
Otherworldly INHUMAN

Xander is a hardworking student from Earth with an idyllic life. But after his soul is transported to a magic world filled with paranormal things, he begins to hear a voice in his head. At first, he dismisses it as a figment of his imagination, but soon realizes it's his alter ego, urging him to embrace evil. Xander resists at first, struggling to cling to his good nature, but his alter ego's influence slowly takes hold. As he spirals into darkness, Xander become a villain who sees no point in being good and instead decides to burn the world that stands in his way. The novel follows Xander's journey as he battles with his alter ego's control and confronts the darkness within himself. Will he be able to overcome the evil that has taken hold of him, or will he succumb to his alter ego's desires and become a force of destruction and chaos?

Vincent_Nightshade · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Lost in the void

What's the most terrifying? Vincent had no experience with what that word even implied. He wasn't even hurt in his life. The man did not know what could terrify him. And when he would encounter such a situation, it would magnify the feeling of dread.

But the most terrifying thing is the unknown…

You would be terrified if someone were behind you, and looked at you, very close... So close that you could hear his breathing, but you could not see or hear it. It would scare you only if you could perceive it.

Vincent had never encountered such a situation before, but he was about to experience the unknown in a way he could never have imagined.

Vincent's mind raced as he found himself floating in the void. The darkness enveloped him like a heavy blanket, suffocating and all-encompassing. There was no light, no sound, no sensation of touch or taste or smell. He was completely and utterly alone, lost in an endless abyss.

At first, he felt a sense of curiosity and wonder at this strange and unfamiliar experience. But as the moments ticked by, that feeling turned to one of dread and panic. He felt as though he was falling, spinning out of control in a never-ending freefall. The emptiness around him seemed to be closing in, pressing down on him like a weight on his chest.

Vincent's heart pounded in his chest, and he struggled to control his breathing as he fought back the rising tide of fear. His thoughts became jumbled and confused, and he could feel himself slipping away, lost to the void forever.

Suddenly, a light appeared in the distance, a small pinprick of hope in the endless dark. Vincent's eyes locked onto it, his entire being focused on that tiny glimmer of light. It grew brighter and brighter, until it was all he could see, a beacon of hope and salvation.

With a burst of energy, Vincent propelled himself towards the light, desperate to escape the void and find out what lay beyond. As he drew closer, he could feel his body tingling with anticipation and excitement, the unknown future stretching out before him like an endless horizon.

And then, with a sudden burst of light and sound, he was transported to a new world, a world of magic and wonder, a world that would change his life forever.

Loud footsteps resounded in the house of the Grandstar.

A woman and a maid were rushing towards the young master's room. Their faces pale and their expressions ugly. On the way, the woman asked with concern:

"What exactly happened?"

At the time of the incident, the maid was in the room, sitting for unknown reasons.

"I..I. I don't know, the young Lord suddenly screamed and after waking up he... f...f.. fainted." - The maid, in a shaky voice, replied.

When they entered the room. They realized the son was breathing and everything looked normal. However, they still called for a physician. He inspected the sleeping male and said that the body was fragile, and he needed a week of rest and some nourishing meals.

Hearing this, the woman breathed a sigh of relief and instructed the maid. Who seriously nodded, listening to every word of the woman. Then the doctor bowed and left. He has always been in the family as a personal family doctor. Soon after, the woman also left. While the maid was ordered to stay and watch the young gentleman.

What had happened to Vincent? He was no longer in his own body, but had been transported to the body of Xander, the son of the Grandstar family, who was technically dead. Vincent's soul had taken over Xander's body, inheriting some of Xander's memories and aspects of his personality. What did this mean for Vincent, and how would he navigate this new world he found himself in? Only time would tell, but he knew that something had fundamentally changed within him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that everything was not as it seemed.