
Episode three

" mom why's that sudden question" Maya asked shocked

" the doctor told me u cleared half the bill and I know u don't have a job so I want to know where u are getting the money from" she asked

" mom I'll be back in a sec .Doc I want to say you" she said and left immediately the doctor knew there was trouble so he followed immediately.

She went straight into the doctor's office and waited furiously and the doctor came in after some seconds.

" I thought we had an agreement so why did u break it"

" I'm sorry I had to tell her" he defended

" why would you have to tell her u know things

could get worse because of your carelessness I thought we had an agreement hat u won't tell her anything. Your job is to treat her while I pay so why have u been a talkative"

" I'm sorry I had to tell her she was thinking about it and I didn't want to stress the patient " he said almost raising his voice

"so what are we going to do" she asked

" why don't you just tell her that u re getting the money from the club" he asked

" I can't tell her u know she hates Devi and I'll break her trust in the process" " we have to find another plan" she said and paced around the room for some time " give me some sleeping pills that are not harmful to her" she said and he gave it to her " a glass of water please" she said and he gave it to her she mixed it together and went out of he room


" sorry Mom I needed to sort somethings out .U were asking me something the other time actually I got his water for myself but I don't need it again do u care"

" no thanks" she replied

" u should have it because my story is so long that u might fall asleep so I need u to have he water so u would have strength to stay awake" she said forcing her to drink slowly. After she finished it she took excuse to go into the bathroom and by the time she came out she was already asleep. She went back into the doctor's office.

" it's done u can go and do ur work" she said and left. On her way outside she received a phone call from the manager she accepted the call and listened

"why?" she asked .....silence

"Early tomorrow?" ....silence

"9am?"...... silence

" tell him I'll be there" she said and hung up and sighed.

Dan's POV

He reached home and checked his wrist watch

" oh my gosh it's 11pm" he was very tired after 40 minutes drive from the club. He started heading for the stairs when someone knocked on his door he went back towards the door and opened it

" hi" he said and went in

" Samson what are u doing here by this time "

" can't I come here again or do u have a lady around"

' u know I'm not in for those now" where are you coming from" he asked

" I was coming from a party so I decided to drop by and spend the night "

" ok that's fine sit I have something to tell you"

" I'm all hears" Sam said