
Chapter 17: Sparks of war

Öküz Kara Mehmet Paşa approached Osman's chamber with a heart full of gratitude. It was not lost on him that this young prince, who held a wisdom and strength well beyond his years, had recently recommended him for the highest office of grand vizier to the sultan himself. To be considered for such a role, despite his humble origins, filled Mehmet Paşa with a profound sense of loyalty and respect. As he entered the chamber, he felt not only the weight of Osman's trust but also a renewed determination to serve the prince with unwavering dedication.

Öküz Kara Mehmet Paşa entered Osman's chamber, bowing his head slightly. The room, a reflection of the young prince's status, was modest yet elegant, with walls draped in fine tapestries and corners adorned with heavy cushions. The light fragrance from a nearby brazier filled the space. Osman sat there, deep in thought, dressed in a navy-blue robe embroidered with gold. When he noticed Mehmet Paşa's entrance, his expression grew serious. Mehmet Paşa, a man of humble origins, met Osman's gaze with respectful deference.

"Kara Öküz Paşa, I have an order for you," Osman began, his voice steady and confident, despite his young age.

"Your command, my prince," Mehmet Paşa replied, bowing again, though a hint of curiosity flickered in his eyes.

Osman's eyes sharpened. "Begin preparations for war at once."

Mehmet Paşa paused. "Why, my prince? Whom are we to fight?" he asked, seeking clarification.

"The Safavids," Osman answered, his gaze fixed on the vizier.

A flicker of surprise passed over Mehmet Paşa's face. "But my prince, we have a peace treaty with the Safavids," he reminded him.

Osman narrowed his gaze. "We were all aware this peace with the Safavids would be short-lived. Besides, my advisor Lala Paşa has agents stationed in their territory," he added, concealing the true source of his knowledge.

The vizier hesitated, troubled. "My prince, it may not be prudent to prepare for war based solely on unreliable information, especially with a country we are at peace with."

Osman's expression hardened. "Kara Öküz Mehmet Paşa, heed my words. How dare you defy the future sultan?" he replied, his voice carrying a note of warning.

Mehmet Paşa faltered slightly, and after a moment, he answered slowly, "But my prince… how can I prepare the armies with only this fragment of intelligence?"

Osman, his tone patient but firm, looked into Paşa's eyes. "Then at the very least, begin stocking provisions that will last a few years; this will raise no suspicion. Gather the supplies in Aleppo, store them in key strategic locations along the eastern front. Use your contacts in Egypt to purchase what you need and transfer it to Aleppo. When war comes, that city will be our logistical center."

Osman's voice was resolute, filled with confidence. Mehmet Paşa, moved by the young prince's well-thought-out strategy, looked at him with admiration. He could see that Osman was more than just a prince; he was a man with a vision for the state. After a moment's thought, Mehmet Paşa bowed, replying, "As you command, my prince."

Osman felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing he had taken the first step in implementing his plan. His goal was to ensure that if war broke out with the Safavids, the Ottoman army would not face logistical difficulties. Perhaps, he thought, these careful preparations might even help reclaim the lands lost in the last battle. As the vizier left the room, Osman felt, just for a moment, like a sultan himself. But this feeling also made him more aware of the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

It was a moment that sparked the flame of leadership within him. The young prince was ready to prepare for the future, to etch his name in history, and to bring security and peace to his people…