
Osmanosmanosmancık (Read Mee)


OsMaNnAmSo · 現実
1 Chs

Wanna read? I know u want to read :)

Okaaayy. There once was a boy whose name is Xiao Lin Yang Yun Xin Yin Yan Shi Shon Chen Tie kun chan sama shounen. His parents were calling him "Little little Xiao Lin Yang Yun Xin Yin Yan Shi Shon Chen Tie kun chan sama shounen boy" He was living in a village of nowhere. He had no idea about outworld and others had no idea about his village neither. His brother Jack was the lumberjack of the village. And he was a high school student who had a lot of homework every damn day. He was not clever at all but he knew he must be better than his brother because his brother once bullied him and made him cry in center of the village. Btw the village's name was Weakest Weaks' Weaker Village. In this village everybody was absolutely garbage. They had no mana, muscle, brain or anything else. They were just a bunch of slaves who work for Banana King. Banana King was the most powerful creature on the planet. But Xiao Lin Yang Yun Xin Yin Yan Shi Shon Chen Tie kun chan sama shounen was sure that he will beat the Great Banana King one day.

He was in the school just like every other day. Looking out of the window to other children who are playing and smiling nicely each other with shining eyes. Xiao Lin Yang Yun Xin Yin Yan Shi Shon Chen Tie kun chan sama shounen thought about it. "What happens when you smile?" He was never smiled in his entire life (17 years) He decided to try and figure it out.

He took a big breath and smiled with his everything. Thought about what is he done, who he wants to be, The Great Banana King... And SMILED!!!!!! His brother died because of his breath. The Great Banana King defeated because of the shockwave. Finally he could not stop smiling and destroyed the whole universe with his village and family by accident.