
Our Dimension

In the Dimension Plain there are too many worlds and too few gods to enter them. As a newly formed Dimension God, Triborg will embark on a journey to discover new worlds and make new memories and cover up the old. Will Triborg stick to his beliefs or will his actions and the creations he meets change his ways? Can Triborg trust the other gods and can they rely on him? Will the gods keep the laws of creation in place or will outside interference appear?

Funepicman1 · ファンタジー
2 Chs


As the wooden church doors swung upon Triborg entered with strong intent and as the doors close behind him he was greeted with whole hearted voice that echoed throughout the church halls.

"Welcome to St Benedict's Church."

The church hall was well kept, the gothic architecture was protruding out the walls, the pillars stood strong towards the ceiling and their was not a single speck of dust in sight.

There was a strong sense of divinity in these halls. The whole room was dimly lit by candle light and sunlight through the stain glass windows at the back of the hall. The colour of the glass shines down upon the altar.

There were multiple rows of wooden benches that cover the church floor with a red luminant carpet that splits the rows into two halves. The benches look as if polished every day since they were created.

A man in a white gown, covered crystal like patterns, stood at the very end of the hall just below the altar. "I am the priest of this church," the man exclaimed. "My name is St Benedict and how may I help you on this fine day," the priest said as Triborg begins to walk towards the man. Triborg looks around the church, whilst walking, as if looking for something hidden before turning back to the priest.

"So you named the church after yourself," Triborg says sarcastically after ending up Infront of the priest. "Of course not," the priest responds in a quick and precise manner, "I merely adopted the name, like all the priests before me."

"Right..." Triborg responds coldly. "Well the reason I came here today is to..... Help Cleanse." Upon hearing this the priest changed his expression from one of welcoming to one of greed. "Then you have to come to the right place," as the priest ushers Triborg towards the altar.

Whilst the priest hurries towards the top of the altar, Triborg moves at a slower pace so he can view the altar. The altar has many trinkets and pieces of gold scattered over it. "Where did all those items on the altar come from?" he questions, as the priest starts to lift a carpet from below the altar. "Oh those," the priest pauses, "They are from those who we have cleansed."

As the priest finishes moving the carpet, a trapdoor is revealed. Upon the priest opening the door it is revealed that there is a scarcely lit spiral staircase that heads straight down. "I better take this off then," as the priest removes his gown, revealing plain black clothing underneath, and places gently onto the ground next to the altar, "I don't want it getting dirty."

"Follow me," as the priest starts to descend down the staircase. Without a reason to hesitate Triborg follows the priest closing the hatch behind him.

The staircase was made out of strong wooden boards that are connected to the walls. Although, however strong the wood may seem, each step creaked the wood and shook the structure. The priest held onto the wooden railing whilst Triborg walked down without fear of the structure collapsing.

After a few minutes of walking down they finally reached the bottom of the staircase. It was cold as it was dusty with very little light, all that was infront of them was a thin corridor of stone walls. At the end of the corridor stood a metal door with a bright light emitting from the other side.

"Just this way," with the priest moving quickly down the corridor Triborg followed suit. As they approached the door, a new smell came from within. The smell of blood and death.

As the priest gets to the door, he pushes it with all his might. The bright light shone into their eyes before settling down. "Oh my..." with Triborg entering before the priest, who was still recovering from the light, he examines the room before him.

The room, still made of the same rocks and stones as before, resembles a prison. A prison that shows no mercy.

There were two rows of cells with a door at each end of the room. Each cell had been carved into the walls with metal bars put in place to keep the prisoners in with only a locked door in their way. There was no bedding, no place to wash and clean and least of all not even evidence of food being eaten by the prisoners. However these weren't prisoners they were slaves.

As Triborg peeks inside, all he sees is a rotting corpse of an adult. It was unrecognisable. The flesh of the person had decomposed so much that it was falling off the bone as he was looking at it. He then notices an object in the hand of the corpse.

Wanting to look closer, Triborg attempts to open the door but it won't budge. "You should've known the door was going to be locked," the priest walks over to Triborg after finally recovering. "Let me find the keys for you."

The priest then walks towards the other door. As the priest enters the other room a red aura covers Triborg with his right eye changing into the number four. He then phases through the metal bars to get a better look at the corpse.

In the decaying hand a photo was held. Triborg kneels down a takes the photo out of its hand and takes a look. The photo had two people on it, one man and one child, both smiling. He then places the photo back into the corpses hand and proceeds to phase back through the bars.

Just as he phased back out, the priest walks back through the door with a set of keys. Triborg swiftly removed the aura from his body and changed his right eye back. "Would you like to take a closer look at this person then," the priest asks whilst walking back over.

"No need," with an annoyed look, "I've seen what I needed to."

"Is that so?" the priest said faintly. "Well I can show you the others instead then," with the priest turning around.

As the priest begins to walk away, Triborg makes his move. With a simple hit to the back of the neck, the priest falls to the ground unconscious dropping the keys in the process. "Let's get this over with then," with Triborg picking up the keys.

Triborg begins to open and search each cell only to find the same two things. An empty cell with evidence of a former occupant or a cell with a rotting dead body. "I guess there was never hope with this place...."


Upon hearing the sound of a chain snapping in two, Triborg looks towards the one door he hadn't checked yet. The door where the keys are held. So Triborg walks towards and then opens the door.

There were two sides to this room, one side had a desk filled with papers and a pike. The other side of the room was an extra cell and to Triborg's surprise there was a woman inside. Who was alive.

Moving closer to the cell, Triborg noticed that one of her arms was chained to the wall. The other chain having snapped earlier causing the loud noise. "Help me," exclaimed the woman with a strained voice.

"I seem to be helping people a lot today," as Triborg opens the cell to get inside. Triborg gets a closer look at the woman. She was skinny, had soft white skin, long black hair which was unkept, crystal blue eyes which have started to fade and was wearing a ragged brown dress.

After getting a good look at her, Triborg released her from the chains. "Thank you," the woman grabbing onto Triborg. "How can I ever repay you?" the woman questions.

"You can repay me by leaving and letting me finish up here," as the woman lets go. With the woman being able to stand she begins to walk out of the slave prison. "I thank you again, I'll be sure to reward you," she says whilst walking away.

Triborg glanced over when she said that. "She's smiling," Triborg thought to himself. "She doesn't cry but she smiles....what a weird smile."

Triborg follows her out through the door and sits down next to the unconscious priest. "How much more information can I get out of you?"

Five minutes later

The priest wakes up from being unconscious. "Welcome back," Triborg says enthusiastically.

"What happened." Still dazed by the hit, the priest manages to get into a sitting position.

"Well, I knocked you out and then I proceeded to free the people in this prison," Triborg exclaims happily.

"You did what?" questions the priest. "You freed who?" shocked by what Triborg just said.

"The woman in the cell....I freed her," Triborg repeats. "That doesn't matter anymore, what I wou-"

"What do you mean that doesn't matter" the priest cuts him off. "You have no idea fucking what you've released," the priest panics.

"What do you mea-"


Being cut off again but not by words but by blood curdling screams.

"No," as Triborg begins to sprint up the stairs.

Up the spiral staircase, through the now open hatch and barging through the wooden church doors. Triborg sees his mistake
