
Otherworlder (DxD/Overlord/Unknow)

He, Seiya Totsuka, has been reincarnated in this world after his death as an overworked office worker, but although a bit unusual this world was not so different from his past one. The problem is that as a fan of manga and anime, he expected to go a bit differently than that. So he kind of feels like his life is boring, he always has this feeling of void whenever he thinks about it. But, ho well, at least he has a caring mother and a hobby... which essentially is drawing mangas. Or more like usurping those from his past world that don't exist here. ... Okay, something else to add, the mc doesn't know about DXD, but he does know about overlord, so let's see how this goes.

AllBullshit · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Izumi and Seiya Totsuka, Mother and Son.


Kuoh Town.

In what would be considered to be a mansion, a young man with hair as black as death and eyes as red as blood, just woke up from slumber.

Sitting on his 'too big to be for two persons but not enough to be for three persons' bed, he took a dit breath before frowning for a moment.

But that frown soon disappeared as he o got up from the bed and opened the minifridge just aside, took a bottle of water before gulping it down.

Not feeling like exercising this morning, he then walked toward the bathroom with big steps. Which was quite reasonable as he stood at 1m80 (5'91 in freedom measurement).

Then following his morning routine bar the physical maintenance, he brushed his teeth, took a bath, and dried up before wearing a pair of back joggings with a coat and a white shirt.

"Should do." He looked at himself in the mirror for a second before seeing. His voice was rather deep and for some reason controlled.

Making his way downstairs, he took a seat before the t.v which was already running, took out his phone, and checked his messages. Answering a couple of them for some time, he got bored and put it back into his pocket.

Also shutting down the TV, he made his way to the kitchen and saw a couple of cooking materials soaking in water. He seemed to realize something and made his way into another room, one that had a large Transparent Widow-like door giving a view of the greenery outside.

This was one of the dining rooms in the mansion, and sometimes they would eat there peacefully while contemplating the scenery. And sure enough, he found that breakfast was already on the table. So without much thought, he sat in his usual spot.

But instead of directly attacking he waited for a minute as he checked his watch, which was an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak RD#2 by the way, He then looked toward the door he just came from.

"Should be about time..." He muttered, and as expected just as he finished, a beautiful and regal woman entered, from her physical appearance she seemed to be in her thirties, with hair just as dark as the young man sitting but with eyes also just as black.

She was wearing a two-piece gray dress that quite showed off her voluptuous figure.

"Morning Seiya." She didn't seem surprised to see the young man now introduced as Seiya as she made her way toward him and kissed his forehead tenderly.

"Good morning mother, have you slept well?" For some reason, he seemed to call his mother rather formally while their relationship was everything but.

"Particularly so, even." She seemed in a good mood as she sat down on her spot before starting to serve her only son.

"I may have an idea of why." He spoke as he eyed her with narrowed eyes.

"What? Don't look at me like that, I did nothing wrong." She spoke without a hint of shame, not even looking at his face.

"Are you sure about that? I told you didn't I? Something like that is not normal, and it is socially unacceptable." Seiya sighed a little but he was not particularly offended or anything.

"hmph, I don't care, if I want to cuddle my son to sleep I will do it. Nobody can tell me otherwise." She talked about it as if it was just a matter of a mother cradling her baby to sleep.

"Plus, I told you already, human society convention doesn't apply to us." She used her pair of chopsticks to eat her rice, with a fair expression.

"Yes, you have been telling me that since I was a baby, but that doesn't really mean anything. While it's true that we are rich, that does not condone such behavior." He also ate as he spoke.

"Who talked about riches? Never did I say that it was by virtue of money did I?"

"Here we go again." This was not the first time they had this conversation, he could predict already predict her next words.

""It's not about money, it's about nature."" He said it at the same time as her, using the same tone and pace.

"See, you get it already, so it's fine." She seemed to have expected it as she spoke with a smile.

"I don't get it, I just know you by the back of my hand." He spoke without thinking, before realizing what he said. Once again knowing what was to come he slowly looked up from his bowl.

There it was, the face of his mother literally shining by pure virtue of her current expression which was nothing but happiness. The smile she now had on her face could cause war, but in face of such a sight, Seiya merely shook his head before going back to his food.

"I see, so you know mother by the back of your hand, you really love mother after all."

"There it is. Well done Sherlock." The was clear sarcasm in his tone, but it was not meant to hurt, instead, he had a smile on his face.

His dynamic with his mother was quite a peculiar one, sometimes they acted more as friends than mother and son. Well, it was understandable seeing how he acted toward her.

