
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · 書籍·文学
79 Chs

Off to Romania

As dawn broke, Harry lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling of his room. The excitement of the upcoming trip and the plans he had set in motion swirled in his mind. He glanced at the clock, its hands inching towards 6 AM. He had not slept a wink as he had spent the entire night looking at the water resin he had gotten in the stall. His magic was still pulled to it whenever he took it out of the subspace pouch but he couldn't figure out why.

He stashed it back into the subspace pouch thinking that he would mull over it in Romania. His thoughts went to the letter he had sent to Cogsworth the day earlier. He had explained his plan in that letter and requested for Cogsworth to arrange for it. He stood up yawning and stretched his body. He seriously needed some sleep as he had also spent the night earlier mulling over the water resin and the trip to Romania.

He checked his packing one last time: two pairs of clothes, a few essential items, and, of course, his subspace pouch. Traveling light was his preference, allowing him to move swiftly and freely. And he could just buy whatever he want there if he needed it anyway.

Harry crossed his room and stood by the large bay window, pulling back the heavy velvet curtains. The view never failed to amaze him. The Dursley Mansion, though only partially occupied, was still magnificent. The sprawling estate included a vast lawn that stretched out towards a distant line of trees, the grass glistening with morning dew. Beyond the grounds, he could see the serene waters of the lake, its surface reflecting the early morning light.

The mansion itself was more of a small castle than mansion, with tall, imposing towers and stone walls that had weathered centuries. Harry's room faced the water, but from his vantage point, he could also glimpse the extensive grounds to the side. The right wing, where the family lived, was cozy despite its grandiose appearance. The central and left parts of the mansion were sealed off, unused and mysterious. Harry had always wanted to explore them, imagining secret passages and hidden rooms, but he always seemed to forget about it, caught up in a different thing.

He lingered by the window, imagining the journey ahead. The Carpathian Mountains, the dragon reserves, the ancient wizarding sites—it all promised an unforgettable adventure. Maybe he would try to tame a dragon or sneak an egg back. His mind wandered to the letter he had sent to Cogsworth, hoping everything would go smoothly. The water resin still puzzled him, but he tried to keep it out of his mind for now.

Just then, there was a soft knock on Harry's door, and Abigail poked her head in, her eyes bright with excitement.

"Morning, Harry! Mum said to come get you for breakfast," she said, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "And maybe, if you're lucky, you can give me a piggyback ride downstairs!"

Harry smiled at his sister's enthusiasm. "Sure thing, Abby. Hop on."

Abigail squealed with delight and quickly scrambled onto Harry's back. Harry chuckled and adjusted her weight before making his way downstairs, with her giggling all the way.

As they descended the staircase, Harry could feel Abigail's excitement bubbling over. Her laughter echoed through the grand foyer.

"Careful now, Abby," Harry said, his voice gentle but playful. "I don't want to accidentally drop you."

Abigail giggled even louder, clinging tightly to Harry's back. "Don't worry, Harry. I trust you."

With her securely on his back, Harry made his way to the dining room where Petunia, Vernon, and Sirius were already seated at the table, chatting animatedly over breakfast.

"Morning, Mum, Dad, Sirius," Harry greeted, a smile lighting up his face as he entered the room.

"Good morning, Harry," Petunia said, her tone warm as she glanced at her son and daughter. "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a log," Harry lied with a grin as he set Abigail down at her chair.

Petunia's brow furrowed slightly, a knowing look crossing her features as she caught Harry's lie. She had always been perceptive, able to read Harry's expressions like an open book.

"Harry," she said gently, her tone tinged with concern, "you know you can tell us if something's bothering you. We're here for you, always."

Harry shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, the guilt of getting caught.

"I'm sorry, Mum," Harry said, his voice soft with remorse. "I just had a lot on my mind last night, thinking about the trip and all."

Petunia reached out and placed a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder, her touch warm and reassuring. "It's okay, Harry. We all get anxious before big events."

Harry nodded, grateful for his mother's understanding. "Thanks, Mum," he said, managing a small smile. "I'll try to get some rest tonight."

"Speaking of which," Vernon interjected, a hint of worry in his voice, "have we made all the necessary arrangements, Harry?"

Harry nodded, taking a seat at the table next to Sirius. "Yes Dad, everything's sorted. Cogsworth should have everything ready for us when we arrive."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, his gaze curious. "Cogsworth? Who's that?"

"He is the agent we planned the entire trip with, Sirius," Harry facepalmed. "How did you forget that already?"

