
Our Dimension

In the Dimension Plain there are too many worlds and too few gods to enter them. As a newly formed Dimension God, Triborg will embark on a journey to discover new worlds and make new memories and cover up the old. Will Triborg stick to his beliefs or will his actions and the creations he meets change his ways? Can Triborg trust the other gods and can they rely on him? Will the gods keep the laws of creation in place or will outside interference appear?

Funepicman1 · ファンタジー
2 Chs



That's all Triborg could see. Blood everywhere.

From the church doors and all throughout the market, there was blood, limbs and scraps of what was once a bustling market. From the once detailed and perfectly shaped slabs on the ground, sprouted spears and spikes of blood that have pierced through the bodies of others. "How'd this happen in such little time," Triborg thought to himself.

In the center of the market stood the woman Triborg had set free but now soaked in blood. Her black hair now stained red. Her already ragged clothes are now ripped and torn. With her back turned to Triborg, he begins to walk towards her. With each step that he takes a trail of bloody footprints are left.

As Triborg gets closer he realizes that the woman has her hands held to their face and making jittering movements. "What is she..." Triborg thought to himself before stopping in his tracks. Whilst stopping Triborg looks down at the woman's blood soaked feet and notices an object.

A wooden toy.

The same wooden toy he picked up earlier, now stained and without its owner. "..." Triborg, at a loss for words, tries not to think about the possibility.

Triborg, now ten feet from the woman, only now realizes what the woman is doing from new noises he only just heard. A crunching sound. A sound he was hoping not to hear.

The sound of bones being crushed and the sound of squelching blood.

The woman, upon hearing Triborg get closer, turns to see who is approaching her. To Triborg's unwanted surprise the woman, who once appeared innocent and frail, now bears fangs and claws with blood smothering and dripping from both. But Triborg was now more interested in what was in her hand.

In her hand was a decapitated head. A woman's head, the same woman that was the mother of the child Triborg helped, in the very same spot they embraced but now missing half her face and an exposed skull.

"My savior," the woman exclaimed with joy, dropping the head letting it roll away. "I told you I'd pay you back for saving me," she said gleefully. "So this is the present I'm giving to you," as she puts her arms out wide as if she's showing off the massacre as artwork. "This represents my love for you" she says wearing a blood covered smile. "So...what do you think?"

"I think..." Triborg pauses. "I think that you're crazy," with his right eye changing once again. The eye change isn't noticed by the woman as Triborg is able to keep all his powers hidden whilst in his own creation form.

"Yes...I'm crazy for you," she says lightly skipping towards Triborg. "I want you to protect me," as she grabs onto his shoulders. "Now that I've got you a present...can you give me one," she begins to lean into Triborg's lips.

"Of course I can," Triborg says with a light smile. With that a bright red light slashes across the woman's neck.

"What." That was the last word to the leave the woman's mouth before her head left her body falling to the ground. Triborg stops smiling and watches her body collapse down to the ground in a bloody mess.

"I should have looked through her memories," Triborg says clenching his fists in anger. "If I had done that, then this wouldn't have happened."

"What have you done" a voice came from behind.

Triborg turns around and comes face to face with the priest. "You allowed this creature to kill all these people," screamed the priest. "I didn't know," Triborg responds.

"Of course you didn't know," the priest sternly replies. "Not even I knew the extent at which these creatures can kill but at least you managed to exterminate it."

"These creatures are blood vampires," he explains. "We kept her locked up to keep her away from blood...to weaken her...to purge the mistake this world made in the name of god," he preached.

"No," Triborg swiftly replied. "This world's god created them, so it's their mistake...not the world's"

"Blasphemy!" The priest yelled. "God cannot make mistakes."

"Yes they can, I would know."

"How would you know!?"

"Because I just made one."

Just then Triborg begins to transform with his red aura covering parts of his body.

"Oh my", the priest looks on stunned.

With that Triborg's transformation had finished. "I should get faster at doing that," said Triborg with a much deeper voice than before.

Triborg had changed from his creation form into his god form. A red mask now covers over the right side of his face and his entire mouth leaving only his left eye exposed. The mask has a slight indent where the right eye should be and has a horn similar to a devil's horn on the right side. His torso is covered by a black layer of clothing with small holes revealing his skin as well as slight red gradient. His arms are exposed but from his peach skin little red spikes are sprouting. His hands are covered by black surgical gloves with hints of red at the tips of his fingers. His legs are covered by black cargo jeans with one leg ripped and torn revealing skin. His feet are now covered by black laced boots with red soles. From his shoulders down to his ankles a red cape with holes and torn pieces appears. The aura from the transformation then dissipates and returns back to Triborg.

"Demon!" the priest exclaims.

Triborg starts to float over towards the priest. "Stay back!" said the priest as he falls onto his back into a pool of blood.

"It's funny you called me a demon.." Triborg continues. "As the God of this world considers you one."

"What do you mean?" the priest asked.

"I've been the one who eliminated all the other prisons and dungeons as I was asked to," Triborg explains.

"That's impossible," the priest sits there in disbelief

"Your God wants you dead," Triborg brutally said. "And due to me not being cautious with you I've made a mistake that I regret."

In a panic the priest attempts to get up and run away. "Where do you think you're going," Triborg says using his telekinetic power to keep him in place.

Bringing the priest closer towards him, Triborg reaches out his hand. "I do not make the same mistakes twice," Triborg then places his hand on the priest's head. With a red aura surrounding his hand, Triborg gains the priest's memories and then scans through them trying to find any useful information.

"So that was the last prison," Triborg says in relief.

"Yes, so can you please let me go," the priest says frantically. "I won't do this ever again and become a loyal fol-" before finishing his sentence Triborg crushes his skull killing him instantly.

"I'll remind you that your God wants you dead," upon saying that Triborg launches the priest's body through the church doors. "The people of this world can learn what type of follower you are."

Triborg looks upon the massacre that's now below him. He looks around hoping to find someone. After hovering over the market he finds what he is looking for. Hidden in one of the back stalls, the child he helped earlier is sat silently crying. "I'm sorry," Triborg said quietly. "I am no longer wanted or needed."

Triborg opens up a portal in front of himself and glides through.

"Welcome back...Triborg."