
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Aiden's Fish.

<p>Announcer:T-this can't be right, can it?<br/>No, it can't possibly be right! It seems that the oracle has defected and requires maintenance, we'll see to it that it gets calibrated Immediately, it may take some time, so please be patient with us.<br/><br/><br/>Versi: No bloody way a commoner got that high, it must be a defect or something.<br/><br/>Calliope: Relax dear brother all will be found out in due time, but if it's true, looks like I have another rival on my hands... how very displeasing.<br/><br/><br/>Acer: So a church rat managed to get some meat, huh? I'll crush him under my heel.<br/><br/><br/>Areli: How sweet, a boy in number 1, doesn't matter, either way, he'll bow to me sooner or later.<br/><br/>[ Meanwhile in another part of the arena]<br/><br/>Draven:Crysta, er, Aiden was, er, smart?<br/><br/>Crysta: I didn't know he was that smart.<br/><br/><br/>Akeru: I've been with him for a while and I can believe that score is true, Aiden is always the best at whatever he does...but that score seems too high I don't want him to fail but that score's too unbelievable to be my Aiden's (It should be 98)<br/><br/>Draven: You... really like your brother huh? Do you believe he could score that high the way he is?<br/><br/><br/>Akeru: Maybe he was studying in secret.<br/><br/>Crysta: You were sitting behind him in the exam, did he look like he knew what he was doing?<br/><br/>Akeru: Uh...<br/><br/>[Akeru recalled him pulling out his hair during the exam.]<br/><br/>Akeru: I guess not.<br/><br/>Draven: Where is he anyways? I'd like to know what he answered.<br/><br/><br/>Akeru: I'm sure he'll have a reasonable explanation for how he got that high, but for now I want to congratulate you on your rank.<br/><br/>He stretched out his hand.<br/><br/>Draven: Thank you. You did great too Crysta.<br/><br/>Crysta slightly nodded her head.<br/><br/>[20 minutes later]<br/><br/>Announcer: Okay, we're finally done with the calibrations and re-evaluations of the results, now they are as accurate as could be, no need to fret we can now start over. Let's begin, shall we?<br/><br/>Announcer:Since all the marks have been tallied this is the current percentages, the ones you knew before aren't as accurate so now we begin at<br/><br/>Number 10:<br/>At number 10: we have Rai crut Hallen whose new overall score is 74%<br/><br/>At number 9: we have Ahana skywill whose new overall score is 75%<br/><br/>At number 8: we have Acer Aldric whose new overall score is 76.8%<br/><br/>At number 7: Draven Lucius apollo whose new overall is 77.2%<br/><br/>At number 6: Aurora mist wood kalion whose overall score is 78%<br/>,<br/>At number 5: Crysta brightfil' whose score is 79.7%<br/><br/>At number 4: Versi coldherten whose new overall percentage is 80%<br/><br/>Look's like we have a tie this time calliope coldherten and Areli rishford both got 84% in their overall performance, but since this is a ranking we'll have to put them in their former order<br/><br/>No. 3 goes to Areli rishford and calliope coldherten at No.2<br/>Now the moment we've all been waiting for... At number 1 we have...[The name appeared]<br/><br/>Aiden brightfil' got a 100%?!<br/><br/>[Everyone couldn't believe it, even after the oracle was adjusted to get their tally right down to the decimal, Aiden still got one hundred percent, It was unprecedented, no one in the kingdom has gotten that high in over a hundred years, of suspicion fell on him and all the top ten rankers were infuriated that all their scores went down but he's still stayed up.]<br/><br/><br/>[Aiden and calico walk into the arena, holding fried fish.]<br/><br/><br/>Aiden: Hey, guys have you had this guy's fish it tastes amazing!<br/><br/>Calico: He's right you've got to try it.<br/><br/>Everyone's gaze was directed at Aiden, even his sister glared at him. Oh if looks could kill...<br/><br/>Calico: Hey Aiden why's here so quiet? And why do I feel dense amounts of bloodlust around here targeted at you?<br/><br/><br/>Aiden: Maybe we missed something important, hold on I'll go ask Crysta.