
Otaku Cultivator Exploring The Multiverse

We all know how cultivation novels are, starting from nothing and by the end of the novel, he becomes god. But what if the Main Character becomes god by the end of the first volume? then add the fact that he got multiverse travelling powers? and most of all he is Otaku who 'tries' living normal life and fulfilling his Otaku dreams? A 'Wish Fulfilment' type of story, when a normal Otaku type of guy gets the power to travel the multiverse! Cover Art Created by ZeroExperience20

Dragon15681 · その他
147 Chs

The Other Sword and The Ex-Fire Queen

Raynor with smile left the 'institution', followed by poker-faced Mu Feixue, she slightly raised her eyebrow when she saw her master create a clone without even looking back.

She was wondering what he was planning, not that she has the right to ask him that.

"You thought I will allow such a place to continue to exist as it is?" He said that to her without even looking back.

"While this place is destined to be burned down by a certain girl, it doesn't mean I can't do something to mess with them before." Mu Feixue slight had a chill going down her spine when he stopped walking and turned back to look a her.

There was a cruel smile on his face which said that whoever was running this place will experience hell before the 'destined' girl will come here and 'relieve' them from whatever hell he will create for these inhuman beings.

"W-What your clone will do?" She eventually asked him, Mu Feixue knew from stories from other girls that Raynor can be 'imaginative' when he is motivated.

"My clone will make a 'black book' of everyone who is remotely involved in the creation of this place, and then he will sick my b1tch on them."

Mu Feixue slightly frowned when he said that vulgar word.

"I can see you are confused, but when you are at my level of power you can tell Destiny, and Karma what to do, in truth they want to please me in any way they can, and now they will be delighted to have a chance to please me." His cruel smile disappeared as it was replaced by a cheerful one, as he started to imagine all the incidents and unlucky encounters these nobles will have in upcoming days, weeks, months, and even years until there is nothing left of these despicable people.

Mu Feixue just gulped down, thank Heavens and Earth she is on his good side!

"S-So, what now?" She asked him with intentions of changing the theme of conversation.

"I have a sword for my right hand now I need to get one for my left hand as well," Raynor said that as he showed his left hand.

He motioned for her to follow him as they started to fly again.

~~~~~~Outskirts Of Areishia Spirit Academy~~~~~~

Since they are flying through air they didn't even need to pass the forest which would try to keep them away.

The natural defences of this place are spirits which dwell in this forest, the best way to pass them is by flying...

Raynor and Mu Feixue landed In front of an energy barrier which is keeping people away from a certain cave.

The Primordial Dragon gently put his hand on the barrier and used a very simplified version of 'Hakai' and moments later the barrier ceased to exist.

He then motioned for his assistant to follow him inside.

The cave was spacious and in very centre on a platform of sorts is a sword stuck in stone.

"That's Terminus Est, strongest Steel Type Spirit in this spiritual world," Raynor said with a smile as he started to walk towards it.

The sword looked quite rusty since no one was able to contract the steel spirit for centuries.

Raynor lifted his left hand and pulled out the blade from the stone very casually.

Then he overwhelmed the spirit and formed the contract, but he didn't stop there as he reaped her from Astral Plane and transported her to his inner world.

Moments later on his left-hand light blue seal appeared which symbolising his contract with Terminus Est.

He knows he should have said the contract chant, or something similar like that, but he is not Shonen Protagonist, he leaves that part to his best friend.

Mu Feixue looked at this with slight disappointment, wasn't this spirit suppose to be the 'strongest' of its type? but all her master did was pull the sword out and then it turned into dust and next moment he got a tattoo on his left hand!

"Well this is it, let's go." Raynor motioned for her to follow him.

Once they got outside the cave he started to fly, since he is here, and he wants to see certain someone, he already decided to spend some time in this reality sometime later, but for now he still has some unfinished business in RWBY and this place can wait, but it doesn't mean he can't see someone before he leaves.

As he rushed towards an area heavily affected by fire laws, he was greeted by severely burned down city, farms lands, almost all food was burned as well.

This rubbed him in the wrong way, as a Deity which has absolute rule over fire, and anything fire-related! this kind of indiscriminate burning without proper reason is simply wrong, none of these people did anything wrong, he checked their karma and destiny, this place was simply a settlement which was just doing it own thing.

Yet Fire Elemental Lord just torched this place because... He could? For second Raynor operated time laws and observed what has happened here.

In the end, he didn't need to observe much because his perfect recall helped him in this situation as well.

All this destruction happened because Fire Elemental Lord... got jealous of small girl!

The small girl was born with the ability to wield flames never seen before! thus A being at level of God got jealous!

This made Raynor slightly pissed off, someone who represents his element just throw a fit like a baby!

He is Elemental Lord all Flames! just create them yourself!

Taking deep breath he slightly calmed down and decided to mess with that Elemental Lord.

Raynor grabbed Feixue hand, slightly shocking her as he then 'Dragon Leaped' several days into the future.

~~~~~~Fire Lords Shrine~~~~~~

Raynor and Mu Feixue observed the place, The Ice Beauty slightly felt uncomfortable in this area because of the opposing elemental being so strong in here.

They only needed to wait for few minutes before Pyres of flames exploded from this place.

Not long after that girl with red hair and dressed in shrine maidens clothes rushed out while wielding pure crimson flaming broadsword.

The amount of energy the weapon is emitting can rival even Thrones, but such power wielded by girl who has barely enough 'divine' strength to rival beings at Spirit Profound or slightly above can't sustain such thing for long...

