
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · 書籍·文学
79 Chs

Beneath the Surface

The shock that rippled through the group was palpable. Edmund's eyes widened in surprise, while Adorabella gasped softly, her hand flying to her mouth in disbelief. Even Vernon seemed taken aback by the unexpected request, resigning himself to the fact that understanding Harry's mind might give him brain damage. He zoned out, his thoughts wandering elsewhere.

As the silence stretched on, Harry glanced around at the stunned expressions, his own resolve unwavering. He knew his request was unconventional, even audacious, but it was necessary to protect himself and his secrets.

Finally, Edmund cleared his throat, breaking the tense silence. "An unbreakable vow," he repeated, his tone incredulous. "You're asking us to make an unbreakable vow?"

Harry nodded, his gaze steady. "Yes, I am."

Edmund exchanged a wary glance with Adorabella, his expression troubled. The concept of an unbreakable vow was not one to be taken lightly, and Harry's request raised a host of questions and concerns.

"And if we refuse?" Edmund asked, his tone guarded.

Harry met his gaze squarely. "Then I won't be able to help you. I'll remove your memories about meeting me and then leave."

The weight of Harry's words hung heavy in the air, the implications sinking in for each member of the Greengrass family. Adorabella looked torn, her concern for her family warring with her desire for a cure. Astoria glanced anxiously between her parents, sensing the gravity of the situation.

After a moment of tense silence, Edmund spoke, his voice firm. "Very well, Harry. We will make the vow."

Harry nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "Thank you."

With that, Harry waved his wand, conjuring the necessary magical bindings for the unbreakable vow. Edmund, Adorabella, and Daphne stepped forward, their expressions resolute as they prepared to make the solemn oath.

Astoria began to step forward, but Harry chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "Astoria, you don't need to make the vow."

Astoria nodded, a small smile of relief on her face as she stepped back, letting her family take her place. Harry then turned his attention back to the three adults.

"Let's begin," he said, his voice calm and steady. He raised Elythral, and thin, shimmering tendrils of magic extended from its tip, wrapping around Edmund, Adorabella, and Daphne's wrists. The tendrils pulsed with a faint, golden light, binding them together in a circle of trust and commitment.

"Do you, Edmund Greengrass, swear to uphold this vow, to keep my secrets, and to follow my instructions without question?"

Edmund nodded, his voice firm. "I do."

The magical tendrils glowed brighter, tightening their hold.

"Do you, Adorabella Greengrass, swear to uphold this vow, to keep my secrets, and to follow my instructions without question?"

Adorabella, though visibly anxious, responded with a steady voice. "I do."

The tendrils tightened further, their glow intensifying.

"And do you, Daphne Greengrass, swear to uphold this vow, to keep my secrets, and to follow my instructions without question?"

Daphne met Harry's gaze, her determination evident. "I do."

With the final affirmation, the magical bindings pulsed with a blinding light before dissipating into the air, the vow now sealed.

As the light faded, Adorabella turned to Harry, her expression a mix of hope and concern. "How exactly will you cure us, Harry?"

Harry began to think, muttering to himself as he considered the various methods he had studied. "That one... no, too much time... mm... yes, better... yup, this one."

The Greengrass family exchanged worried glances, their anxiety mounting as Harry continued to mutter under his breath. They feared he didn't have a concrete plan.

Finally, Harry looked up, his expression serious but confident. "I do have a method, but it will be slightly uncomfortable," he said with a sigh.

"How long will the treatment take?" Adorabella asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Harry thought for a moment before replying, "Five..."

Edmund jumped in, his voice tinged with relief. "Ah, five years. That's reasonable, considering the curse."

Harry blinked, looking at them as if they had sprouted second heads. "Five minutes. Why on earth would it take five years?"

Adorabella's jaw dropped. "Five minutes?" she repeated in disbelief.

Harry nodded with a huff. "Yes, five minutes. What did you think I was going to do, set up a day spa retreat?"

Vernon, who had been zoning out, suddenly snapped to attention. "Wait, five minutes? I've had longer naps!"

Daphne stifled a giggle. "So, it's like ripping off a bandage?"

Harry shrugged. "More like pulling out a splinter, but yes. Quick and a bit uncomfortable for me."

Edmund chuckled, shaking his head. "And here I was, ready to set up a tent in your living room."

