
Otherworlder's Adventure In The Dungeon

There was a nameless soul who was granted the chance to reincarnate in another world, and it accepted. It was given the chance to customize it's appearance and starting skills and then thrown into the new world. Quite literally. This is the story of a nameless soul's adventure in a dungeon-fantasy world which is very familiar to a certain anime. NOTE: This is a Danmachi fanfic which has the purpose of fuelling my imagination, I don't own the characters that appear in the fanfic, only my MC. Another Note: I don't own the cover.

IsekaiFanBoi · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

[Arc 1]Chapter 5

Ryu Lions' POV

After obtaining Mia's permission I led the woman - Hephaestus - in while carrying the unconscious boy towards a spare room.

"HAHAHAHA! You did it again!", Mia was fully laughing and giggling like a child, when she heard what I did.

'It's not funny.', I thought with deadpanned eyes.

"It is funny.", Mia commented almost as if she was reading my mind.

"Haa~...", I took a deep sigh and then I realised something. Syr and the others are giggling. This immediately caused my face go redden because the embarrassment was getting to me.

To let the embarrassment die down I went to the boy's room to see how he was doing.

"Hmm...", I inspected the boy's appearance.

The boy's appearance consisted of black hair and slightly pale skin. It was a healthy pale, though. From what I've seen earlier his eyes are deep blue, he looks healthy and he's wearing simple clothing. His face is slightly cute, however for some reason I feel like he should be a bit older. The age of his appearance is that of a 10 year old, but my elven instincts tell me that he should at least be 12 years old. So perhaps...

'A descent of an elf..? However feeling this much of a familiarity makes it feel like he's the descent of an elven royalty...', I frowned. 'Due to the magic sword business, the high elves should have a grudge against humans... There are few high elves - or elves in general - that would even think of ridding their hate of magic swords and humans.'

I could feel my frown turn neutral as I continued to think.

'Me and the Loki familia's Riviera are different cases considering that I wasn't directly affected and Riviera discarded her royal heritage.'

"What are you thinking about?", I heard a slightly deep feminine voice call out to me, as my ears twitch.

"He's strange.", I said to Hephaestus.

"How so?", she chuckled slightly then asked.

"He has royal elven blood, however it's just a small amount. It's strange that elven royalty would even dare to... copulate with a human.", I blushed slightly when I said 'copulate' because I'm very nervous and new around those areas.

"He's a strange one, alright.", Hephaestus said with a chuckle.

"He has unheard of abilities and skills, he also has the two most important parts of the skill set.", Hephaestus said with a grin.

"The two most important parts?", I inquired.

"Yes. It's kindness...", Hephaestus implied that there was more and so I urged her with my attention.

"And determination.", Hephaestus spoke while looking at me deep in the eyes.

Hephaestus knows of my circumstances because she was there by coincidence, when I tried to eliminate the remnants of Evilus. I think Evilus is still around, no, I'm sure of it.

"I haven't even lost a cent of my determination.", I replied to Hephaestus sternly, while looking directly into her eye.

"Haha... I guess so. It's not my business, anyway.", Hephaestus giggled at my determination, as if she was complimenting me.

After a while in silence, I spoke up.

"Where did you find him?"

"The sky.", Hephaestus said while looking slightly exasperated.

"The sky?", I raised an eyebrow unknowingly.

"He fell from the sky with amnesia and everything. I decided to accept him into my familia after he named himself after me.", Hephaestus reminisced while looking at the ceiling.

"What about his origins?", I asked.

"None. I can't find any solid sources which connect to him, only rumours.", Hephaestus spoke while looking intently at the ceiling.

"What rumours?", I asked.

"There are rumours of people having seen him before. There are rumours of him being killed, however there is something that all these rumours coincide with.", Hephaestus explained.

"And what is that?", I asked.

"They are all linked with Misha Flott, a guild employee.", she clarified.

"However there's something strange with the information.", she added on.

"Strange?", I questioned.

"If he's truly connected to these rumours, then he should be older and should at the very least have scars.", she explained.

"You've checked him?", I slightly blushed, which made her grin.

"Yes. There were lots of chances when I was bathing him.", she observed my reaction.

"S-so what are you going to do?", I asked while stuttering.

"Nothing.", she said with a blank face.

"Huh?", I let out an idiotic sound which was uncharacteristic of me.

"He'll meet her when he becomes an adventurer.", she clarified.

"Why doesn't he become an adventurer now?", I inquired because it wasn't strange for the youth to become adventurers early on in their life.

"He's too weak. He has lots of knowledge and techniques, but his body can't handle it. I'll let him become an adventurer once he has enough muscle strength."

"Sounds reasonable.", I agreed with her because from observations, I can tell that he is too green. It's as if he was just born not that long ago.

"He also has talent with both smithing and the sword. Can't think of a better familia he could've entered.", she said with a grin, which made me involuntarily give a soft smile.

'It's not often that Hephaestus smiles.', I thought with a small smile, that wasn't forced whatsoever.

"Anyway, why are you telling me this?", I questioned lightly.

"Because I want you to train him.", she asked and my smile faded into a look of disbelief.

"Seriously?", my mouth opened in the shape of an O.

"Seriously.", she said with a full-blown grin.

"Haa~", I sighed and then tried to confirm something.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nope. Also, if you do decide to train him I'll give you a permanent 50% discount on all goods.", Hephaestus said with a small wry smile.

My ears twitched and I knew what to say.

"I would be glad to take him under my wing.", I said with my business smile.

Afterall, who could deny a 50% permanent decrease in Hephaestus' goods. It's unthinkable to even think of even denying this.

"What's his name?", I asked, because i should at least know my student's name.

"Phaes Urian.", she stated, which made my eyes open wider.

"He really did name himself after you.", when I said this blankly, Hephaestus had a gorgeous smile, it was as if she was tasting the most delicious of honey.

"Hmm...", the boy named 'Phaes' murmured as he was erupting from his slumber.

He opened his eyes and stated:

"An unfamiliar ceiling.", seems familiar from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it.

Phaes' eyes roamed the room and when he saw Hephaestus he gave a small smile, which made my heart beat even faster than normal. However, when he saw me I could see him turn pale.

"Ah. Gorilla lady.", this statement seemed to reverberate in the room, and those sneaky pests that were outside couldn't hold their laughter in anymore.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!", everyone in the room laughed at me, even Syr couldn't help but giggle silently.

I could feel the the blood rushing to my face, and I knew the first lesson I needed to teach Phaes, no, this brat.

'First lesson, you must always use your manners. In progress.', I though with a wide grin which quickly shut everyone up.

I could visibly see Phaes shake, and I grinned even harder at him.