
Unforgiving whispere, broken bonds


Manhattan, New York

There will be a few poems as well!


Emma Stevens; a runaway; someone who was distrustful; with blonde hair; was in the foster system


⋆¸ poem 01 *ೃ

A tale of Emma, both quiet and loud.

Kindness, a whisper in shadows'


Yet solitude weaves its mysterious


Loyalty, a thread that binds her soul,

Unforgiving whispers, like a silent


Through the corridors of time,

memories tease.

A tempest of youth, a mother's farewell,

Echoes linger, in the heart's secret


Her father's outbursts, a thunderous


Drowning sorrows in a bottle's hue.

Emotions locked in a hidden chest,

A fortress strong, an emotional test.

Resilience, her armor, donned with


In the quiet battle of an endless night.

Runaway whispers in the midnight air,

A saga spun in the tapestry's lair.

Through the labyrinth of time, she


A resilient spirit in the ebb and tides.


⋆¸  poem 02  *ೃ

           Emma's story unfolds in the dimming


           Kindness whispers in the quiet breeze,

           Yet solitude dances through the trees.

           Loyalty, a compass in the starlit night,

           Guiding her through the darkness,

           Unforgiving echoes of a troubled past.

           A mother's absence, a lingering ache,

           Her father's outbursts, a stormy lake.

           In the tempest's eye, a heart held tight,

           As memories drift in the fading light.

           Through fostered dreams and fleeting


           Emma wanders, where wild wind roams.

           Pushing away, a reflex learned,

           In the dance of survival, her secrets


           Emotions locked, a hidden key,

           A self-reliant spirit, wild and free.

           Yet, in silence, a quiet hum,

           A symphony of feelings, waiting to


           A tempered flame, a fiery sprite,

           Through the corridors of time, she


           A runaway soul in the moonlight.


In the stillness of the night, the wails of sirens cut through the air, adding urgency to the scene as seventeen-year-old Emma's heart raced. Her attire bore a rebellious edge, as she donned stylishly ripped jeans that hinted at her adventurous spirit, paired with well-worn sneakers providing comfort and agility. The cool night air brushed against her skin, accentuating the black tank top that contrasted boldly with the fiery red leather jacket.

Emma clutched a weathered bag slung over her shoulder, thumping against her hip with each hurried step. As she ran, her feet echoed through the empty streets, emphasizing the gravity of her escape. The moon played among the clouds, casting beams of light to guide her path, while the steadfast streetlights offered flickering companionship, illuminating her way through the shadows.

In this race against the unknown, Emma's mind buzzed with thoughts, the adrenaline propelling her forward, seeking solace and refuge from the chaos that pursued her. Her vulnerability lay beneath the surface of her brave façade, and the emotional turmoil made her a complex and compelling figure, driven by circumstances she couldn't control.

As she pressed on through the dimly lit streets, Emma's story remained shrouded in mystery, leaving observers wondering what events led her to this pivotal moment of escape. Her journey unfolded like an untold tale, capturing the imagination of those who caught glimpses of her fleeting form in the night.

Emma's breaths came out shakily as she ran, her heart pounding in her chest. She had escaped from a foster home where the people had been far from kind, pushing her to the edge of desperation. The distant sound of sirens pierced the night, a grim reminder that the authorities were hot on her trail, but she couldn't bring herself to stop.

With every stride, the world blurred around her, and she couldn't recall how long she had been running. The adrenaline fueled her determination, urging her onward, farther away from that place of torment. Emma's mind was a whirlwind of emotions - fear, anger, and sadness collided within her, yet her will to break free propelled her forward.

As she continued her desperate escape, a small cramp began to gnaw at her side, threatening to slow her down. But she gritted her teeth, pushing through the discomfort, refusing to give up. The prospect of returning to that inhospitable place fueled her resolve to keep running, regardless of the obstacles that lay ahead.

