

(2 hours later) (POV: 3)

"It's been hours since he left, where are they?" Nyla said worriedly. she kept passing back and forth thinking of all of the terrible things that could happen to them. Nyla was a director of an orphanage in a small town on the far southern side of Babylonia, a continent on the world of Eden. Ever since she started directing the orphanage she raised a total of 28 children, 9 of which were adopted. It was her hope she could have Setsu and Seth get adopted.

The door of her office creaked open, came from it was a meek voice "D-director, I'm b-back." Nyla whipped around to see Seth peaking around the corner of the slightly ajar door. Tears streaming down her face she ran up to Seth, hugging him in the process. "Where were you, why where you gone for so long Seth?" asked a worried Nyla. "I w-was playing with s-some friends and g-got caught up p-playing with t-them." responded a stuttery Seth. "Alright but just be careful and stop calling me director, ok?" Responded Nyla "Y-yes direc- Nyla" Mumbled Seth.

"So Seth since we got that over with, we should talk about something else."


"I know, how about your eyes, I think I found the reason why they won't heal from magic."

"Y-you did, t-tell m-me!" excitedly demanded Seth

"Yes yes, calm down. I think the reason they aren't healing is because of a hidden anima of yours, most likely a Uomo variation." Nyla calmly stated. "C-cool, my e-eyes are like this b-because of an a-anima! B-but what is a U-Uomo." curiously asked Seth.

"Oh I forgot that you didn't know about the types of anima, well there are three different kinds of them; Uomo, Armatura, and Bellua. Let us start with the first one, Uomo represents all anima that does not manifest in the physical world, it can range from elemental manipulation to knowledge comprehension. Next is Armatura it represents all physical armaments based anima, most times forming a weapon the wielder is most adept with, each Armatura is unique and has an original ability that corresponds with it. And finally, there is Bellua it represents all mythical based anima, most times it manifests as an animal of some sort or even a past life." Nyla stated

"O-ok, so there are three types and I only can have one correct?" asked Seth. "No, you can have multiple Anima, well actually you will have multiple anima. You can have 4-5 Uomo anima, 1-2 Armatura anima, and only 1 Bellua anima. Ok." Nyla replied.

"Y-yep, I u-understand but w-when will I a-awaken my anima?" Seth asked shyly "When you are about 11, so around 10 months from now, alright." "Y-yep, I w-wonder what my a-anima will be. M-maybe I will be able to s-see, t-that sounds c-cool right d-direc- Nyla?" Excitedly asked Seth "Yes it sear would be, but you got to get to bed." replied Nyla "B-but" " No buts Seth, its bedtime." told Nyla "O-okay, I w-will go to bed. G-good night Nyla." "Good night Seth."