
Otaku to Speedster

Don’t mind me just putting a piece of my mind in here for the first time. Reincarnation of an otaku into the flash CW series as a speedster. PS: Fan of Kakashi Please support me by add The story to the library Keep the power stones coming my dear patrons. Pic is from Pinterest pls leave a review after reading

prithvi109 · テレビ
25 Chs

Chapter 14: The Flash

Josh PoV:

I made my way to star labs, on my car a very smooth Tesla which I love so much that I am using it for running errands. Time to meet my friend after a long coma, we'll just 2 months for me since I myself was in a coma too, but the official duration was 9 months.




what's happening and where am I ???

Why am I hooked up to so many machines. "Uhhhhhh" my head and seeing my shirtless body all that caught my attention was the newly visible and well defines abs.

"since when did I have abs "

suddenly two people approached me.


"Calm down man , my name is Cisco Ramon and this is my friend and colleague Caitlin Snow, you have been in a coma for 9 months." Said Cisco

"How are you feeling , any difficulties anyway I would like a few blood and urine samples for me to test your body" said Caitlin

"I am fine " looking at my abs. "More than fine I guess" replied Barry.

"Good morning Mr.Allen , my name is Harrison wells and my incident with particle accelerator caused some anomalies and as a result you were struck by lightning the same day" said Wells

" I don't understand, how am I alive ? By what you're saying I shouldn't be in one piece at least not like this" Barry replied

"And that's what we were trying to find out. You have been in our care for the last few months with frequent visits form you father and your friends."finished wells

"Barry!! You're awake" said Iris befor hugging Barry and sobbing lightly

After a few minutes Iris started failing their mutual best friend.

" I am on my way" was the only thing heard from the phone


"Barry ! You son of gun , finally waking up now after months ." I said in a high voice

and immediately pulled my now speedster into a small hug which Iris joined .

A few minutes late

"so my friend, it seems like you fully recovered, which is a good thing but still odd considering that you were struck by lightning and couldn't be given the necessary treatment at a normal hospital " I said

"I called your dad , he's going to be here in a few" Iris told Barry.

After Henry arrived, the father son duo spoke for a while. I could sense a small fluctuation of speed force in Barry . It seems he has changed completely.

The very Night I arranged a huge dinner including all of our families and friends including Cisco and Caitlin but Wells refused, obviously but still being polite. Everybody wished Barry a speedy recovery and we got Barry up to date with current affairs of the city.

Barry started feeling slightly weak , I guess he needs more food since he is now a speedster, later that night us friends visited Barry's favourite ice cream bar and he ate a bucket full of it . I took photos while making fun of him. The night was amazing, having fun, genuine fun was almost a luxury in the current world.

Barry said that he will back to work by next week. Looks like everything is going as per story . I decided that I will keep myself hidden for a while until Thawne is dead at least the first time he died.