
Our mommy is the best

[love at first sight + childhood friends + cutie twins] This story is about three childhood friends Lily, Ava and Alex. Lily William is kind of fun and loving personality, she likes to enjoy herself and have fun rather than liking serious thing. Ava Smith is total opposite of her, she is precocious child. She loves to read books whenever she finds free time. Even though they have different personality they love to spend time together. Both William and Smith family are family friends and neighbors. Lastly Alex Harrison is a cheerful and sunny type. . . . Will there friendship last long??? . . . After years One bright sunday morning, two little heads pop out from the door giggling and trying to wake their mom........... lil bubble said "mommy when will you bring us to park its already late, Mommy can't break the promise this time", lil man also join " yes, mommy you ae aways busy, wake up grandma is waiting for breakfast".................. . . . lil angels asked Mommy can we eat two icecream today, mommy please......... making innocent faces. Their mom can't help and said ok find. And certain someone saw them especially their mom, he was unable to take his eye off from her like love at first sight but also some sadness was hidden deep inside......... who this person can be??????? ( hello everyone, English is not my first language and this is my first novel, so please don't mind my grammatical mistakes I'll try to improve my writing skill. Hope you will enjoy my story Thankyou)

deevan_khom · 都市
8 Chs

4. Love at first sight????


"That look....." after pondering for sometimes searching for the exact word to that look that his uncle was making towards the beautiful sister.

"Was that look called love at first sight??"

After hearing his nephew words he almost miss his steps and immediately he turn his head to him not knowing what to speak


He wondered whether his nephew really came from hell to torture him.

He look up to sky and asked "Oh god, What sin have I committed to have him as my nephew?"

"You brat have you had enough to bully your uncle like this, you aren't leaving me anyway from your weird questions"


"I'm not leaving you, you have to answered my question"

"Was that love at first sight?"

"I'm done with you, don't complain anything about this later", and he covered his nephew mouth with hand and lift him up and went.

Before they left he looked around if anyone was looking at them or not after confirming it, he left the park with his nephew in his arms till they reached their car.

"Anyway I'll tell to mom about this"



"Mommy, i want strawberries and blueberry ice cream"

" And i want chocolate and butterscotch mommy"

"ok anything else"


After getting their ice cream they sat under shade and enjoying their ice cream and the breeze.

"mommy", lil bubble called


"when are we going to visit daddy?"

When she heard this question, she stop for a second and some sad memories flash in her mind and came back to normal. She face towards her babies and smiled

"Next Monday we will go and visit him, don't forget ok", and she change the topic, "Eat your ice cream fast otherwise it will melt"

"okay..." both of shouted and giggle, seeing them laughing her mood also improve.

"Its time to go back, I'll call Uncle John to pick us up"

"Mommy" both the babies called her as they notice the change of emtotion in their mommy's face and they threw themselves into her arms and kiss her cheek both side and said

" We love you very very much"

"I love you too, my babies", she hug them tightly and kiss them while waiting for Uncle John


"Young Miss"

"sorry for the late, since its weekends there was lot of traffic"

"Its okay uncle, let's go"

"sure miss"

"Grandpa Robert "

"Grandpa Robert"

Little bubble told him what they did today each and every single fun they had.

Inside the car, it was filled with joy with this them singing their rhymes that their school teacher taught them on their way to home.

She was watching her babies happily and sometimes singing along with them.

Uncle John was also enjoying along with them, he was feeling grateful for being able to be part of this family.

After while....., both mother and babies felt tired and slept inside the car.

When they reached the William's Mansion

Uncle John wake them up.

"Young Miss, we have reached"

She open her eyes slowly and felt that today was living to her childhood days, how she used to send with others..

And she woke them up gently

"Babies wake up we reached home, are you guys not excited to tell grandma about what we did today"

Both of them woke up slowly

"Yeah we have to tell grandma everything"

"Then come out grandma must be waiting for us"


Little bubble was not willing to walk so she called her mom

"Mommy hug" and she open her arms, seeing her open arms she couldn't help but pinch her tini nose slightly.

"You lazy butt", Little bubble giggle.

"Lets go mommy grandma must be tired waiting for us" little mushroom said and sighed. They walk inside the mansion..