In the shadows, the city lights flickered like distant stars, providing her with limited guidance through the streets. Emma's world was one of uncertainty, but the fear of going back to that oppressive home eclipsed any fear of the unknown.

Amid this tumultuous flight, she yearned for a place where she could feel safe and loved, a place where she could be herself without judgment or mistreatment. Her escape was an act of self-preservation, an act of defiance against a system that had failed her.

Despite the exhaustion gnawing at her, Emma knew that she had to keep running. She couldn't bear the thought of surrendering herself to a fate she knew would be worse than the darkness enveloping her now. So she pressed on, determined to find a glimmer of hope in a world that seemed to have turned its back on her.

With the knowledge that she had only one year left before she could finally live on her own and escape the clutches of the system, a flicker of hope ignited in Emma's heart. Despite the looming threat of the pursuing cops, she believed she could evade them for a while.

Her mind raced with plans and possibilities, trying to map out a path to freedom and independence. The thought of having control over her life, away from the suffocating confines of the foster home, spurred her determination to stay on the run.

Every step she took felt like a small victory against the system that had held her captive for so long. The passage of time, measured in the beats of her heart and the rhythm of her breath, reminded her that every second counted.

With the support of willpower, Emma wove through the network of streets, alleys, and shadows, making herself invisible in the city she knew so well. Her experiences had sharpened her instincts, and she was determined to use them to her advantage.

Although uncertainty loomed, Emma embraced the hope of a better future, drawing strength from the knowledge that freedom was within reach. She knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but the promise of a life she could finally call her own kept her moving forward, away from the shadows of her past.

In the refuge of the dimly lit alley, Emma found a momentary respite from the relentless pursuit. Concealed behind a stack of abandoned boxes, she caught her breath, her body trembling with exhaustion and adrenaline. Slowly, she slid down the brick wall, finding a seat on the ground, her back pressed firmly against it, and her knees bent as she tried to regain her composure.

Her breathing was heavy and labored at first, but she focused on each inhale and exhale, willing her heart rate to slow down. The weight of her escape bore on her shoulders, and the darkness seemed to swallow her whole, shrouding her in a cloak of solitude.

Emma knew she couldn't stay hidden forever, but this pause allowed her to listen for any signs of sirens. Time felt suspended as she cradled the moments of peace, cherishing the chance to gather strength for the journey ahead.

Gradually, the rhythm of her breathing steadied, and a sense of calm washed over her. She closed her eyes for a moment, leaning her head back against the cool brick wall, finding solace in the stillness that enveloped her.

Listening, she strained her ears, but the haunting sound of the sirens had dissipated into the distance. Perhaps they had given up their search, or maybe they were combing through other parts of the city. Either way, she knew she had to be cautious, as the threat of discovery still loomed overhead.

In the silence of the alley, Emma pondered her next move. The city held both opportunities and dangers and as the minutes passed, her mind churned with thoughts of survival and the pursuit of freedom. Gathering her courage and determination, she prepared to venture out again, relying on her resilience to navigate the uncertain path ahead.

As Emma rose with the aid of the brick wall, dispelling a cramp's hold, the urgency to find refuge swept over her. Evading the pursuit of law enforcement, she weaved through alleys, veiling herself in shadows. In the nighttime, she discovered an abandoned building, a haven calling her name.

Her gaze swept the structure, seeking an entrance. The front, boarded windows and sealed doors, presented a challenge. A frown etched on her face, Emma circled to the back, where loose boards lay scattered on the ground. Contemplation lingered briefly before going inside, pushing open a creaking door that recoiled with a slam, echoing through the silent corridors of the building.

With the blonde now in solitude, a sigh of relief escaped. Leaning against the door, she closed her eyes, attempting to release the tension. However, tranquility was short-lived as a sound disrupted the quiet. Her eyes shot open to find another woman, wielding a flashlight, standing before her. Emma squinted against the glare, lifting an arm to shield her face.