"Mou, you are so mean... For speaking all elegantly, you really don't pull your words." Though she said it was not much of a complaint, since it was partially her fault he learned to speak like that.

"But I am still your mother, you shouldn't talk to me like that... how should I punish you?" She closed her eyes for a moment in wonder.

"..." Seiya didn't say anything at all instead he just raised an eyebrow, knowing her, she was not serious at all, she will just use the occasion to get something out of him.

"I know! I have decided, you will accompany me shopping in Paris next month!" Nodding to herself she went back to her eating. Not bothering to ask his advice since it was supposed to be a punishment.

"Paris, huh... The last time we went there was two years ago. It should be fine." He wasn't against it, it's not like he wouldn't also gain something from it anyway.

Though she said punishment, it was basically her buying stuff for them, predominantly clothes, since she seemed to love buying clothes for him.

"Now that I think about it, looking at your clothes. You are not planning to go to school today are you?" She asked but it was rather rhetorical since she already knew the answer.

"Indeed, school these days is just boring, there is not much to do there anyway." Even more, considering his circumstance.

"Then, I will call later so they know. What are you planning to do? Do you want to have a mother-and-son day?" She asked, her eyes visibly shining with stars in them.

'People in this world are really free-spirited.' He thought as he made the contrast with his past life.

"Nothing much, I was just going to practice piano, so I guess we can do a 'mother-and-son day' as you call it."

"Perfect!" Seemingly happy with this turn of events, she went back to eat happily.

"Ho, also, I finished drawing the next chapter if you want to read it." He took a sip of tea with his eyes closed as he said.

"Really? But isn't that too fast? I thought you still had a week left before the deadline." She was rather surprised, he usually took his time drawing.

"I was bored." He simply answered.

"I see. I suppose that explains it." A genius was a genius after all, there was no use thinking too much about the way they did their thing

"Plus, I already have the complete story right here" He pointed his head as he spoke, those were the perks of having hyperthymesia. He could recall anything and everything he experienced since his birth, whether it was this life or his past one. That coupled with an IQ of 170, yeah, it was not even funny.

"But One Punch Man huh? It really is a good story."

"Sure it's, or it wouldn't be the best manga to date." He was just doing it for fun, it was out of boredom, and the money he was getting from it was being used for philanthropism purposes. He had no need for the money anyway.

"Althought it's indeed a great story, the problem is, all manga I read and anime I watched were relatively subpar, the bar wasn't really that high, to begin with."

"I think you are the only one thinking that, everyone was content with that in the past, but now with your creation as a contender... Poor authors." She pitied them, but ho well, her son was the best.

"Can I see it? The new chapter I mean."

"It's in my room, I will give it to you later."


A bit later, the mother and son duo were in the main living room, but they were at relatively different occupations.

While sitting on the sofa, Izumi was reading the last chapter of OPM, chapter 38 to be precise, the one where King was getting introduced.

While she was focused on reading, Izumi's head was resting on her lap as he surfed on the internet and social media. Looking for anything interesting.

'So bored...' He thought as he sighed, having already lived once, he found everything rather redundant. There was nothing exciting in this world anymore.

'At least I have my mother.' Even if it was just for her sake he would try his best to live a decent life.

Everything said and done, he was still a moma boy at the end of the day and he was conscious of that fact. But he didn't mind, she was his only relative left in this world and Family came before everything.

'I have everything one could possibly want, money, fame, women. But even then I am not feeling fulfilled at all.' oh he would have wished he reincarnated in a world of fantasy.

'This world, aside from the strange physic at times, and the plethora of hair and eye colors isn't much different from my past one.' There was also the fact that the general beauty of the people over here was a level higher.

'Perhaps I should have gone to school after all.' Althought there was nothing exciting there, at least he had his friends over there. He could also entertain himself a little by messing with the council president.

He tried to look at his mother's face from his position but rather than that, he was met with a bountiful pair of breasts.

'But I guess this is also not so bad." He sighed internally as he closed his eyes. Althought he slept well last night, his current position was so comfortable that he felt like taking another nap.

And slowly he fell into slumber as his consciousness vanished little by little.

Just a moment After, Izuma finished reading and put the manga aside in a big envelope.

"Sei-... hm?" She was going to talk before realizing that he fell asleep.

She smiled fondly as she combed his long hair with her hand while humming a soft tune.

"Sleep well, my lovely son..."


Later that day, it was almost nightfall.

"Seiya, Are you going out?" The voice of his mother came from the kitchen.