Sirius chuckled sheepishly as Petunia shook her head in disappointment. 

Petunia glanced at Harry, her expression softening with maternal concern. "Just make sure you're careful, Harry. We don't want any trouble on this trip."

Harry nodded, reassured by his mother's words. "Don't worry, Mum. We'll be fine."

With that, they settled into a comfortable rhythm, enjoying their breakfast together as they discussed their plans for the day. Harry turned to Vernon and asked him, "When will the Weasleys arrive Dad?"

Vernon looked at Harry and explained, "Ah yes, sorry about not telling you Harry. Plans changed the cars will pick us up first and then we will go to pick up the Weasleys. They said it would be better this way."

Harry nodded, taking in Vernon's explanation. It made sense to adjust plans as needed, especially for such a big trip.

"Alright, Dad," Harry replied, his mind already shifting to the logistics of the day. "Sounds like a plan."

As they finished their breakfast, the anticipation for the day ahead grew palpable. Harry's excitement for the trip to Romania, coupled with the prospect of spending time with the Weasleys, filled him with eager anticipation.

After the meal, they all pitched in to tidy up the kitchen before gathering their belongings and making final preparations for departure. The Dursley Mansion buzzed with activity as they readied themselves for the adventure that awaited them.

They brought all their luggage down and Petunia double checked everything to make sure they had not forgotten anything. After checking everything, the massive wooden doors, adorned with intricate carvings, swung open to reveal their transportation—a fleet of sleek black sedans. 

As they approached the sedans, a chauffeur dressed in a black suit stepped forward to greet them. "Good morning, Mr. Dursley," he said with a respectful bow. "Everything is prepared for your journey."

"Thank you," Vernon replied, shaking the chauffeur's hand. He then turned to Harry and the rest of the family. "Let's get everything loaded and be on our way."

The chauffeurs efficiently stowed their luggage in the magically enhanced spacious trunks of the sedans. Harry and Abigail exchanged excited glances, their anticipation for the trip bubbling over.

"Are we all set?" Petunia asked, looking around at her family.

"All set, Mum," Harry confirmed, giving her a reassuring smile.

With everything in place, they each climbed into their designated sedans. Harry settled into the comfortable back seat of one of the cars, Abigail beside him, still buzzing with excitement.

As the sedans began to move, Harry looked out the window, watching the familiar grounds of the Dursley Mansion recede into the distance. His heart raced with excitement and curiosity about the journey ahead.

The fleet of sedans smoothly navigated the winding driveway, soon merging onto the main road. Their first stop would be to pick up the Weasleys, and then they would all head to the airport together. 

Harry smirked internally as he remembered his letters to Cogsworth. He had secretly upgraded the entire trip without telling anyone. The initial cost that was 780 galleons jumped up to 2652 galleons not including the all expense paid shopping trip at the end. Now Fred and George had paid a total amount of 470 galleons back at Gringotts. The remaining 2182 galleons was deducted from Harry's private vault. 

He had gotten everyone business class tickets rather than economy class as arranged before and also ensured that they get better accommodation in Romania. He had also taken care of the transport to the whichever Muggle activities the families decided to visit. But he had so far only gotten 3 activities, one of which was supposed to be the amusement park. Rest he had decided to leave to the families to decide when they reach there. 

As the sedans smoothly drove through the city streets, Harry leaned back in his seat, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He loved spoiling people around him without them knowing. 

The cars made their way to the Burrow, where the rest of their traveling party was waiting. As they pulled up, Harry saw Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Percy, Molly, and Arthur Weasley standing outside, their luggage neatly stacked beside them. Molly and Arthur Weasley waved enthusiastically as the sedans came to a stop.

Harry couldn't help but notice the changes in the Weasleys. Fred and George, in particular, seemed to have taken advantage of their newfound wealth. Both were sporting some new clothes that looked far more expensive than their usual attire. Ginny had a chic new bag slung over her shoulder, and even Ron had a brand-new pair of sneakers.

"Morning, everyone!" Harry called out as he stepped out of the car, helping Abigail down.

"Morning, Harry!" Ron greeted, his face lighting up at the sight of his friend. "Excited for the trip?"

"You are the one to ask", Ginny retorted with a smirk. "He has been practically up all night", she explained to Harry.

Harry chuckled at Ginny's remark, noting the bags under Ron's eyes. "Couldn't sleep either, huh?" he said, giving Ron a knowing look.

"Too excited," Ron admitted with a sheepish grin. "I kept thinking about all the dragons we might see."