"Mind lowering that?" Emma requested, though perhaps a tad harsh. As soon as the flashlight was lowered, Emma sighed a bit and rubbed her eyes with a small frown. "You nearly blinded me." She muttered

Lily offered a faint smile in response, "Sorry," she apologized. "I'm Lily," she introduced herself. "I was just... surprised to hear the door open," she added, maintaining her position without intruding further.

Emma studied Lily for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty in her gaze. After a pause, "Emma." She offered no further words, gradually sliding down the door until she settled with bent knees, arms resting atop.

Fatigue clung to her, evident in the weariness etched on her face. "I won't be here long," she assured Lily. "Just needed to rest," Emma added.

Lily, sensing the unspoken weight in Emma's words, nodded. She could see the traces of exhaustion etched on Emma's face and decided not to press further. Instead, Lily sat down beside her, creating a companionable silence. The dim light from the flashlight cast shadows. In that shared moment of vulnerability, an understanding blossomed between Emma and Lily, weaving a connection in the stillness of the abandoned refuge.

[C]                        · · · ✦ · · · · · · · ·


In the days of Emma's stay at Lily's makeshift haven, a bond blossomed between them. United by a shared sense of solitude and an aversion to the confines of the foster system, they found solace in each other's company. The building became a haven, a place where they could be themselves. Together, they shared provisions, traded stories, and found joy in simple moments. Laughter echoed through, creating a sanctuary where the weight of their struggles felt a bit lighter.

As Emma's smile lingered, a rare warmth radiated from her. A moment of hesitation clouded her expression before she spoke with a touch of vulnerability. "I just want to say... I'm happy to have a friend like you. I've never really had a friend before; I've always kept them at a distance or kept to myself," Emma admitted, her words carrying the weight of a past marked by isolation. "But these... last few days have been nice and fun with you," she added.

Lily met Emma's eyes with an understanding, the silent acknowledgment of shared histories. A soft smile played on Lily's lips as she replied, "I feel the same, Emma. It's been good having you around."

Emma's smile deepened at Lily's words, and she reached over with a squeeze of Lily's hand. "Come on, we should get some sleep. We've been staying up too late the last few days," Emma said. Both agreeing to sleep, they got up and walked over to a mattress they had sat up on the floor with pillows and blankets, though they didn't mind sharing. It brought them a sort of comfort as they got laid down, both of them lying on either side of it.

In the darkness of midnight, Emma stirred awake, alert to a distant sound. A frown creased her brow as she scanned the room, finding no trace of Lily. Concern etched her features as she called out, "Lily?" Emma rose from her bed, only to discover Lily knelt beside her bag. Confusion deepened into a demanding tone, "What are you doing?" Emma asked her eyes on the other girl, seeing it looked like Lily had been rummaging through her bag.

Lily jumped at Emma's voice and turned to face her. "Did I wake you?" she asked, attempting to deflect attention. Emma's frown deepened, skepticism in her gaze. "What did you take from my bag?" Emma questioned, a protective instinct guiding her as she pulled the bag away. As she sifted through its contents, a realization struck her—money and a necklace, items safeguarded for a semblance of security, were now missing.

As Emma's gaze swept the room, a sinking feeling took hold. The absence of Lily. Her eyes widened and a surge of disbelief gripped her as she dashed outside. In the moonlit night, Emma's eyes caught Lily's retreating shadow, a silhouette heading away. Clutching her bag tightly, Emma stood there, betrayed and alone. The echoes of friendship were now replaced with the haunting footsteps of someone who had chosen to flee with more than stolen possessions.

In the aftermath of Lily's betrayal, Emma felt the weight of solitude settles on her shoulders. With a deep breath, she resigned herself to a path of self-reliance, where she couldn't rely on anyone else. Pulling on a sweater, she slung her bag over her shoulder, a silent vow to guard herself against further hurt. The building, once a refuge, held too many echoes of broken trust. Emma moved, slipping into her shoes and grabbing a flashlight.