with my sword. Then suddenly, another golden knight appeared behind me. They waved their sword precisely and before I could react, my armor shattered onto the ground. I now stood there with only my protective clothing on. I managed to stab them in the leg. They stabbed me in the foot and I ran off. I could barely breathe through my helmet, and my feet ached in my metal boots. I looked up and saw Armon fighting a gold knight. His helmet was on the ground and he was on his knees. I looked to my side and saw Armona attempting to save him. Then, he was stabbed through the neck. "Armon", Armona cried. This was the first time I had ever seen her express emotion. She stabbed the gold knight through the back and immediately tended to her brother.

She grabbed him, "No, Armon... don't die on me", she cried. "You're all I have left". I got up and turned around before being hit in the face with a sword. I tried to run but was grabbed by the neck of my shirt. As they tried to pull me back, the shirt ripped. "Running will do you no good", the knight said. They removed the arm piece of their golden armor. It started to float until they formed it onto my back. The gold burned through my skin and started to sizzle. "Ah"! Only royalty possesses the ability to control Silver or Gold. Meaning, I was in a fight with Golden royalty. Suddenly, the gold turned silver. That was unusual. "What the-", the knight stuttered. Then, coming down from the air, Armona attempted a perfect dive with her sword into the golden knight's head. For this move, she was nicknamed 'Silver Diver'. The golden knight moved out of the way, sending Armona's sword straight into the ground.

She stood holding onto the sword before jumping forward and landing on the knight. As I stood up, the gold turned silver fell off my back. Armona grabbed my hand. "Let's go Ginno"! "What about everyone else, what about the kingdom", I cried. "There is no one else... and this is no longer a kingdom". As she yanked me, my helmet fell off. I looked back at the gold knight. They stood there in awe, they probably assumed I was a royal. After that, it didn't take long for Golden Sun to seize control of Silver Moon. We were forbidden to speak of the royal family, forced to do their pledge, and must bow at their presence. Armona cut my hair, she said it would be too noticeable. Now, we've finally got all of the background out of the way, lets get on to the present.

(4 years after the ambush)

As I woke up I could hear the clamoring of the bar around me. I sat up and immediately had flashbacks of the ambush. Watching everyone around me die... seeing the royal family in such a state. I got dressed and looked in the mirror. My buzz cut had now grown just above my shoulders. I put my hair in a ponytail and walked out of the backroom that Armona had turned into a bedroom. I'd stopped hiding my hair, now I do anything to rebel Golden Sun. The bar was filled with middle-aged men. Very few that were once knights, some that had never tried to become one. "Hey, hot stuff. How about you get me another beer", one said. His friends laughed and agreed. As I walked away from the table, I noticed someone sitting across the bar. He had on a gray cloak. I looked down, yellow shoes?

I scoffed, "How disrespectful". I went and got the beers. "You're finally awake", Armona said. "Yes, I had a bad dream". "Go figure... I'd be worried if you didn't", she said, walking away to serve a customer. As I approached the men with their drinks, I saw them bothering Armona. She had decided not to fight back, since she needed all the money and customers she could get. "Maybe if you got sexy, you'd make more money", one scoffed. "Yeah, unbutton your shirt, we'll give you extra cash". "I'd prefer not-". One of them reached for Armona's shirt. I dropped the drinks and grabbed a metal furnace stick. I twisted it in my hand before aiming it right at the man's chest. "Get out... all of you". "Seems like someone thinks the silver knights are still around-". I jammed the stick into his leg.

"Get out"! He screamed before him and his friends went running out of the bar. The rest of the customers stayed silent. The guy in the cloak stood still.