

(POV 3)

Beyond the mind of a blind boy excites wonders that not even the most studious could understand. Words that could shape mountains, thoughts that created worlds. Beings that excited on higher levels. Magic was that wonder that enticed so many to Eden, yet so few could ever understand it. Mana to Prana, from Affinity to Divinity. The ones who gain the knowledge could preform the wonders, what they willed they achieved.

Mana, the force that contorted the world. Mana shaped the elements, forced them to obey. Fire, most attuned to the brave and confident, giving relentless power, the power to destroy everything. Earth, belonging to the strong-willed and most steadfast. The power to collapse kingdoms and to build them. Water, Whimsical in nature, and most prone to change. The most versatile of all the elements, allowing to change itself from gas to solid. Air, compatible with the free-spirited and flexible. lightest but the weakest of all of the elements. Lighting, the noblest of all of the elements. its speed is second to none and its precision is on another level to the rest of the elements. Plasma, an element that is the hardest to control and no noticeable attunement with any core personality. The power it releases is at the absolute pinnacle of devastation but has abruptly no way to protect the wielder and most times harms them.

Prana, the force that pushes the body beyond its limits. by using prana on the mind it can do things most being could never imagine. by using prana on the mind, it allows for influencing the world around them, like reading thoughts, moving objects without touching them, and controlling others. by using prana on oneself life force, they can push there body beyond mortal limits, increasing strength, speed, and defense by an insane degree.

Then beyond Mana and Prana exist forces that make up the foundation of the realms. Space and time, reality and void, yin and yang, creation and destruction, finally gravity and triviality.

Space exists to allow for everything to have place and direction, by learning how to contort this power to your will, you travel vast distances in a blink of an eye, to shrink or grow the world around to your liking. Time exists so everything can have purpose and thought. by tapping into the power you can reverse the flow of the world around, increase its speed, or just to stop time as you please

Reality exists to give everything substance and matter. By learning this phenomenon, you can anything out of nothing at the right cost. The void exists to keep the unwanted at bay, by tapping into its power you can draw monstrous strength from the unknown, most time ending in death.

Yin the origin of all darkness, death, and hope. Those who use this power are most times seen as evil, most forgetting is where hope spawns from. Yang the origin of all light, life, and despair. Most seeing the one who holds this mighty power as heroes but forgetting this is where true evil arises from.

Creation, the phenomenon that gave everything a beginning. all who wields this power can change the world around them or bring upon new life at the risk of there own, only those right mind can use this power. Destruction, the marvel that brought everything an end. all that witness this power could never forget its might, to destroy everything one touches. None shall learn this power only those born with the gift can use it and of those pure of heart.

Gravity, the wonder that gave form to the realms. this power allows to twist the pull of the world, fitting to the user desires, if skilled enough one can use the ability to fly. Triviality, the will of the worlds itself. in governs who can tap into the powers and wonders of the laws.

Fate, a force that governs itself and all others, none have ever escaped its grasp. It will decide the force you will control one day. it bestows a blessing of choice. Affinity, Domainity, and Divinity.

Affinity, the most simple, yet it's still powerful. anywho are born with this blessing can conjure their elements via spells, runes, or chanting.

Domainity, in a certain radius they can control with their respective element, however, they have a much harder time conjuring spells.

Divinity, the weakest yet the strongest. The Divinity blessing relies on the beliefs of others to gain its strength, the more beliefs the stronger the magic will be.

The wonders of the world are still ever-growing and more will always be discovered

sorry for the delay, and here is my second info dump. I will try to better myself with future mechanics, I hope you all enjoy.

KZ_luicreators' thoughts