

Chapter 4

When we got back to New York, Storybrooke became more eventful. I spent most of my time at work alone in the Mayor's office, while she ran around chasing Emma Swan. If she'd only leave Emma alone, she'd probably leave, and I told Regina this, but she won't listen. The Savior can't just be gone- she has to be dead.

One morning, when I was setting a box of chocolates on her desk along with a gift to celebrate six months, Regina came into the office lit up with energy.

"Good morning, gorgeous," I smiled brightly. "You look very happy this morning."

"Because I finally figured it out!" she fell onto her chair triumphantly. "Wait, what's this?"

"This is six months," I leaned over her desk and kissed her cheek.

"Aw, Maddie…" She opened the box of chocolates and took a bite. "I didn't get you anything!"

"That's fine," I smiled. "It was more of an excuse to get you something."

She rolled her eyes playfully and lifted the lid to the box. "Oh, Maddie!"

"What do you think?"

"I love it!" She held up the red diamond necklace with one hand, and the matching earrings in the other.

"I remember how many red diamonds Queen Regina had in her collection," I explained.

"Thank you, sweetie," she opened her arms and I slid into her embrace and kissed her.

"You are very welcome, my love. Now what have you figured out?"

She looked at me with an almost crazed smile. "How to get rid of Emma Swan for good!"

I sighed. "Regina, you can't kill her or the curse will break."

"Or I can put her under a sleeping curse," Regina got that crazed smile again.

I sighed. "You don't have the stuff for a sleeping curse here. You could make a memory potion at best,"

"But I did have one. And most of it was wasted. I can use Jefferson's hat to go back to the time the rest of it went to waste and… make good use of it," she winked at me.

My eyebrows shot up at that one. "You have his hat here? In Storybrooke?"

She nodded.

"And you're gonna try to put her under a sleeping curse?" I pulled up a chair next to her and took her hand.

"I'm not just gonna try," she said. "I'm going to."

As much as I thought her obsession with Emma Swan was unhealthy, I had to admit this was one of her safer ideas. And, to be honest, I didn't quite care what happened to Miss Swan if it eased Regina's mind.

I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips. "So I'm assuming this is how you'll be spending your day?"

"Yes, you should probably head home," she grabbed her purse. "I'll see you today for lunch, though, okay? You bring Granny's, I'll make dessert."

"All right. I need to make a new video anyhow," I kissed her one more time before grabbing my purse and walking out to my car.

I decided today to record a reaction video, and pulled together some tik toks to make a compilation. Afterwards, I noticed everyone was wanting an update on the situation with Regina and Henry. So I quickly changed clothes and hit record.

"Hey guys, I keep getting comments and messages from everyone asking about my new relationship! I'm gonna pull up a few of the latest questions I got and answer them!"

I scrolled through my comments on the last video and pulled up the first one. "So the first question we got here: Is the big age difference ever a problem? To answer your question, no. It's not really something we ring up much even. I don't really think about it," I smiled and moved to the next question. What's it like fucking a MILF lol? Skip. "Here's one. Do you and her son get along well? At first we didn't exactly know each other very well personally but now we get along great, yes. I love him with all of my heart." I continued to answer ten more questions then signed off, and scheduled the video to be posted that night.

After posting, I decided to head to Mr. Gold's shop. Regina would most likely want to celebrate once she got rid of the savior, so I'd bring her a "Congrats on Getting Rid of Your Nemesis" present.

"Good afternoon, Miss Cambridge," the Dark One greeted me upon entry to his shop.

"Good morning, Rumple," I constantly wanted to remind him that yes, he may have his memories, but so did I. I knew he was and could destroy him at any moment I wished. "I'm looking for a present for my girlfriend."

"Ah, the Mayor," he said knowingly. I could feel him trying to throw me off with his "omniscience", but I only shrugged in reply. "What's the occasion?"

"Celebrating her success," I smirked at him and he bristled. He knew all about her plans to get rid of the woman who was so vitally important to him. "I just did diamonds, so I'm thinking of trying something more original."

"Ah," he smirked. "I can put your heart in a box for you. Very original."