"Yes, I am going for a walk." He answered as he puts on a pair of black sneakers.

"Okay, but not too long, it's not safe at night."

"Understood." Although he didn't know why she thought so, he still answered as usual.

Normally Japan is one of the countries with the lowest crime rate. The chance that anything dangerous happens to him outside is rather low.

Getting outside the house, he walked through the garden before he was officially outside of their residences.

Putting on his hood over his headphones as per his habitude, he started leisurely walking toward the city center while listening to some music.

Before he could even notice it, he was already at his destination so he looked around before sitting near the fountain. He let the headphone slide to his neck before cutting the music. And merely listened to the sound of water continuously flowing while looking at people going around their business.

He did that from to time in order to observe the lassitude of life from a third point of view.

'So it's as such after all, nothing is true but the fatigue of life and the eternal disappointment.' He was tired, it was not a physical fatigue, but a draining lassitude that numbed the margins of his mind.

'But I can think as I want, It's not like I can do anything about it. But...' He shook his head, it was time to go back home. This was enough for now.

Getting up, from his seat, he was going to put back his head phone but he felt a pull on his cloth so he turned back to see a little girl with blonde hair and Gothic Lolita clothing looking up at him.

"Hey, can you help me?" She asked with a neutral tone.

Looking at this situation he sighed, seeing as it was a little girl that probably lost her parent or something, he couldn't just ignore her.

"And how can I help you?" he asked as he was going to bend down and pat her head, but hearing her next words, his movement stopped as if frozen.

"Die for me." She voiced as her voice became perverse, her mouth contorted into a deranged smile and her eye promised pain... no pleasure? It was rather strange.

But it was only now that Shin realized something, everybody seemingly vanished, there was no one around, and this place that was beaming with activity a second ago became completely silent.

"I have to refuse." He still kept his calm as he spoke calmly.

"Ah? You are still calm in this situation?" Her expression turned to interest but that also soon went away, replaced with anger. Her mood swing was quite the sight. "No, no, that won't do, you are supposed to tremble in fear and cry for help! Why are you so calm." She complained as she slammed her foot on the ground.

"You-..." Seiya wanted to speak and slowly back away but his effort was for naught as seemingly from nowhere a spear condensed of light materialized in the hand of the girl.

"How dare you ruin my fun! Now I have to wait until tomorrow before I can play again." She shouted as she pierced Seiya's chest with her spear.

"Ha.. haha... hahahah." Seeing the young man fall on the ground with a hole in his chest, the girl laughed her head out in Joice. This was better, this feeling... it was so addicting.

She drowned in that feeling of pure sadistic pleasure as she watched the man die before her eyes.



A cup of tea fell into the ground as a voice slowly muttered.

"Sei...ya?" Izumi felt it, the scent of death getting stronger, her blessing taking effect.


Slowly losing consciousness, all sound faded, Seiya couldn't feel anything, all his senses already left him. He couldn't move at all, the only thing he could do was think. And even that was getting troublesome.

'Althought I indeed thought that life was boring, never did I think it would end so abruptly.' He thought as his consciousness faded little by little for the second time today and probably the last.

'What is that feeling?' He suddenly felt something embrace him. 'This feeling, although a bit different, it's similar to her embrace.' He thought as his mind constructed the image of his mother hugging him.

'Is my mind tricking me to make it easier? To make death feel like my mother's embrace?' But that was not so bad as well, he already died once anyway, a second would be nothing new.

'Thinking about it, If I find life boring, perhaps death will be more interesting?' His thought started drifting in a strange direction as he smiled in his mind.

'Althought I don't mind dying what about my mother?' She would be left alone, with no one left.

'I am really sorry mother, but It seems like that fellow wants to reclaim me a second time." He chuckled mentally at this thought.

'But still, If I keep my memory once again, I hope my next world will be more interesting.' One who experienced death once, wouldn't fear it a second time. At least, that was his case.

'Goodbye mother, no mom, please live a long after me.' He lost consciousness as death completely claimed him.

|Umprecedented amount of desire detected.|

|The system has been successfully created. All your Karma point has been consumed|

|Your Birthright has been reclaimed.|

|Your Innate Skills have been reclaimed.|

|Your Skill 'True Freedom' has forcefully awakened your true Nature.|

|Looking for an alternative to the "otherworld wish"|

|Alternative found You are being Summoned to another world.|

|Your connection to this world is too strong. Looking for an alternative.|

|Successfull, You have been given the job class Otherworlder.|

|You have formed a connection to the two worlds.|

|Summoning Successful, Procedure terminated.|