
Otherworldly Archivist

Wilvert Stewart is a young student caught in a world where dream and reality are intertwined. Mystical secrets shroud this world, whose history goes back thousands of years. Who are the dreamers? Why is time no more than a commodity here? Will Wilvert be able to return to his homeworld or will he fall into the sweet dreams of Othal? It's all in the novel The Otherworldly Archivist.

Fox_in_a_sweater · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 4: Dew Thomson

"I'm done!"


Metal hit metal against metal. The scraping of steel filled his ears. The terrified Wilvert opened one eye to check why he was still alive. A man stood before him and restrained the monster by inserting a steel pipe between the caterpillar's jaws. The spiked bands trembled and for some reason did not attack the man who had interfered in the hunt. Suddenly the pipe sagged sharply and the monster's jaws were almost free.

- Hey, what are you standing there for? Go around the corner and don't look here until I find you! Get outta here! - shouted the stranger, standing with his back to Wilvert. He pulled something from the inside pocket of his coat. The air smelled of vanilla and herbs. Coming to his senses, Wilvert darted around the corner and hid between the cast-iron trash cans. The world around him was once again consumed by silence. Wilvert didn't know how long he sat like that, but it was over when he heard footsteps and...

Woke up.

Wilvert was lying on a small sofa of dark leather. Abruptly rising abruptly, the boy looked around, not realizing anything. It was an ordinary room with couches and a coffee table in the middle. On the couch opposite sat a man and looked at Wilvert with a soft smile.

- 'Happy awakening to you. - He said cheerfully. It was the man from his dream! He had saved him from the monster! But wait. How did he end up here? He remembered leaving the bar and walking down the street. Patting his pocket, Wilvert fumbled for a couple of small silver coins. The last copper coins he had spent on booze and there were none in his pocket! But then, what's going on here? - I understand you're confused. - Still smiling sweetly, the stranger said. - Believe me, the fact that you went to the bar was a completely real event. And the fact that you were attacked by the Nightmare Millipede is also true.

- Who? - Wilvert asked hoarsely.

- The Nightmare Millipede. One of the undead species that inhabit the alleys of Dreamwor. You were lucky it was young and easy to exorcise.

- I apologize, but, uh...

- Getting ahead of your question, you really just woke up. What happened to you happens. You in your inexperience and carelessness entered a zone where dreams and reality switch places. Simply put, Dreamwor. Congratulations on your successful journey across the line, by the way. You didn't even throw up. That's rare for newbies.

"I don't understand a thing. This guy's crazy!"

- Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dew Thompson. I'm the senior dreamwalker for the Clorwood Citizens Life and Health Protection Unit in this area. - Thomson pulled an ID card from his pants pocket and showed it to Wilvert. The name of Dew Thomson was indeed printed in blue ink, along with his photograph and the name of the unit.

- There really is such a thing," Wilvert muttered, gulping. He hadn't expected the world he'd gotten into to be full of scary things, like the Nightmare Millipede. - Wait, how can a dream be in reality? A dream is just a process in a person's brain while they sleep....

Thomson didn't answer. Instead, he got up from the couch and walked to the wall. He rummaged in the cupboard and took out a carafe of water and two glasses. After filling them, Thomson handed one of them to Wilvert. He thanked him.

- It is difficult to explain. Alas, for me, perhaps even impossible. Such information is not in the public domain, even among employees.

Wilvert drank the glass in one gulp and placed it carefully on the table. Thomson continued:

- Do you realize that once faced with mysticism, it will continue to haunt you?

- What?

- An encounter with such a thing never goes unnoticed by man. Creatures like the one you met last night will feel you now. For the most part, humans and the creatures of Dreamwor are separated by a kind of wall. They do not see each other, feel each other, or pose a threat. But if a person accidentally steps into an open area where the wall between Dreamwor and reality is almost nonexistent, people and entities become real to each other. For them, humans become a valuable unit for sustenance... and for humans, these encounters end sadly. You're lucky, Mr. Stewart, to have been found and rescued in time.

"Holy shit! That sounds really scary! Are these creepy monsters going to start chasing me?"

- And do what? - Wilvert asked cautiously.

- Well, I can't just let you go and forget about it. The common man should not be drawn to mysticism. Only trained people are allowed to interact with this obviously very dangerous world. How long have you been in Clorewood?

- I'm new here. Just yesterday I was at the Town Hall getting my papers.

- I see. Then I suggest you find a place to live and a stable job. Living in Clorwood can be exhausting for a newcomer. It's the capital, after all.

- And then?

- We'll know once you've settled into your life. Until then, don't worry. I'll petition to have a man assigned to you. He'll make sure you're not attacked again. Until then.

Good luck to you.


A girl ran into the spacious workroom and slammed the door sharply. With one sweep of her hand she swept away the old blueprints and papers along with her tools and placed the blueprint on the table.

"This will be my breakthrough!"

- Madam! Before practicing in the workshop, go in to see your father! - came the pitiful voice of the governess outside the door. - He urged you to see him as soon as you returned from your walk!

- Wait, Molly, I can't!

- But Mrs. Patricia!

With an angry snort, the girl rushed to the door and swung it open.

- I know what he wants to talk about! So my answer is no! I'm not going to marry anyone! Tell him that! - Patricia shouted angrily and locked the door. Ignoring the shouts of the woman outside the door, she walked over to the table and looked at the drawing. - I really have a lot of work to do...

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