Harry grinned. "No need for camping gear. Just a bit of patience and trust."

Harry suddenly remembered something from the word bandage. During the time he was in the hospital wing after his second Quidditch match, there had been someone across the room on another bed with curtains drawn all around, and he had heard a female sobbing softly.

He turned to Daphne, his eyes narrowing in recollection. "Daphne, do you remember being in the hospital wing once, behind the curtains, crying?"

Daphne's eyes widened in surprise, and then she nodded sadly. "Yes, that was me. I had a particularly bad episode."

Harry smiled gently, his expression softening. "You won't have to suffer from this ever again. I promise."

He then turned to the family, his demeanor shifting to one of focused determination. "Now, I need to understand more about this curse. How exactly does the blood curse pass down the line?"

Adorabella stepped forward, her face etched with a mix of hope and fear. "It's not something we fully understand. The curse can pass down through generations, but it's unpredictable. Some family members are affected, and some aren't. It's like a twisted lottery."

Edmund nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's not consistent. It seems to skip some, hit others, and there's no apparent pattern. We've tried everything to figure it out, but it's always been beyond our grasp."

Harry considered this for a moment, his brow furrowing in concentration. "So, it's random, then. That makes it tricky, but not impossible."

He began pacing, muttering to himself again, "Unpredictable transmission...could be tied to magical signatures or familial bonds...needs a broader approach..."

The family watched him intently, their earlier amusement replaced by a palpable anticipation. Harry's mind was clearly working through the complexities of the curse, seeking a solution that had eluded generations of Greengrasses.

Finally, he stopped pacing and looked up, his eyes shining with determination. "I have an idea. It's going to be slightly uncomfortable, but it should work. We'll break the curse's hold on your bloodline once and for all."

Daphne and the rest of the family exchanged hopeful glances. "What do we need to do?" she asked, her voice steady despite the tremor of emotion.

"Well, originally I thought it would take five minutes, but I guess it would take even less now," Harry smirked as he thought of something.

He then turned to face them fully, his expression becoming more serious. "I'll transfer the curse from each of you onto myself and then break its hold on your family's bloodline with a spell."

Everyone looked skeptical at this, especially Vernon, who stiffened at the mention of Harry taking the curse onto himself. "Harry, you can't be serious. Transferring a curse onto yourself? That sounds—"

"It's okay, Dad," Harry interrupted, his tone calm and reassuring. "The curse can't do anything to me, and I'll be able to solve this better this way."

In his mind, Harry knew he could have solved it without transferring the curse onto himself, but his curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to know what the curse felt like firsthand.

The Greengrass family looked at Harry with a mixture of gratitude and concern. Adorabella stepped forward, shaking her head. "You don't need to do that, Harry. You can do it another way right?"

Harry smiled gently. "Trust me, this won't pose any threat to me. It's the best way to ensure that the curse is completely eradicated."

Edmund, still looking uncertain, nodded slowly. "If you're sure, Harry. We trust you."

Harry raised Elythral again, preparing for the delicate spell work required. "Alright, everyone, form a circle and hold hands. This spell will transfer the curse from each of you to me, one by one. Then, I'll break it."

As they linked hands and formed a circle, Harry began chanting the incantation he had devised: "Exsecratio Transferre. Vires ab uno ad alium." A soft glow enveloped the group, and Harry felt a tingling sensation as the curse began to transfer.

One by one, he absorbed the curse from each member of the Greengrass family. He could feel the dark magic settling into him, a cold, prickling sensation that made his skin crawl. But he kept his focus, maintaining the spell until the last of the curse was transferred.

Finally, with all the curse's energy contained within him, Harry raised his wand and performed the final spell: "Excorio Sanguis Mors. Fracta Tenebris."

A bright light erupted from his wand, enveloping him and the entire family. The curse's hold was shattered, its dark tendrils dissolving into nothingness. The air felt lighter, the oppressive weight lifted.

The room was filled with a moment of stunned silence before Adorabella's legs gave way. She sank to her knees, tears streaming down her face as she let out a sob of relief. Edmund, usually so composed, fell to his knees beside her, wrapping his arms around his wife, his own tears flowing freely. The years of worry, the nights spent watching over their daughters, the endless search for a cure—all of it finally released in this moment of relief.