Harry's eyes wandered back to Fred and George, who were each adjusting their smart new travel hats. "Looks like someone went shopping," Harry remarked with a grin.

Fred grinned widely. "Yeah, we did a bit of splurging. Figured it was time to upgrade our wardrobe."

George nodded. "Got to look the part for an international trip, right?"

Molly beamed with pride. "They've been so generous with their money, helping out with new things for the family. It's all thanks to you Harry."

Harry smiled, feeling a warm sense of satisfaction. It was great to see the Weasleys enjoying themselves and indulging in a bit of luxury. "Well, you all look fantastic."

As the Weasleys finished loading their luggage into the sedans, Vernon stepped out of one of the cars and approached Arthur Weasley with a friendly smile.

"Arthur, good to see you," Vernon greeted, extending a hand.

Arthur returned the gesture with a firm handshake. "Vernon, it's a pleasure. You don't seem that nervous about going out in the Muggle world."

Vernon chuckled, his expression warm. "Oh I am, it's just I am better at hiding my expressions."

Arthur glanced around at the bustling activity of the airport, his eyes wide with wonder. "I must say, this is quite the experience for us. The Muggle world never ceases to amaze."

Vernon chuckled, "Yes, it certainly should be interesting. Now, shall we get everyone settled in for the journey?"

"Of course", Arthur replied before bustling off to help Molly and Percy. Both the men helped the chauffeurs take care of the luggage and got into a car after making sure everyone was in. Harry was sharing the car with Petunia, Abigail, Ron and Ginny. 

With everyone settled in the cars, the convoy made its way to the airport. The drive was filled with animated conversations about the adventures awaiting them in Romania. As they pulled into the airport, Harry could see the curiosity and excitement in everyone's eyes.

Entering the terminal, Harry led the group to the check-in counter. Everyone looked around in awe at the hustle and bustle of the airport, clearly out of their element but fascinated by the experience.

"Blimey, Harry, this place is massive!" Fred exclaimed, his eyes wide as he took in the sights.

"Never thought I'd see the inside of a Muggle airport," George added, equally impressed.

Everyone noticed that the way they got into the airport was much easier than the others who were waiting in a line. 

Amidst the awe and excitement, the group couldn't help but notice the smooth and efficient way they had entered the airport, bypassing the long lines of waiting travelers.

Speculation buzzed among them as they whispered about how they had managed to get through so easily. Petunia, observing Harry closely, couldn't shake the feeling that he seemed strangely familiar with this environment, despite having never ventured into the Muggle world before. She wondered silently how he knew his way around so effortlessly, but she seemed to be the only one who noticed.

Harry, holding Abigail's hand tightly, led the group forward with a confident stride. Petunia caught a faint smirk on his face as he marched ahead, sparking curiosity about his involvement in their smooth entry.

After successfully checking in, they were directed to an exclusive lounge considering they had quite some time at hand, where they were greeted with impeccable service and luxurious amenities. Even here, the group couldn't help but be astonished by the level of hospitality they received, further deepening the mystery of their seamless journey through the airport.

As they entered the exclusive lounge, the group was greeted by a hostess who ushered them to a plush seating area adorned with elegant furnishings and soft lighting. The atmosphere exuded sophistication, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and delectable pastries wafted through the air.

"Welcome to the lounge, please make yourselves comfortable," the hostess said with a warm smile.

Harry, taking the lead once again, guided the group to a large table in the center of the room. He glanced around, taking in the opulent surroundings, before picking up a menu and looking through its contents with a thoughtful expression.

"I've never seen anything like this before," Ron remarked, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the luxurious surroundings.

"Indeed, it's quite impressive," Arthur added, nodding in agreement as he surveyed the elegant decor.

As they settled around the table, Sirius leaned back in his chair, taking in the lavish surroundings with a grin. "Reminds me of some of the finer establishments I used to frequent back in the day," he commented, his tone tinged with nostalgia.

Molly, who was admiring the intricate details of the room, turned to Petunia with a smile. "Isn't this just lovely, Petunia? I've never seen anything quite like it."

Petunia nodded, her eyes scanning the room with a mixture of awe and curiosity. "It's certainly... different from what I'm used to," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of wonder.

Meanwhile, Abigail, her eyes wide with excitement, leaned in to Harry, her voice barely containing her excitement. "Harry, this place is amazing! Can we come here all the time?"

Harry chuckled, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Maybe for special occasions, Abby. But for now, let's just enjoy the experience."

