
Season one Episode two

"hi" he repeated and she turned

extending his hands she looked at his hands , then his face and looked away

" what do want" she said looking away

" won't you even reply not even a hi" he said feeling embarrassed and putting his hands back into his pocket

" now u want to teach me manners right ....." she paused and clenched her fist

" no.... I'm sorry" " I didn't mean to be rude"

" what do you want?" she asked stamping her foot slowly showing her impatience

" actually I love he way u danced"

" I hate t when people tell me that" she said rolling her eyes

" ok sorry..."

" I don't have this much patience can u go straight to the point" she said with fury in her tone


" so u delayed me here to talk nonsense do u think I'm that cool?" she said and it was obvious that she was angry as she raised her voice and dropped her glass

" what do you take me for ahn she said moving forward"

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to waste ur time"

" u are a bastard " she said moving forward

" Maya" a voice called out and she turned towards the direction

"the doctor called" the manager said. It was like those words worked magic on her and she immediately transformed from a crazy to sober lady

" what did he say" she asked

" he said she's refusing to take her injection until she talks to you"

" oh my gosh I need to go" she said and left hurriedly

"but u still have another dance in 10 minutes" the manager yelled but she was gone

" wow" Dan exclaimed " that was a narrow escape for me that was crazy" he said and moved forward to have another drink.


At the hospital

Maya's POV

She had changed into a decent shirt and trouser and she had no makeup on she went into the doctor's office immediately

" hi doc" she greeted

" good evening Miss Maya" doctor John replied

"is she really refusing to take her injections?"

" yes she said she needs answers from you or she wouldn't take them"

" I'm here so what are we waiting for"

" after you then" he said and they left for the ward . They went into ward five and inside an Indian woman was laying on the bed she looked very sick and she had pipes passed around her .

" mum good evening" Maya greeted as she ran to kiss her

" how are u " she replied weakly and tried to rise but she let out a soft moan

" no don't stress yourself rest" she said placing her gently on the bed " the doctor told me u were refusing to take ur injections. why mom"

" I won't unless u give me answers to my questions"

" I promise I would give u any answer u want but u need to take ur drugs first"

" no I won't until u give me answers to whatever question I ask u"

" ok if u insist go on " Maya replied

" where are you getting the money for my treatment from?" she dropped the bombshell