"Oh, you'd just love that, wouldn't you? No, I want something else," I looked around his shop for Inspiration. "Maybe another mirror, or some decoration for her vault."

"Oh, if you're looking for decoration, I have just the thing," he waved for me to join him in his office and there was a gorgeous fake tree in the room. It was all white, and adorned with elegant lights. "What do you think?"

"I think that needs to come home with me!" I marvelled at it. "How much?"

"I was thinking five hundred," he mused, and I brought out my checkbook. I wrote a check for six hundred and handed it to him.

"Thank you very much, it's all yours." I reached forward and collapsed the top so I could fit it through the doorway.

"Have a wonderful day, Mr. Gold," I walked out with the tree and set it in my car. It took up the trunk and lied in the middle of the car all the way to the console. I drove home and put it in my living room for it to sit until later today when I would take it to her vault.

Next, I walked back to Granny's. I breezed through the door. Ruby wasn't there, but her lovely grandmother was.

"Maddie! Here for lunch?" she lit up with a smile when I approached her.

"Yes, of course! I'm eating at the Mayor's house, though, so I'll need our food to go," I smiled at her.

"All right, girlie. What can I get ya?"

"Well, a burger, onion rings instead of fries, and a sweet tea for me. Regina will want a salad and an unsweet tea," I got out my wallet and handed her the money with a smile, then when she turned snuck a hundred in the tip jar. I loved seeing Granny every day.

While I waited for my food I chatted with Leroy about the outrageous scandal with Katherine Nolan. Everyone thought Mary Margaret Blanchard murdered her. But when poor Katherine turned up behind the diner, it led to all sorts of suspicions about who framed Miss Blanchard. Poor thing. She did sleep with Katherine's husband, but she didn't deserve to go to jail for a crime she didn't commit.

"My money's on the mayor," he said glumly, then froze and looked up at me. "Oh, sorry."

I rolled my eyes. In fact, I knew Regina had framed her, but I obviously wasn't about to give up my secret. "Leroy, you know she isn't the type to get her hands dirty. She's way too concerned about her image."

"You're probably right," he said.

"Here you go, sweetheart," Granny said with a smile. "You go have fun with the Mayor, now. Be good."

"I always am," I promised, smiled back, then headed back to Regina's.

I knocked on the door and struggled to keep hold of the drinks and bag at the same time.

"Hello, Dear! I was just putting aside our dessert. Don't want to get it mixed up with Emmas," she eyed the bags. "Come on in."

I brought the bag to the dining table and we ate in silence for a few minutes.

"So, did it work? Jefferson's hat?" I asked casually.

"Yes. In fact, there's an apple turnover made out of it sitting in the oven as we speak," she smiled at me with her crazed smile.

I rolled my eyes. When I finished, I got up and cleared the table.

"So, how are you going to get this in her mouth?" I winced at my choice of words.

"I'm going to give her the dessert as a friendly gesture," Regina shrugged. "Miss Swan isn't the type to turn down desserts."

"Speaking of desserts… can I have mine?" I grabbed Regina by the waist and pulled her to me.

"You'd have to let go so I can get the turnovers out of the kitchen," she let me trail kisses down her jaw.

"I didn't mean the turnovers," I lifted her up to sit on the table and slid my hands up her thighs while I kissed her.

"I was hoping you'd say that," she whispered.

"What should I do, honey?" I didn't care about dirt talk as much as wanting to know how to please her the way she wanted.

She seemed to understand that because she wordlessly pushed one of my hands between her legs. I lowered my mouth to her breasts and she opened her shirt from me so I could kiss her cleavage and, when her bra unclasped, took one of her nipples in my mouth with a grateful moan.

"Oh, Regina…" I couldn't take my lips off her. I slid two fingers into her wet pussy and massaged the front wall while I thrusted them in and out. I reached my thumb up and circled her clit, and her hips bucked up into my hand.

"More!" she cried, bucking her hips while I added a fourth finger and bit down on her sensitive nipple. She pushed my head down and I complied, lowering it to suck and nibble on her clit. She rewarded me with loud moans.