As Harry made his selection from the menu, discreetly ordering a Coke for himself, he passed the menu down the table, prompting curious glances from the others.

"What's this?" Fred asked, pointing to the item on Harry's order.

"I'm not entirely sure," Harry replied with a shrug, feigning ignorance. "I just picked something at random. It's called a Coke, apparently."

This declaration piqued the curiosity of the group, and as the hostess arrived with their orders, their attention was immediately drawn to Harry's glass, where a dark fizzy liquid sat. 

"What's that you've got there, Harry?" Ron asked, eyeing the drink with interest.

Harry, maintaining his façade of confusion, hesitantly brought the glass to his lips, pretending to be unsure.

"I'm not sure, but I guess I'll find out," he said with a slight apprehension.

Taking a tentative sip, Harry's eyes widened in surprise before his expression transformed into one of delight.

"Oh, this is actually quite good!" he exclaimed, his act convincing enough to fool the others.

Abigail, eager to try it, reached for Harry's glass and took a sip. Her expression immediately shifted to one of pure delight, her eyes sparkling with newfound excitement.

"This is amazing!" she exclaimed, passing the glass around for others to try.

One by one, they each took a sip, their expressions mirroring Abigail's as they discovered the delightful flavor and effervescence of the Coke. As the hostess returned to take their additional orders, the group unanimously requested the same drink, eager to indulge in this newfound Muggle delight together. Harry looked around to see that everyone had gone for the snacks or the dessert part of the menu. Well that is to be considered since everyone already had breakfast at home. 

The table was filled with plates having scones, biscuits, pieces of cake, ice cream, fruit skewer(Abigail wanted to try something new so Harry stepped in and recommended that), macarons etc. 

As the group finished their Cokes and indulged in the last bites of their snacks and desserts, they glanced at the time and realized it was already time for boarding. With satisfied smiles, they gathered their belongings and made their way towards the boarding gate, chatting animatedly about their unexpected culinary discoveries.

Outside the lounge, they were greeted by the bustling activity of the airport terminal, the air filled with the excitement of impending travel. Following the signs, they navigated their way to the boarding gate, where friendly hostesses awaited them with warm smiles.

"Welcome aboard, ladies and gentlemen," one of the hostesses greeted, her voice cheerful and welcoming. "If you could please present your boarding passes, we'll get you settled in your seats."

With practiced efficiency, the group handed over their boarding passes, and the hostesses directed them towards the entrance of the plane. Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Abigail walked ahead, eagerly anticipating the adventure that lay ahead, while Molly, Arthur, Petunia, Vernon, Sirius, Percy, and the twins followed close behind.

As they boarded the plane, they were greeted by the spacious and comfortable cabin, the plush seats beckoning them to settle in for the journey. The hostesses guided them to their respective seats, assisting them with their carry-on luggage and ensuring they were comfortably situated.

Sirius, ever the charmer, couldn't resist striking up a conversation with one of the hostesses, his playful banter earning him a warm smile in return. "So, what's a beautiful lady like yourself doing in a place like this?" he teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

The hostess chuckled, her demeanor professional yet friendly. "Just making sure our passengers have a pleasant flight, sir," she replied, her tone light-hearted.

As they walked down the aisle to their seats, Sirius couldn't resist a bit of light-hearted banter. "So, which one of you lovely ladies will be ensuring I don't get lost?" he asked a hostess with a charming smile.

The hostess laughed. "We'll make sure you get to your seat safely, sir," she replied playfully.

Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Abigail found themselves in large, luxurious seats with ample legroom and a range of amenities at their disposal. Molly, Arthur, Petunia, Vernon, Sirius, Percy, and the twins also settled into similar seats nearby. However, as they looked around, they noticed a distinct difference between their seats and those in the cabin behind a curtain that separated their section from the rest of the plane.

"Why are our seats different from the ones back there?" Fred asked, peering curiously at the curtain.

"I noticed that too," George added. "It looks like we're in a different section altogether."

The group began murmuring among themselves, trying to figure out the reason for the discrepancy. Petunia, out of the corner of her eye, caught Harry smirking. She had a hunch that this was something he had arranged. Leaning closer to the nearest hostess, she asked, "Excuse me, could you explain why our seats are different compared to the ones behind the curtain?"

The hostess looked momentarily confused, then understanding dawned on her face. "Ah, I see. It seems like this is your first time flying. You're seated in the business class section, which offers more space, comfort, and additional services compared to the economy class behind the curtain."