<br/><br/>[He was walking toward Crysta when he was stopped by rankers 2,3,4,8 and 10]<br/><br/>Calliope: I'll only ask this once, how did you get 100%?<br/><br/><br/>Aiden: One hundred percent of what?<br/><br/>Areli: Come now, girls don't like guys who play dumb.<br/><br/>Aiden: B-but I am dumb.<br/><br/>Aser: Do you want us to have to hurt you to get the truth?<br/><br/><br/>Aiden:Truth about what? Whatever has been in here since number three, I wasn't around.<br/><br/>Areli: Why did you leave at my score?<br/><br/>Aiden: I was at the stall upstairs with Calico, my friend over there, I heard that you got eighty-something, I was part of the people cheering for you.<br/><br/><br/>Areli: Really...?<br/><br/>Aiden: Remember? You said something like<br/>"If you like me so much then lick my boots" Then I said, "I'd love to!"<br/><br/><br/>Areli: That was you?<br/><br/>Aiden:Yep, then after that, I left to go eat with calico.<br/><br/>Aser: Stop going off track here, and that was the old score, they revised it and gave us our new scores and you still got a 100!<br/><br/>Aiden/Calico: No way!<br/><br/>Calico: Aiden... you're smart?<br/><br/>Aiden: I'm realizing this today.<br/><br/>Aser: Cut the crap and tell me what you wrote to get you a hundred percent!<br/><br/><br/>[Acer activated his gravity magic, and the weight pushed Aiden's neck deep into the ground.]<br/><br/><br/>Draven: Hey stop that!<br/><br/>[Crysta held him back.]<br/><br/>Draven: Why are you holding me? Aren't you going to help him? Isn't he your brother?!<br/><br/>Crysta: Does he look like he's in trouble? Keep watching.<br/><br/>Aiden: Hmm, slightly uncomfortable but it's cool down here so I don't mind, but...<br/>Aiden got up as if nothing happened.<br/><br/><br/>Aiden: I prefer eating with my hands though, [Takes a bite] Mmm, soo good!<br/><br/><br/>Acer: H-how did you get up from that?!<br/><br/>Aiden: It wasn't that strong a spell, so it was easy I guess.<br/><br/>Areli: "Sword creation"<br/><br/>[A swarm of swords surrounded Aiden from top to bottom, the were spinning at 17mph and the slightest movement from him would result in being mutilated by the perfectly sharperned edge of those blades]<br/><br/>Areli: Answer me Aiden, how did you cheat your way into 100%? Looking at you now, I can tell you aren't the smart type, nor conning nor the sly type, the only explanation is that you cheated, now answer me, girls like the honest boy type, you know.<br/><br/>Aiden: You keep telling me what girls like, it's not...that...I can't get a girlfriend or anything like that. <br/><br/>Calico: Oh? Lies, that's a first from you.<br/><br/>Aiden: Meanie! I do know what girls like!<br/><br/>Areli:Tee-hee, Why are you blushing? your making this seem unserious.<br/><br/>[Areli was holding back her laugh.]<br/><br/>Aiden: I honestly don't know what to tell you, I didn't cheat, and I'm not that smart but I did use a technique that has been passed down from generation to generation...<br/><br/>[He reached into his pocket, and they all held their breaths for what he was about to do.]<br/><br/>Aiden: Here it is!<br/><br/>[He brought out the coin he used in the exam. Everyone got even angrier than they were before.]<br/><br/>Aser: What the hell is that?! A regular coin?<br/><br/>Versi: So you're trying to make a fool out of us?<br/><br/>Calliope: He is.<br/><br/>Rai: Let's just make sure he can't partake in this exam... permanently.<br/><br/>[His right hand began to glow blue and strikes of lightening was emitted from his arm, and just like an actual lightening on a thunderstorm, Rai dashed towards Aiden with a lightning-fast punch aiming for his face.]<br/><br/>[Without a sound he zoomed through the blockade of swords and threw his punch.<br/>Boom, the punch had been thrown then all the sounds that couldn't keep up with him was finally heard a couple second later.]<br/><br/><br/>[A huge electrical discharge emitted from his burst, the spectator's hair were all standing on end giving them a funny new hair do, even the announcer wasn't spared from this. <br/> The thick dust caused by the release later settled and everyone was shocked that had Aiden caught Rai's hand right by the wrist before it connected.]