
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Moonlit night.

Chapter 21

Aiden: I think animals like putting me in their mouths, do I taste that delicious?

He licks his hand.

Aiden: Gross, I taste like a lump of over-salted meat covered with droll and dirt.

Calico: Such a detailed food review.

Luna licked Aiden's cheek.

Luna: Everything he described was accurate, Bleh.

Aiden: You didn't have to taste me to confirm, you know.

Mara: What are you doing here, brightfil?

Aiden: You know me?

Raver: Don't dodge the question!

Aiden: W-why are you yelling at me?

Elnora: Don't mind him and answer her.

Aiden:Oh, Uhm, I heard a girl screaming, so I thought I'd check it out.

Mara: Why would you come to her rescue? Wouldn't it be smarter to run away?

Calico: If you're expecting "smarter" then you're probably looking at the wrong person.

Mara: Isn't he the smartest person here? He got the highest score.

Aiden: Hehehe.

Calico: Stop laughing. And yes it may be true that he scored the highest, but the guy I've been with doesn't match that score in the least.

Aiden: Why are you so mean, calico? ಥ_ಥ

Calico: Don't worry I mean it in a good way.

Elnora: I don't buy it, how did he get such a score if he's as dense as you claim?

Calico: It's true, Aiden, tell them how did you get that high?

Aiden: Uh... I flipped a coin.

Calico: And there you have it, the smartest person here.

Mara: Hm...I can tell you're not lying...but that story doesn't seem to check out for me, If we say that you did by some miracle get all the answers in the multiple-choice correctly there was one question that was worth 80% of our marks and it was an essay question, what did you write that got you that 100%?

Everyone's attention fell on Aiden.

Aiden: Eyaahhh all these lustful eyes staring at me for my answer.

Calico: *sigh* Just answer Aiden.

Aiden: What was the question again?

Mara: I don't exactly remember it in detail.

Lyra: But I do. The questions were: "Explain magic, what is it to you, how do you understand it, and give an example of a type of magic that doesn't require a spell?"

Calico: Wow.

Aiden: I think I wrote Uhm...

1) "Magic cannot be summed into words if it could then it's science" I kinda winged this one, heh, didn't really understand what I was supposed to write.

The second should be uh...

"It's a source of power that could bring about a change in the world, but shouldn't be held in contempt, people without magic aren't different from those without magic, magic exists in all of us we just have to find our own magic, " I think that's what I wrote?

Lyra: What of the last one? "A type of magic that doesn't require a spell" I'm sure this question was left blank or some answered wrongly but you got it right, what did you write?

Aiden: Oh that one was the easiest "Hope"

Lyra: Huh?

Aiden: Hope is the type of "magic" you can cast without needing a spell. If someone's in a state where they feel all's lost no amount of actual magical spells can comfort you from that despair, that's why it's hope. Hope's a magic not many can give or use.

Luna looked at Aiden with affection in her eyes, like she was looking at the sun.

Lyra: "Hope", huh? I guess I wouldn't have been able to think of something as sentimental as that.

Mara: It's weird that a noble like you would think of it that way.

Aiden: Nobel? Me?! I'm not a Nobel.

Lyra: Your attire doesn't say the opposite and your hair.

Aiden: This is just an outfit my sis made for me after mine tore, and why are you talking about my hair? Not one person standing here has a normal hair color.

Mara: Defensive?

Aiden: Am not.

Lyra: What village are you from then?

Aiden: A small fishing Village from the south of here.

Lyra: Sheates?

Aiden: Yeah

Calico: I thought that village was destroyed or something?

Mara: Wasn't that supposed to be one of the poorest regions in the state? Both in magic and business?

Aiden:Hehe, Yeah, I guess.

Calico: And you came from there?

Aiden: Yep.

Adella: You must have really low magic reserves then.

Aiden: Well...


The beast Aiden threw stood up again and the time it had blood-red eyes, it grew more and more.

Aiden: Must every beast in this world always have to be 10ft tall and above?

Raver: Crap! It's still alive?!

Elnora: Aiden, you and your friends should stay back we'll handle this.

Aiden: Aren't you guys out of magic?

Elnora: Were at least capable of fighting.

POV Aiden

Do they know I'm the one that threw it there in the first place?

Raver: Get out of here, 100% you don't wanna get hurt now do you?

Calico: You're not gonna leave them to fight that right?

Aiden: *Sigh* According to them I'm weak so I'll play the role perfectly.

Luna: Now's not really the time for that, Help them, they are getting beaten up.

Raver jumped on top of the beast and punched it at the back of its neck, It had no effect.

Raver: It's too thick!

Elnora: [Wind magic: Air Razor]

She launched sharp bursts of Air at the beast but it didn't have an effect.

Elnora: I'm too drained to deal real damage! Crap if only we had more magic!

The beast started to get violent and shot fire blasts everywhere, it caught Raver and pinned him to the ground with its massive paw it used its tail to whip the group away.

Raver: Gah!

Everyone: Argh!

Elnora: It's an elemental beast?! Dammit, if only Draven were here!

Aaron: Are...we gonna die?

Aiden walked up to the beast.

Aiden: *Sigh* This Lion-Whatever was pretty cool. I wonder if it's edible?

The lion stopped focusing on Raver it's attention was now on Aiden.

Elnora: What are you doing you're going to get yourself killed!

Lyra: Or is he?

The beast dashed towards Aiden but he one-handedly stopped it in its track.

Elnora: W...what?

Aaron: How's he doing that?

Lyra: Hmm....

Aiden pulled the mane down, the Lions head bowed.

Aiden: Hmm...Mr. Lion if you promise not to harm anyone I won't kill you.

The lion put up a struggle but it was pointless Aiden wouldn't let go.

The Lion stuck its mouth into the ground and unearth the part where Aiden was standing and ate him.

Everyone looked in shock apart from Calico and Luna.

Calico: This guy... He might actually like being an animal chew toy.

A few seconds later the lion was set ablaze from the Inside out and amid those flames, Aiden walked out of the belly like it was nothing.

Aiden: Grosss, I'm covered in stomach acid.

Calico: That's what you get for playing around.

Aiden looked at his shirt.

Aiden: Huh? Wait, no, no, no, no, no! My clothes are melting!

Aiden's shirt dissolved off and then his pants.

Aiden: Crap!

He ran and hid behind a tree.

Calico and Luna face palmed themselves.

Mara: He's from a poor village but yet he...

Lyra: ...Has the strength to match a grizzly lion...?

Elnora: ...Has magic powerful enough to harm it...

Rosette: ...was able to hold it down without reinforcement magic...?

"Who exactly is he"?

Adella: He's package is alright I guess.






Aiden: Crap, I didn't know that stomach acid could dissolve clothes! .... And a bunch of girls saw my Excalibur, Ahhh!

And did I hear someone calling it mid?


Winry: We finally found our way out.

Lucy: I'm glad.

Vesta: Is that Aiden naked?

To be continued....