
otherworldly beast warrior

A tall trea that extends to space, a waterfall streaming from the sky and a tower that pierces the clouds. these are landmarks of Doraldo the fantasy world from a novel Arlon used to read. Is he truly in this world? and how did he get here?

crown_three · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Doraldo (1)

A tall trea that extends to space, a waterfall streaming from the sky and a tower that pierces the clouds. These are the tree wonders of Doraldo, the fantasy world in the novel "beast warriors".

These were Arlons first thoughts when he opend his eyes this morning. "My mind wondered off again" is what he said. But he soon realized this was no hallucination.

He quickly started planning his next move. He was good at adapting to circumstances. After some time he started looking around to figure out his position. He was on top of a two story house in the middle of a grass plain. He rememberd this place was called "guidance post" it's a place were lost ones are bestowed gifts after suffering from the harsh circumstances outside. This was great news but Arlon was frowning.

"Lost ones are the individuals that fell in dimensional gates, but I don't remember falling to anything like that. Last thing I remember was going to sleep, I think if a dimensional gate opened I would have awakend from all the ruckus. Even if I didn't wake up I should have started at the forest of dreams not in here".

Arlon headed to the 2nd story of the house. "The time one can stay in the post is limited, I better check on the gifts".

After going through a dimensional gate one would find himself in the forest of dreams, only after surviving that nightmare could one find the guidance post with gifts that are proportional to his performance.

Arlon sat at a bench at the second floor looking at the desk infront he was in deep thought : "gifts are given based on performance, and since I have no recollection or ability to pass the forest of dreams there should be nothing in here, yet there are gifts in this desk"

-If one passes with a bad performance by only surviving their gifts would range from one artifact to a full set.

-good performance wich is achieved by surviving and collecting resources gets you anything from a full set of artifacts and a combat scroll to a set of artifacts and three combat scrolls.

-great performance wich is only achievable by surviving, acquiring resources, and killing beasts, by achieving this you get a set of artifacts, five combat scrolls, and an art scroll.

"In this desk there are five scrolls and one orb that seemed to be made of smoke"

Arlon stared fixedly at the orb, suddenly it flew to his his face and integrated with him.

Arlon felt like a needle crawled to his brain, it wasn't painful as described but it was uncomfortable.

A rough voice rang out in Arlon's grad "Hello otherworldly visitor! I am Val you can consider me your guide".

Arlon felt relieved to find another living being in here, but he quickly felt unease as he didn't know if this person had any ulterior motives. "Hello! Can you tell me..." Arlon tried to get some informations but he was interrupted by Val.

"Enough introductions as you already know much about this world. This orb has my will and it will help when the time comes as for the scrolls on the desk you can consider them a welcoming gift. Just put your hands on them and I will imprint them on your consciousness. As you don't have a body from this world as soon as you leave this house you will be reborn in the main world of Doraldo, so leave when you are ready"

Arlon was stunned for a long time after hearing this.

"Reborn? Does that mean I died? Is this my soul?" Countless questions came to his mind but he decided to just do what Val told him. He grabed the scrolls and after feeling what seemed like tickle in an unknown part of him, he headed outside the cabinet. He wasn't willing but had no choice. The house had nothing else, and he had no memories of how he got here. And if he died in his sleep then he was already dead and had no power to change anything. He felt weird, even if he was good at adapting to change this was too much, he felt like something was soothing him, as if he was in a better place. This idea gave him chills, but that feeling too was soothed. He rememberd the novel he knew this place from "beast warriors" and father that used to read it for him when he was a child this place was a subspace in the Doraldo world, in the novel this place was described as warriors cradle as it was different for anyone that entered it. With nothing else he can do he walked out the door to the outside bracing himself for what he preferd to be a better place.

As soon as he left he felt a formless energy wrapping him, then he felt as if he himself turned into energy. It was the best feeling he ever had. When he opend his eyes he felt a sense of faint pain from his chest and when he tried to move he felt great fatigue washing away his consciousness.

Muffled shouts entered his ears but he was too tired to even care.

"Hey kid stay with me your gonna be OK"

"Chief! We need a healer! There's been a monster attack on the outskirts, we killed it. There is one dead and one injured".