I reached and rubbed the spot I knew she loved and with a scream she was coming in my mouth and I drank down every drop. One by one I slowly took my fingers out of her wet sex, trying to bring her down gently. When I was all the way out I licked her thighs and core clean then worked my way back up to her mouth.

"How was that?" I asked.

She was still panting so I buttoned her shirt for her and fixed her pants. I picked her up and lightly set her in a chair while she caught her breath while I got a rag and cleaner and wiped down the table.

"You're getting a lot more confident," she finally said.

"Yeah," I giggled. "At first I was really just scouring my memory trying to remember how to make love to a woman but it now feels more like I can just sort of feel out the contours and… improv? I guess?"

"Leave it to you to compare eating me out to an aspect of performance," she laughed huskily.

"Sorry," I chuckled. "I don't know how else to describe it."

She brushed her hair behind her ear and I gave her a quick kiss before saying, "I have something for you,"

"Oh? You already got me stuff. Just this morning in fact," she raised her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah but then I saw something today in Mr. Gold's shop that I thought would fit perfectly in your vault," I heard the doorbell ring. "Want me to get it?"

"That's okay," she hopped off the table.

I heard Emma's voice coming from the doorway and made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a non- poisoned turnover. I chewed thoughtfully and soon enough Regina was walking in with Emma at her heels.

"Sheriff swan, nice to see you!" I greeted Emma.

"Hey Maddie! Hanging with the Mayor, I see?"

"Yesh, just came over for a chat. I brought lunch and she makes such great turnovers," I raised what was left of mine. "In fact, Regina, you should send her home with one!"

"It's good I got one In the oven" Regina winked and Emma looked curiously at the turnover she placed in a tupperware container.

When Emma left I grabbed Regina by the waist. "You did it," I kissed her cheek. "They'll be finding her unconscious in her apartment within the day."

Regina smiled smugly. "Now we just wait,"

I yawned and stretched my arms above my head.

"Tired, are we?" Regina asked, tugging me by the hand to the couch.

"I barely slept last night," I groaned and settled into my spot molded to her side.

"Same here. I debated texting you and asking you to come over. When we're not in bed together I can barely sleep," she yawned and shifted a bit on the pillows.

"Seriously. You should just give in and move to my place," I joked.

"I'd have to make sure Henry would want to first but I definitely think so," was her reply and it almost knocked me on my ass.

"Wait, really?" she was snuggled back and close to dozing off.

"Yeah," she yawned. "We practically live together anyway."

Which was true. Half the week, I sleep over at her house, and half the week she and Henry are at mine.

My heart raced. The idea of Regina Mills moving into my house excited me beyond belief.

"We can ask him now," I mentioned. "He's probably upstairs."

She looked at me, seeming to think it through. "Henry, come down!"

Henry's feet bounded down the stairs while I rubbed Regina's back.

"Yeah, mom? What's going on?" Henry sat down in the armchair in front of the couch.

"Maddie just invited us to move in with her," she said slowly. "But I had to make sure you were alright with it first."

"Why do we move to her place? It would be more work," he pointed out.

"Well, for one, because my house is bigger," I reasoned. "And I can hire people to move everything so you don't have to do anything but point."

Henry seemed to consider this. "It's only five doors down," he shrugged.

"We can even put everything back the way it was, and paint the walls the same color. It'll be a little off because the room will be bigger but nothing has to change. Or it can change completely too if you want," I offered.

Henry nodded slowly. "We spend half our time at your house anyway," he smiled. "It'd be more convenient to not have to pack a bag every other day."

I sighed and smiled triumphantly. "So, what do you say, dear?" I looked at Regina. "Should I call my guys to get the house moved? I bet we can have them here tomorrow and have it done by the end of the day."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course you could hire enough people to have the house cleared out in a day."

"Yes, I can," I smirked. "I'll call now."

She studied my face. "I'm not stopping you."

I planted a kiss on her lips. "Thank you! You won't regret this!" I stood up and pulled out my phone. "I'm gonna go home and get people over as soon as possible. I'll see you for dinner, though, okay? My place. Call me if you need me!"