<br/><br/>Aiden: You should be careful with that, it might hurt someone.<br/><br/>Rai: H-how? How is that even possible?<br/><br/>Aiden: It wasn't that fast I guess, and besides, look what you did to my precious hair!<br/><br/>I spent all that time making it have the cool look I've always wanted, the red tips completed my fire-themed display and now my hair is standing like a freakin' porcupine!<br/>Meanies! You guys are bullies! Wahhh!<br/><br/>[Aiden ran to Calico like a little child running to his father and showed him his bad hairdo with huge tears dripping out of his eyes like a running tap. Calico confused on what's going on just went with the flow and patted Aiden's head trying to comfort him]<br/><br/>Calico: There, there Aiden, don't cry. (What the hell is even going on here?)<br/><br/>[Rai's thought were unsettled he thought:<br/>"He just caught lightning with his bare hands and all he's worried about is his hair? What's wrong with this guy?"]<br/><br/>Announcer: Stop it now with that despicable display! You're not allowed to fight other candidates at your discretion!<br/><br/>Areli: We're in the right for our behavior even you have to find this suspicious, how would a boy, a commoner no less get a hundred percent on this test?<br/><br/>Announcer: If the oracle showed he got a 100, then...he got that score with his knowledge. As much as it pains me to say this, he ranks No.1<br/><br/>Aiden: Ehhhhhhhh?! I, ranked, Number one? But how? I mean, yeah I totally got a hundred on my own, no Biggie, hehe. (Please don't ask me to retake it.)<br/><br/>[Areli wore a conning smile underneath and raised her head up and spoke]<br/><br/>Areli: We can't possibly "let this go" now, can we?<br/><br/>[The swords that Areli had on Aiden began flying around haywire due to her using a command by "accident", one of the swords was on its way to stab calliope in the face faster than she could think of a counter spell to defend.]<br/><br/>[The other candidates were busy dodging and no one had time to assist another, Rai saw that she was about to be impaled but couldn't do anything about it. <br/>Calliope closed her eyes and braced herself instinctively, but just then the sword stopped right at her face.<br/><br/>[She kept waiting for the sword to hit but it never did and when she slowly opened her eyes wondering what's going on. She Aiden caught had caught it a few meters before it connected thus saving her.]<br/><br/>[She fell on her bum to the ground in shock.]<br/><br/>Areli: Calliope, are you alright?!<br/><br/>[Calliope's eyes still wide open stunned at what just happened looked upwards at the person who just saved her.]<br/><br/>[Aiden melted the sword afterwards.]<br/><br/>Aiden: Gahhh!! My fish! I dropped it!<br/><br/>[He started crying hysterically and wasted the cool view of himself that Calliope saw him under]<br/><br/>Aiden: I can't believe I dropped my fish! And I don't have any more money, This world is so cruel! <br/><br/>Areli: Huh?<br/><br/>Calico: Don't worry Aiden I'll buy you more fish after the exam.<br/><br/>[He perked up.]<br/><br/>Aiden: Really?! Are...you an angel?<br/><br/>[Calico laughed at Aiden's childlike demeanor and took him for one more round of snacks, in which Aiden happily skipped as they left.]<br/>[But all was not well, the other candidates started to realize that this is NO ordinary commoner, that if kept unchecked this boy might stir up something fierced. But though they all felt the same, each would still work alone and do their own thing without working with the other.]<br/><br/>Rai: He's fast.<br/><br/>Acer: He's strong.<br/><br/>Areli: He's smart?<br/><br/>Versi: He has fire affinity like me.<br/><br/>Acer: who exactly is he? There's one thing for sure, he's no ordinary commoner.<br/><br/>Rai/ Acer/Areli/Versi's/ POV<br/>He's dangerous.<br/><br/>Calliope [To herself]:He...saved my life...<br/><br/>[All the other candidates were now weary of one candidate; they were now cautious of one specific fire affinity bearer's existence; Aiden Brightfil']</p>