Daphne, who had always carried the weight of her family's suffering with a stoic front, broke down completely. She clung to Harry, her body shaking with sobs, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you, Harry. Thank you so much. You don't know what this means to us."

Harry held her lightly. "You're free now, Daphne. All of you are free."

Astoria, who had remained silent throughout, now approached her parents and sister, tears of joy and relief streaming down her cheeks. She knelt beside them, her hand reaching out to touch her mother's face, as if to reassure herself that this moment was real. "It's over," she whispered. "It's finally over."

Harry looked at the family, their long suffering etched in their tear-streaked faces, now replaced with expressions of overwhelming relief and joy. He felt a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing he had given them back their lives.

He then turned to Astoria. "I need to modify your memories so you won't remember me solving your curse. It's for your safety." He muttered an incantation, "Obliviate memoriam solvi ad," and watched as her eyes momentarily glazed over and she fainted. She was caught by her mother who gently laid her down in the sand.

As the family began to calm down, the reality of their newfound freedom sinking in, they looked at Harry with a mixture of awe and gratitude. Edmund stood up, his voice thick with emotion. "Harry, you have given us back our lives. We can never repay you."

Harry shook his head, a soft smile on his lips. "There's no need for repayment. I did it out of a selfish need for seeing the curse"

Adorabella, still holding Astoria, looked up at Harry, her eyes shining with gratitude. "You are a blessing, Harry. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts."

Harry nodded, feeling a deep connection with the family in that moment. "You're welcome. Live your lives to the fullest now, free from the shadows of the past."

Watching the family like that, Harry decided he should leave them alone to cherish their newfound freedom. Vernon, observing the scene with understanding, mirrored Harry's thoughts. They both bid quick goodbyes to the Greengrass family and took their leave.

As they walked away, Vernon kept glancing at Harry with concern. "Are you okay, Harry? Is the curse inside you really gone?"

Harry gave Vernon a reassuring smile, though he was lying. "I'm fine, Dad. The curse is gone."

In truth, Harry had decided to keep the curse for further study. The potential knowledge it held was too valuable to discard immediately. As they continued walking, Harry's mind wandered to his future plans. Now that the Greengrass family owed him a favor, he could leverage this to accelerate some of his broader goals. One of the key things he wanted to accomplish was taking down Cornelius Fudge early. The minister's corruption and incompetence would be significant barrier to everyone in the future. He planned to start his efforts during the summer break. Moreover, having a card to play Draco Malfoy with, considering Astoria's future connection to him, could prove advantageous.

As Harry and Vernon approached the spot where they had set up umbrellas and blankets, they noticed the area was now bustling with activity. The rest of their group, who had gone to the amusement park rides—Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, Percy, and Abigail—were all back. They were seated in the shade of the umbrella, engaged in a lively discussion with the others.

Harry immediately noticed that Ginny looked somewhat down, her usual liveliness subdued. She wasn't engaging with the group as energetically as she had been when they left. Curious and a bit concerned, Harry continued walking toward the group with Vernon.

The guys were talking excitedly about all the rides they went on. Abigail was the most excited, sitting near Petunia and animatedly recounting her adventures on the rides.

As Vernon and Harry neared the group, Petunia spotted them first and called out, "There you two are!"

The others looked toward Harry and Vernon. Fred, George, Abigail, and Ron immediately surrounded Harry, bombarding him with questions.

"Why didn't you join us after saying you'd catch up later?" Fred asked, his tone playful but curious.

"Yeah, you missed out on some epic rides," George added, clapping Harry on the shoulder.

"We had a blast, Harry! You should've been there!" Abigail chimed in, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Harry, you really missed out," Fred said, grinning. "We even managed to get Percy on the Ferris wheel. He looked terrified!"

Percy, sitting nearby, huffed but couldn't suppress a small smile. "It wasn't that bad."

Harry noticed Ginny avoided his gaze, looking everywhere except at him. Something was definitely bothering her. He could use Legilimency to figure it out but he didn't want to invade her privacy. Just as he was about to ask her, Abigail pulled on his hand. 

"Harry, where did you go?"

"I had something to take care of, Abby" Harry replied, trying to keep his tone light.

Petunia, observing the group, asked, "Where's Daphne? Is she okay?"

Harry nodded. "She's with her family right now. They had some things to discuss."

