
Chapter 1

Mrs. Zhang was resting her bed checking some documents, suddenly she heard a sharp pain in her womb and immediately she started sweating and was in deep pain she tried getting up from the bed and going out of the room to ask for help but all invain she fell down on the floor and fainted. Shadi her maid heard the voice of Mrs zhang before fainting so she rushed upstairs together with Mr. Zhang and picked her up and rushed her to the hospital as she is in labour

[Few hours later mrs zhang has put to bed, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and was asked to sleep for two hours before her family can come in to see her]

Mr Zhang: doctor it's 6pm now and the kids are also here to see their mum can we go in

Doctor: yes sure *asks the nurse to open the door for them to go in...*

Wei: mama she's so cute

Mr Zhang: yes wei indeed she's so cute

Jiao: can I carry my baby sister now

Mrs zhang: yes go on but your younger brother should carry her first

Mr Zhang: take wei *picks the baby up from her cradle and gave it to Zhang wei*

Shadi: mam what will you like to eat now so I can quickly go home and prepare it for you

Mrs zhang: nevermind don't worry

Mr Zhang: shhh don't say anything, go shadi make her some banana smoothie and hotpot

Shadi: okay sir it will be ready in few hours bye wei and jiao

*After she left the family started arguing on what to name the baby everyone was just bringing random names*

Mrs zhang: wait why don't we name her Méi ná

Mr Zhang: I agree meaning beautiful

Wei: okay papa

Shadi: *knocks* may I come in mam the food is ready

Mrs zhang: yes sure come in

Jiao: so baby sister your name is Méi ná

Mrs zhang: I am coming back let me use the toilet

[After she came out they all ate the food and had some chitchats then Mr zhang booked a cab for shadi, jiao and wei to go home while he stays here till tomorrow when they discharge their mom]

Jiao: *kiss her younger sister on her forehead* love you Méi na

...Six years later Mei na has grown up and has joined school, while jiao is in university now she is almost done studying, wei is in first year in high school and is really trying he gets A in almost all his exams. Today is Méi na birthday and she deserves a celebration so wei decided to take her out to a shopping mall and also to go and play games after school

Wei: egghead happy birthday I love you so much

Mei na: okay okay stop being dramatic so where are you taking me today

Wei: I plan on going out with my friends all alone this time

Mei na: please silly monkey, please!!! Take me with you

Mr zhang: what's wrong please keep quiet you guys are distracting me while am driving, mei mei don't worry he will take you with him

Mei na: yayy thank you papa

Wei: papa you just ruined my plans

Mei na: so tell me who and who are you taking with you

Wei: I'm taking ming, xiang and yuan

Mei na: who is yuan

Wei: my senior and also a friend

Mei na: ohhh I don't know I only know ming that fat boy with cheeks

Wei: you see this is the reason why I call you egghead or monkey brain

Mei na: and this why I call you silly monkey because you are silly

Wei: pa! She's insulting me

Mr Zhang: we have arrived at your school, come down byee

Wei: papa are you also supporting her

Mr Zhang: yes you started it first

Wei: bye

Mei na: bye papa

Mr zhang: bye I won't be able to pick you guys up so use subway to come back home

Mei na: okay

[After Mr Zhang left Mei na went to her class till closing then they all went home wei changed his cloths and was waiting for Mei na for almost 30mins for her to finish dressing up that he got annoyed ]

Wei: what took you so long

Mei na: I was changing cloths of coz

Wei: let's go they are waiting for me

Mei na: hey which car are we taking

Wei: mum's car of coz why asking

Mei na: my friend is coming with me

Wei: wha.. what who

Mei na: xia

Wei: let's go you see yuan is calling

Mei na: how I wish I could also have my own phone

Wei: wait till you grow up

....They finally left home and picked the others and were on there way to a restaurant to have lunch..

Mei na: nice to meet you Mr yuan

Yuan: hehe stop it just call me Yuan

Mei na: okay yuan, you know what you are so nice not like my elder brother he is a monster he always likes teasing me

Wei: hey what are whispering to his ears

Mei na: it's secret

Yuan: *smiles* let's go wei I hope the cake is ready

Wei: yes lower your voice if not she will hear

Yuan: okay. Hey little wait for me*run to catch up with her*

Mei na: am not little girl I have a name

Yuan: but I don't know your name because your brother always calls you egghead

Mei na: okay my name is Méi ná

Yuan: My name is Chen zheyuan

Mei na: my name is Zhang Méi ná

Yuan: you are so funny let's go in if not your brother will slaughter us

Mei na: ming how are you

Ming: am fine

Mei na: xiang how are you doing

Xiang: am fine mei na

Mei na: hey zhang wei how are you

Wei: am fine mei na since today you look like a stupid person you have been asking people how they are

Mei na: xia don't be scared that's how my brother acts like a psychiatric person

Wei: Mei na!! *Trys to chase her*

Yuan: stop it she's still a kid

....They all went inside and sat down waiting for the food to arrive...


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