Petunia nodded slowly, her suspicions confirmed. She looked towards Harry who was avoiding her eyes and was suddenly very interested in watching a bottle of water on the side of his seat.

"Harry," she said, her tone both amused and slightly exasperated, "what did you do?"

Harry was still looking everywhere but at her eyes. "Nope, nothing to do with me, Mum."

Petunia raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of skepticism and amusement. "I find that hard to believe," she replied, her voice gentle yet knowing. "You've been full of surprises lately."

Harry gave a shaky laugh, trying to deflect Petunia's question. "Whatever do you mean, Mum? I have absolutely nothing to do with this."

Petunia smiled, not pressing the issue further. Instead, she turned her attention to the surroundings, clearly impressed by the luxurious accommodations.

Arthur, overhearing the exchange, leaned over with a grin. "Well, Harry, whoever arranged this certainly knows how to travel in style. It's a far cry from our usual means of transportation."

Harry tried his best to look confused at Mr. Weasleys remark, which caused Petunia to chuckle quietly as she knew that it was Harry who was responsible for this treatment. 

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, clearly enjoying the opulence of their surroundings. Molly and Petunia, seated next to each other, exchanged smiles.

"It's incredible, isn't it?" Molly said, glancing around the cabin. "I've never experienced anything like this."

"Neither have I," Petunia admitted. "But I must say, it's a lovely way to start our trip."

Vernon, who had been silent up until now, looked around, clearly impressed. "This is quite something, Harry," he said, nodding appreciatively. "Thank you."

Harry tried his best to act confused and asked, "Why are you thanking me, Dad? I have nothing to do with this."

Petunia raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying his act. "Sure, Harry," she said with a knowing smile. "You're just full of surprises lately."

As the plane prepared for takeoff, the group settled into their seats, excitement and curiosity buzzing in the air. The engines roared to life, and soon they were airborne. Everyone was scared but tried their best to try and act normal. Abigail was clutching Harry's hand tightly as the plane sped along the runway.

"Don't worry, Abby," Harry said, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "It's just like a really fast broomstick."

"Except noisier," Ron muttered, gripping the armrests with white-knuckled intensity.

"Just focus on the adventure ahead," Ginny suggested, her own voice betraying a slight tremor despite her calm exterior.

As the plane ascended, the initial fear began to dissipate, replaced by awe and excitement. The view from the windows, showing the shrinking landscape below, captivated their attention.

"This is incredible," Arthur said, peering out of the window with childlike wonder. "The Muggles really know how to create wonders, don't they?"

"Indeed," Vernon agreed, still looking a bit pale but managing a smile. "It's quite the experience."

Once the seatbelt signs were off and the plane was cruising at a comfortable altitude, the hostesses began serving drinks and snacks. They handed out menus to everyone, who looked quite taken aback by this level of service.

"Blimey," Fred said, flipping through the menu. "This is fancier than anything I've seen in a Muggle book."

"What's a 'petit four'?" George wondered aloud, squinting at the menu.

"It's a type of small confectionery," the hostess explained. "They're quite popular for afternoon teas."

Fred nodded in understanding, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Sounds delightful. I'll have to give it a try."

Sirius, ever the charmer, caught the attention of a hostess. "Excuse me, but what would you recommend for a first-time flyer?"

The hostess smiled warmly. "I'd suggest trying our selection of cakes and pastries. And our drinks menu has some delightful options, like spirits, wine and champagne. We also give out soft drinks for people who prefer non-alcoholic drinks."

Sirius's eyes twinkled with mischief as he leaned closer to the hostess. "Well, I think I'll have to try a bit of everything, then. It's not every day I get to experience Muggle luxury."

The hostess chuckled, charmed by Sirius's enthusiasm. "Of course, sir. I'll make sure you have a taste of everything we have to offer." Even if she was confused about the term Muggle, she decided not to show it on her face. 

As Sirius made his selections, the others also perused the menu, intrigued by the array of options available. Petunia and Molly exchanged curious glances, clearly out of their element but eager to try something new.

"I've never seen anything like this before," Petunia remarked, marveling at the lavish spread before them.

"Nor have I," Molly admitted, her eyes alight with excitement. "But I must say, it's quite the experience."

Harry, still scanning the menu, paused when he reached the drinks section. His eyes landed on Hibiki, a whisky he had loved in his past life. The sight of it brought back fond memories, and he couldn't help but wish he were older so he could order it. He sighed wistfully, knowing it wasn't an option for him this time.