Vernon, sensing the need for a private conversation, looked at Petunia. "Petunia, I need to tell you something. Can we talk aside for a moment?"

Petunia looked puzzled but nodded, allowing Vernon to lead her away from the group.

Harry watched as Vernon took Petunia aside. He knew that his dad was going to tell his mum about the Greengrass incident. He just hoped that Petunia wouldn't freak out too much.

Hearing the name "Daphne," the boys immediately started bombarding Harry with questions.

"Who's Daphne?" Fred asked, his curiosity piqued.

"And why were you with her?" George added, a mischievous grin forming on his face.

Harry sighed, trying to keep his tone casual. "Daphne and I are just friends. We had some important things to discuss."

The twins exchanged knowing looks. "Just friends, huh?" George said, waggling his eyebrows.

"Are you sure there's nothing more?" Fred teased, nudging Harry playfully.

Harry rolled his eyes, though a small smile tugged at his lips. "Daphne is just a friend, nothing more."

Ron, on the other hand, looked concerned. "But she's a Slytherin, Harry. You know how they are."

Harry shook his head, trying to dispel Ron's worries. "I know, Ron. But not all Slytherins are bad. Daphne's different. Trust me."

Ginny, who had been pretending to talk with Abigail while listening to the conversation, seemed visibly relieved when Harry emphasized that he and Daphne were just friends. Harry smirked, catching her reaction. He was starting to piece together what had been bothering her. She must have seen him hugging Daphne from the Ferris wheel and misunderstood.

Just as Harry finished talking with the boys, Petunia and Vernon returned. Petunia had a very serious look on her face. She didn't ask Harry anything, but he knew that once they were alone, she would ask him everything.

Trying to lighten the mood, Harry turned to the group. "So, what's the plan for the rest of the day?"

Fred and George immediately started throwing out suggestions, their energy infectious. Ginny joined in the conversation, her mood noticeably lifted. As everyone started making different suggestions, the air filled with a lively buzz.

"I'm starving," Fred declared. "How about we find a restaurant for lunch?"

George shook his head. "We can do that later. Let's enjoy the beach a bit more. How about a swim?"

Ginny, her mood noticeably lifted, added, "We could do both. Stay a bit longer and then go for lunch."

Ron, still munching on a snack he had brought along, mumbled, "Why not both? Swim now, lunch later."

Abigail, her eyes sparkling with excitement, tugged on Harry's arm. "Harry, come on! Let's go in the water!"

Harry laughed, allowing himself to be pulled along. "Alright, alright. Let's go!"

Fred, George, and Ron quickly followed suit, eager to join in the fun. They made their way to the shoreline, the cool sea breeze refreshing against their skin.

Abigail was the first to jump in, splashing water everywhere. "Come on, slowpokes!"

Harry grinned and waded in after her, the cool water a welcome relief from the heat. "Alright, race you to the buoy!"

Fred and George exchanged mischievous glances. "You're on!"

The group took off, splashing and laughing as they raced towards the buoy. Abigail, despite her smaller size, was surprisingly fast, her laughter echoing over the waves.

Fred and George, always up for some fun, started a splash war, sending arcs of water at each other and anyone within range. Ron, trying to keep up, got caught in the crossfire and retaliated with a grin.

Harry, seeing an opportunity, dove underwater, swimming swiftly to sneak up behind Fred. He surfaced suddenly, sending a huge splash of water over his unsuspecting friend. "Gotcha!"

Fred spluttered, laughing. "Oh, it's on now, Harry!"

The impromptu water fight escalated, with everyone joining in. Laughter and shouts filled the air as they splashed, swam, and played. Abigail managed to climb onto Fred's back, declaring him her "sea horse," which sent everyone into fits of laughter as he tried to buck her off gently without actually succeeding.

After a while of splashing and playing in the water, everyone was thoroughly soaked and worn out from laughter. They eventually made their way back to the shore, shaking off excess water and grabbing their towels.

"Alright, everyone," Mrs. Weasley called out. "Time to get dried off and changed. Lunch awaits!"

As the group gathered their belongings and started heading to the changing rooms, Petunia noticed Sirius sprawled out under the shade of the umbrella, fast asleep. She walked over and gently shook his shoulder.