So, Raynor swiftly landed not far from her, directly in front of her, her ruby-like eyes widened and then turned emotionless as she swung the blade towards him, but the flames disinterested before they can even touch him.

Not long after that, her divine power has run dry and the blade disappeared into particles.

"So, around three to four swings before you ran out of juice... Laevateinn is quite a powerful spirit." Raynor hummed after seeing the power or the Fire Elemental Lord's pretender.

The girl clicked her tongue in annoyance and started to look around, a way to escape this place.

"Now, Now, Rubia-chan I am not here to capture you." When she heard his words she narrowed her eyes at him, she has no clue how her flames did nothing on him, but then her eyes widened when she saw three tattoos on his hands.

'S-Spirit Seals!? how is that even possible? is he the reincarnation of him!?' she came up with an impossible conclusion, but the proof is right in front of her.

While, Raynor for a second read her surface though and realise that this might is the best method to make sure she listens to what he can offer her.

He needs to make that Idiot Fire Elemental Lord Volcanicus pay for slandering 'Fire' like that.

And with Rubia in front of him who is enemy of the Fire Lord and who still has his seal as she was The Fire Queen before rebelling.

"Y-You are Demon Lord's reincarnation?" She asked with a slightly pale face, she is powerless in front of such being!

"I am much more than that, Rubia Elstein" He clapped his hands and transparent crimson barrier appeared around them, not long after that several Girls dressed in knight armours rushed past them, completely ignoring them.

Rubia's eyes went wide for second because she understood what just happened.

"My name is Raynor Valeron and I have bone to pick with Volcanicus." When Raynor said that Rubia quickly snapped at him, there was some hatred in her eyes when he mentioned that name.

"And why should I believe whatever you say is true?" She said that with narrowed eyes, after being betrayed by Volcanicus she doesn't trust anyone.

"Then don't, you will understand eventually..." After saying that he appeared in front of her, Rubia's eyes bulged out because she didn't even see him move!

Raynor just put his hand on her shoulder and searing pain washed her right hand before it disappeared as fast as it appeared.

The Crimson haired girl quickly took several steps back and looked at her right hand, where Volcanicus seal was there was now a crimson golden dragon tattoo, coiled around her wrist.

"I have made you my champion as well as made your contract with Volcanicus one-sided as much as possible, while you can't summon him like any other spirits you can call forth his power without worrying that he can do anything to you." He said that with a wide grin on his face.

Before Rubia can say anything she felt her body being washed up by power much more potent than 'Divine Energy', not only that but she feels much more invigorated! her body feels much stronger than ever before!

"W-Who are you? and what do you mean about 'Champion'?" She asked with disbelieve because he can feel her connection with Laevateinn is more powerful then ever before, It's like he can't disobey her anymore, in fact, the fire giant was terrified of the person in front of her!

"Well, why don't you use your connection to me and find that out on your own?" He gave her one of his most disarming smiles possible which made her blush, someone who was extremely sheltered her whole life just got flirted with her just like this!?!

Before she can say anything with flustered look, he was already gone!

Rubia looked around he was gone! there was no sign of him anywhere!

She looked at her right hand, and felt warm energy washing her up, fueling her with energy and confidence that she can do anything!

Moments later she summoned her spirit, the strongest Fire spirit just bellow Volcanicus, In the spirit weapon form, or also knows as 'Elemental Waffe', the weapon's heat alone can melt the surrounding!

Rubia's eyes widened when she felt no drain when she activated her spirit's weapon form!

There is no resistance and the fire begs to be used by her!

'W-Who was that individual? this incredible!' As the crimson-haired girl was staring at her new power with awe, she was surrounded by Knights of the Orlesian Empire.

"Rubia Elstein you are under arrest for stealing a dangerous spirit!" One of woman in her early twenties said.

The girl snapped out from her awe and looked around, she realised that whatever barrier cast by that being has disappeared when he left...

"I am not going anywhere until I eliminated the Elemental Lords!" She said with emotionless voice, her eyes started to glow like there are flames in them and her crimson hair came to life moving wildly like it was on fire.

Moments later the knight's girls realised that this is serious and Rubia Elstein is very dangerous.

The Ex-Fire Queen swung her sword horizontally releasing massive torrent of fire, that moment the knight girls though that Volcanicus himself is aiding her!

Rubia only needed a single swing of her spirit weapon to destroy the encirclement!

Still, she only dealt with half of encirclement as the other half rushed towards her, Rubia just narrowed her eyes and she started to emit scorching heat powerful enough to make anyone who approach her start burning.

The Knights were stopped before they could even approach Rubia!

She then did a backswing and send another torrent of fire towards the knights!

And thus her pursuers were dealt with!

She then was about started running away but then she noticed that none of the knights are burned instead they were just knocked down!

Her eyes bulged out.

"What's going on?" She asked that softly.

Then she heard a voice in her head...

'Now, Now, Rubia-chan you are not a killer are you? my cute champion can't just running around and killing knights who just doing their jobs!' Rubia nearly got a heart attack when she heard his voice in her head.

Her cheeks exploded turned crimson like her hair.

"Where are you?" She quickly started to look around with flustered look.

'You are using my power Rubia, I am always with you.' After saying that The Ex-Fire Queen stopped looking around and just sighed and she had frustrated look on her face for a second, her day just turned weirded by the second!

Her blush didn't disappear because she realised that he was teasing her as well!

It's as if she can feel that he was smirking at her!

If people are interested in this fanfiction I have a Discord for this.

Over there I have more extended list of World MC will visit and from time to time I spoil some stuff.

https://dis cord.gg/KBWJ6Hb

Dragon15681creators' thoughts