Petunia and Molly, on the other hand, decided to venture into new territory and ordered wine. "A glass of white for me," Petunia said, smiling at the hostess.

"I'll have the same," Molly added, her excitement palpable.

Vernon and Arthur, intrigued by the selection of alcohol, decided to order whiskey. "I'll try the whiskey," Vernon said, nodding appreciatively at the menu.

"I'll have the same," Arthur echoed, eager to experience a Muggle whiskey.

As they placed their orders, Harry finally decided to keep it simple. "I'll have a Sprite, please," he said, closing the menu with a satisfied smile.

The hostess quickly took note of their orders and disappeared to fetch their drinks. Moments later, she returned with a tray, skillfully balancing their beverages. She handed Petunia and Molly their glasses of wine, Vernon and Arthur their whiskeys, and placed a glass of Sprite in front of Harry.

Harry watched as the adults took their first sips, their faces lighting up with appreciation. "This is quite good," Petunia said, swirling her wine glass.

"Indeed," Molly agreed, savoring the taste.

Vernon and Arthur, meanwhile, clinked their whiskey glasses together. "To new experiences," Arthur said with a grin.

"Cheers," Vernon replied, taking a sip and nodding in approval. "This is excellent."

Harry, taking a sip of his drink, smiled at the sight of everyone enjoying their drinks. Abigail, curious about the fizzy drink in front of Harry, leaned over and whispered, "Can I try some?"

Harry nodded and handed her the glass. She took a cautious sip, her eyes widening with delight. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed, causing the others to turn their attention to Harry's drink.

"What is that?" Fred asked, intrigued.

"It's called Sprite," Harry explained, feigning ignorance. "It was written along with the Coke on the menu so I ordered thinking that it was similar"

"Go ahead," Harry said, passing the glass to him.

George took a sip and his eyes lit up. "This is fantastic! We should all get one."

Encouraged by George's reaction, the others quickly placed orders for their own glasses of Sprite. As the hostess brought their drinks, the excitement at the table grew.

"Cheers to new experiences!" Sirius declared, raising his glass.

Everyone followed suit, clinking their glasses together before taking their first sips of Sprite. The collective look of surprise and delight on their faces was priceless.

"This is really good," Ginny said, smiling as she took another sip.

"I never knew Muggle drinks could be this tasty," Ron added, clearly enjoying the novelty.

As the journey continued, the group delved into the array of snacks and desserts, eager to explore every flavor and texture. They shared bites of scones, biscuits, pieces of cake, and other treats, exchanging exclamations of delight with each new discovery.

"Have you tried this macaron?" Ginny asked, holding up a delicate pastry.

"It's delicious!" Abigail exclaimed, eagerly reaching for a bite.

Meanwhile, Sirius, ever the charmer, struck up a conversation with the hostess who had served them their drinks. His easy charm and playful banter seemed to captivate her, and by the time they landed, he had secured himself a date.

Harry couldn't help but be impressed by Sirius's ability to effortlessly charm someone in such a short time. As they exited the plane, Fred and George wasted no time in cornering Sirius, eager to learn his secrets.

"So, Sirius, spill the beans," Fred said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "How did you manage to score a date with the hostess?"

"Yeah, mate, we need to know your tricks," George added, nudging Sirius playfully.

Sirius chuckled, enjoying the attention. "Well, it's all about confidence and a bit of charm," he said, winking at them. "But a gentleman never reveals all his secrets."

Fred and George exchanged a knowing look, clearly not satisfied with Sirius's vague answer. But they didn't pursue it since they were rather excited about the vacation ahead. 

As they exited the airport, a fleet of cars awaited them, ready to whisk them away to their accommodations. Vernon inquired about their luggage, and they were assured that it would be delivered directly to their rooms as part of the service arranged for them.

"Excellent," Vernon said, nodding in approval before climbing into the waiting car.

Inside the car, Harry found himself sandwiched between the twins, Fred and George, with Percy seated across from them. The atmosphere was lively, filled with anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

"So, what's the plan for our first day in Romania?" George asked, leaning forward eagerly.

"I heard there's a Quidditch match happening nearby," Fred chimed in, his eyes alight with excitement.

Percy, ever the practical one, interjected, "We should first let Charlie know that we have arrived here."

Harry nodded, taking in their suggestions. "Yeah we are not going for Quidditch during vacation. We can owl him from the lodging."

As the cars began to move, Harry leaned back in his seat, contemplating their plans for the day. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of surprising everyone with the upgraded accommodations he had arranged.