"Sirius, wake up," Petunia said softly, a smile tugging at her lips. "It's time to get ready for lunch."

Sirius stirred, blinking groggily as he looked up at her. "Is it that time already?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, it is," Petunia replied with a chuckle. "Come on, or you'll miss out on all the fun."

With a yawn and a stretch, Sirius got to his feet, shaking the sand from his clothes. "Alright, alright, I'm up. Let's go eat."

They quickly gathered their belongings and headed to the changing rooms. Once they were all dry and dressed, they made their way to the entrance of the amusement park where their cars were waiting.

As they boarded the cars, there was a general consensus that a wizarding restaurant would be the perfect way to wrap up their day of muggle fun. "We've had a lot of fun here," Vernon said, "but I'm ready for some good old wizarding cuisine."

Everyone agreed enthusiastically, and they told the drivers to take them to a well-known wizarding restaurant nearby.

The restaurant they arrived at was a charming place with a cozy, magical atmosphere. The walls were adorned with enchanted paintings that moved and interacted with the guests, and the tables were set with sparkling crystal goblets and intricately designed plates.

They were seated at a large table near a window with a beautiful view of a magical garden outside. As they settled in, the waiter brought menus that displayed an array of delicious wizarding dishes.

"This place looks amazing," Ginny said, her eyes wide as she scanned the menu.

"I'm starving," Ron added, not taking his eyes off the list of dishes.

Fred and George immediately started planning their order, debating which dishes sounded the best. "I'm definitely getting the steak," George said.

"Sounds good, but I'm thinking about the wings," Fred replied.

Abigail, sitting between Petunia and Harry, looked at her menu with curiosity. "What's your favorite, Harry?" she asked, her eyes bright.

Harry smiled. "I think I'm going to go with the steak as well. I am famished."

As they made their choices and placed their orders, the conversation flowed easily. Petunia and Vernon shared stories about their early days at Hogwarts, much to the delight of the younger ones. Mrs. Weasley talked about some of her favorite family recipes, which led to an animated discussion about cooking with magic between Petunia and her.

Mr. Weasley looked around the restaurant. "This place seems really good"

Harry glanced at Ginny, who was now engaged in a lively conversation with Abigail about their favorite parts of the amusement park. He was glad that she seemed ok now. 

Their food arrived quickly, and the table was soon filled with the delicious aroma of their chosen dishes. They all dug in, enjoying the rich flavors and magical touches that made each dish unique.

"This is fantastic," Ron said through a mouthful of food. "Would be nice to have food like this everyday."

"I agree," Petunia said with a smile. "But we can't travel to Romania everyday!" She added with a laugh

Mr. Weasley, sitting next to Percy, raised his goblet. "To family and friends. Here's to many more days like this."

Everyone raised their glasses in a toast, clinking them together with cheers.

As they continued eating, the conversation shifted to their plans for the rest of holiday. Harry tried to appear more interested but he was now bored. He wanted to get back home. Well at least he could look forward to the shopping trip he arranged for everyone at the end of the holiday. 

Mr. Weasley steered the conversation back to the holiday. "So, any ideas for our last few days here? We've done so much already."

Percy suggested, "Perhaps we could visit some muggle historical sites. Romania has a rich history."

Mrs. Weasley nodded. "That sounds lovely. Maybe a bit of sightseeing to round off the trip."

The conversation continued, with everyone sharing their thoughts and ideas. As they finished their meal, the group felt a pleasant tiredness settle over them, the result of a day well spent.

Harry, still feeling a bit restless, glanced around the table. The smiles and laughter of his family and friends were comforting, but he was ready to go home. He sighed, they still had a couple of days left before Christmas and he wanted to be home for it. The new term started at January 9th, so there is time but he still wanted to be home now.

As they left the restaurant, Sirius turned to the group. "Why don't we head back to the hotel and get some rest? We can plan the next few days over breakfast."

Everyone agreed in high spirit as they made their way to the cars. As they settled into the seats, the conversation continued with plans for the next few days. Fred and George were already scheming about the next adventure, while Petunia and Molly discussed visiting some local wizarding landmarks.

Harry's gaze drifted out of the window as he thought about the future and his plans. But for now he wanted to get back to his room and study the curse. He took a deep breath, this would be a long night.

will be finishing the first year soon!

Alsiel_Acreators' thoughts