The minute the door closed behind me I called the men who moved my stuff into my house. "Hello, this is Madison Cambridge. You and your men moved my stuff into my house a few months ago?"

"Yes, Miss Cambridge! How are you? You're not moving again, are you?" the man on the other end asked.

"No, but my girlfriend and her son are moving in with me. I was hoping to get you guys to come buy tomorrow. I'm thinking 20 men, I want it done as fast as possible," I knew it was a big ask. "I'm willing to pay double the usual rate to assure that it is done quickly."

"Oh- well, yes, of course! With that kind of money I'm sure we will be able to pull together the resources. How soon do you want this done?"

"I want their things moved in with time for us to eat dinner together tomorrow night," I said. "Can it be done?"

"Yes, Miss." He stammered. "Do we need trucks?"

"They only live five doors down but you can bring trucks if you'd like, but we won't be bringing in a lot of furniture." I explained.

"All right. I'll be there with my men tomorrow morning at six to move everything," he said. "Anything else?"

"No, thank you," I smiled. "That'll be all."

"Thank you, Miss."

"Thank you!" I hung up and squealed. It's amazing how well people bend to your will when you offer double.

But now, I needed to clear the room Henry normally slept in to move in more furniture. The dresser, nightstand, tv stand and tv I could move easily and I stuck those in my driveway. I remembered Henry didn't have a tv in his room so I put it back on the floor with the rest of the stuff that went with it, then worked on taking the mattress off the bed so I could try to get the bed frame outside. Normally I wouldn't be stupid enough to do this but it had wheels and, to be honest, I wanted the room cleared as fast as possible. I moved the mattress more easily and when I had collected everything outside I needed to figure out where to put it, so I headed to Granny's.

"I just fed you!" Granny cried when I walked in.

"I'm not here for food," I laughed. "I'm getting rid of some furniture and I was wondering if you'd want any for your bed and breakfast."

"Actually, I could use some replacements," she got out from behind the counter. "A lot of the furniture is super old."

"Well I've got a bed and mattress, a nightstand, a TV stand, and a dresser," I showed her pictures.

"Sounds great! I've got a truck, when can I come pick it up?" She gave my phone back.

"They're just sitting in my driveway so anytime," I shrugged. "I'll even just take your truck now, fill it up, then come back with the truck full."

"That would be amazing, actually," she dug her keys out of her pocket and handed them to me. "Do you want me to send Ruby with you to help?"

"Actually, that would be perfect," I sighed in relief. "Hey, Ruby!" I called out.

"Hey, what's up Maddie?" She walked over and hugged me.

"I've got some furniture for the BnB," I held up the keys. "Wanna come help me move them? Then we can hang out for a bit."

"Sounds good," she took off her apron and hung it up. I handed her the keys, and she drove us to my house. When we got to my house I told her to park on the street.

"I wanna send her car back clean," I explained, and grabbed the hose. "Imma go change. You wanna borrow some clothes that can get wet? Even if you don't wanna help, it'll keep your clothes from getting ruined if you get wet."

"No, I'll help," she said, and followed me. "You got an extra bathing suit?"

I nodded and kept walking till we reached my bedroom and opened the closet, pulled out a red bikini, and tossed it to her. Then I grabbed the royal blue one Regina wore for me.

"You know me," she laughed, and started undressing. I did the same and struggled with tying the strings on the back of the bikini. How did Regina put this on so fast?

"Um, help?" I laughed and turned around so Ruby could get the strings tied.

"This is a really nice one," she commented while she tied the strings.

"Yeah, it's been sitting in a closet for forever but when I actually saw it worn on someone I had to start wearing it," I replied, then turned headed down the stairs to get soap and rags.

"Nice," she took the rags and soap from me while I went back outside and turned on the hose water. Once it was on, I covered the bed of the truck and Ruby came back with the hose.

"You won't believe who is staring at us from her front yard," she giggled.

"Who?" I looked around, searching for the creep while I took the hose and started spraying the truck.

"Madame Mayor," she tilted her head slightly and I looked over.

Regina was, indeed, staring with her mouth wide open from her porch.

"Stop staring," I hissed and giggled, and playfully pointed the hose in her direction.

