
Otherworldly Hero With A Group Chat

----------------------------------------------- this fan fiction is made purely out of boredom, the updates will be all over the place. It depends on my mood. The characters and worlds used in this fanfiction don’t belong to me, I don’t make anything off of this, and is purely for entertainment the cover also doesn't belong to me. In short nothing belongs to me except my original characters.

Crims0n · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs


Author's POV:

After Boros's match finished, he, Tamaki, and Nejire returned to All Might, and the others who were watching the fight Nejire immediately went towards Boros and showered him with questions.

"Wow! You're strong! you defeated Mirio, I didn't think he would lose at all! how did you do it? what exactly is your quirk? can you see from your other eye?"

Boros was a bit surprised by his upperclasswoman's overwhelming curiosity but he still answered, "One at a time please, I won against Mirio due to him not expecting my last move, if we fight again I'd probably lose, No, I can't see from my other eye."

'He avoided the most important question.' the somewhat smart students noticed this, and they grew curious, the most curious and... Displeased? angry? was Bakugo Katsuki, he knew he was completely outclassed by Boros and the "Big-Three" the latter he could understand, they were third years, and probably had experience fighting villains from internships, but someone who was his age was stronger than him, this irritated him greatly.

Bakugo who lived his life being the strongest amongst his peers, was utterly outclassed for the first time in his life.

It was not just Bakugo, but Todoroki Shouto as well.

"Alright, students! can anyone tell me who was the "MVP" in this match?" All Might questioned his students, one student, in particular, raised her hand.

"Young Yaoyorozu!" All Might pointed his finger at her and called out her name, she nodded and spoke, "In my opinion, the "MVP" is... neither, in this match everyone did their share equally, Boros distracted and took out Mirio who was the heavy-hitter, meanwhile Tamaki secured the bomb, in this match, It's impossible to single out the "MVP" that is all."

"A most splendid evaluation! young Yaoyorozu! it is as you say, there was no "MVP" in the match."

All Might praised her intelligence and observation before turning toward Boros, "Now, I have a question for you Young Boros, what was the form you took during your fight with Young Mirio? I'm quite curious!"

Boros thought of an explanation for a moment or two, "Well, it's simple really, I have this... "energy" and I spread it through my body and pushed it to the max, bringing out my full power."

"Ah, I see so that was your full power... very interesting indeed, for how long can you use that form?"

"If I have to make a rough estimate... around 35 seconds, after that... well even I don't know what will happen, during the fight with Mirio, I probably used that form for like... 15 seconds? and yeah, I was pretty exhausted." Boros answered truthfully, not seeing a reason to hide such information, from his teacher and his classmates.

"Well! Thank you for sharing that with us! Now, let's move on to the next match."

One by one all the teams competed against each other, Boros observed all his classmates with great interest as he was curious about their combat abilities, the ones who piqued his interest the most were his new friend, Eijiro Kirishima, and the other... Izuku Midoriya, his quirk was astonishing, the sheer destructive power it possessed was almost as powerful as his own, however... it was uncontrolled, if the output was lowered... that could potentially fix it.

After the class, Boros Decided to visit Midoriya in the school's infirmary, to give him some advice.

Boros knocked on the door of the infirmary and went in looking around before seeing Midoriya looking out of the window, deep in thought, he walked towards, the kid was so deep in thought he didn't even notice his gigantic classmate.

"Hey, are you okay?" Boros asked, concerned about his classmate, Midoriya was brought out of his thoughts looking next to him to see who asked, after noticing it was Boros, he became jittery all of a sudden.

"U-um I-I'm Alright thanks for asking..." he muttered meekly, Boros smiled wryly, "That's good... anyways, I thought I'd visit, you did... quite the damage to both the building and yourself after all."

Midoriya chuckled nervously, "Thank you." he thanked him again, Boros was the third person to actually make an effort to talk to him, even going as far as to visit him in the infirmary.

"Well, since you seem to be doing well, I'll help you with your quirk." Boros said all of a sudden which surprised Midoriya, "E-Eh? what?"

"I said I'll help you with your quirk, you can't use it efficiently, can you?"

Boros now had Midoriya's full attention, "H-How do I use it efficiently then Boros? is there a trick to it?"

Boros smiled a bit seeing the boy's nervousness almost disappear, "From what I've seen, your quirk and mine have similarities, when you use it, you concentrate it all on your hand to deal massive damage, normally that would be fine, but your arms break right after, what does that tell us? your arms can't handle the output of that much power, the solution to that is... spreading that power throughout your entire body and lowering the output like I do when I unleash all the power I have, you watched my fight and listened to what I said to all might right? That is the most effective solution for you right now, the other solution is simply strengthening your body to handle that much power, the first solution is the best for you now, but you should still strengthen your body, but I'm sure you already know that."

Boros finished his long explanation and watched Midoriya's expression turn from that of surprise to thoughtful to finally realization, 'I understand now! just like how All Might uses his quirk, he probably spreads it throughout his body and constantly keeps it activated! I should have noticed sooner...'

"Thank you so much, Boros! if it wasn't for you explaining it I probably wouldn't have realized it for a long time!" Midoriya thanked Boros, who scratched his head and smiled kindly, "That's all I had to say, see you tomorrow, Midoriya."

"See you tomorrow!"

With that Boros walked out of the infirmary, with a smile on his face, on his way out he noticed All Might coming to the infirmary, All Might's smile seemed to stretch even further, he probably figured out that Boros was here to visit his classmate, "How is Young Midoriya?"

"He seems to be fine, I'm sorry All Might-sensei, I have to go now, I'm in a rush today." Boros said nervously and scratched his neck.

"Of course! see you tomorrow, Young Boros." All Might said before going into the infirmary.

'This school is so interesting, I wonder... what will happen tomorrow, I can't wait.' Boros thought before going home.

We getting to the juicy parts soon... I can't wait.

Crims0ncreators' thoughts