Ruby squealed and wrenched the hose away from me and doused me.

"Ruby!" I tucked my hair behind my ears. This means war. I ran after her while she ran away and grabbed her from behind, wrenched the hose out of her hands and held it over her head, spraying her while she screamed until she patted my arm.

"I yield, I yield!" Ruby cried, and I let go. We fell to the sidewalk laughing.

"We gotta start cleaning this truck, or we'll be out here all night," I stood up and turned to Ruby to offer my hand to help her up but she was staring wide eyed at something behind me. I turned around and Regina was standing there, one eyebrow raised.

"Hey, Regina!" I giggled. "Granny's taking my furniture from one of the guest rooms and I thought I'd send her turck back better than I left it."

"I see," she took a step closer to me. "You're having quite a bit of fun."

"Just horsing around," I smiled.

She rolled her eyes and then it melted away and all that was left was a possessive look in her eyes as she pulled me closer and kissed me fiercely.

"All right, honey," I giggled around her kisses, mostly in shock, she hadn't been exactly open about our relationship in Storybrooke. "Darling, we have an audience." She stepped back and took my hand.

"Wait- you're dating the mayor?" Ruby practically squealed.

"Yeah," I laughed at her reaction.

"So you were staring…" Ruby looked at Regina.

"Because my girlfriend's on her front lawn in a bikini," Regina finished. "With another younger, pretty girl who is also in a bikini."

"Aw, Regina, no!" I kissed her cheek then leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "You're the only one who's getting under this fabric. I'm always yours. Remember that."

"Okay," she squeezed my hand. "Now, get away, you're soaking wet." She playfully pushed me off of her and I laughed.

"In more than one way," I whispered in her ear.

Regina winked at me, then turned and walked away and we got back to work. In an hour, we had the truck emptied and back to Granny at the diner. The moment I left Granny's and got back home, I started on dinner. Halfway through, I got a call from Regina.

"Sweetheart? I'm about halfway through with dinner," I kept stirring while I held the phone.

"Maddie," she sobbed on the other end, and I dropped the spoon.

"Where are you?" I turned off the stove and grabbed my keys.

"On my way to the hospital," she sniffed, and sobbed again.

"I'll be there in two," I was already starting my car and, screw speed limits, I drove as fast as I could.

When I finally found the room they had Henry in, it was too late. Regina stood in shock, and turned around. Her tear- filled eyes met mine, and my heart stopped beating. I held out my arms to her and she turned into them, burying her face in my neck. I didn't know what to do. I held her tightly, unable to believe that the same boy who was looking excitedly up at the empire state building was now… gone.

I held her tighter while she sobbed and above her sobs I heard a whispered, "I love you, Henry,"

The people in the room around me froze in shock. At first I was confused, was it really that shocking that a mother should love her child? But then angry eyes turned toward the woman in my arms and I realized.

"The curse," Henry said. "I… I think you broke it."

Regina rushed up to her son while I stood in shock. If the curse was broken, and the town remembered their old lives, that means…

"Your Majesty, if I were you, I'd find a place to hide," My mother remarked. Our eyes met and hers widened in shock. "Madison…" She cleared her throat.

"Darling, we have to go," I grabbed Regina by the arm and waved my hand. When the cloud of black smoke dissipated, we were back in my bedroom.

Regina sat on the edge of the bed, sobbing. I sat down beside her, and rubbed her back in slow circles. She clutched Henry's school uniform jacket in her hand and hugged it to her chest. I kissed the top of Regina's head and wrapped my arms around her, rocking her back and forth as I did. We stayed that way for several minutes. Her sobbing, me rocking, until I heard something outside. A low rumbling.

"Darling," I pointed a finger toward the window, "What's that?"

She grinned wildly and stepped up to the glass. "That's magic."

"Magic in Storybrooke," I sighed. "Love it." I said sarcastically.

The cloud of purple smoke engulfed us while I held tightly to Regina. I wouldn't let her go. And when the mob came for us, seeking the head of my love, I wouldn't let them.

I didn't care what it would take. I would kill them all. No one would touch my Regina.