
Annabelle's Backstory

Annabelle Thorne ~

Daughter of Demeter; demigod; loves nature; lives at camp half-blood

Based Percy Jackson; the original character

Takes place in New York


In Queens, New York, the goddess Demeter stood on the steps of a house, cradling a baby girl named Annabelle wrapped in a soft green blanket. Gently placing the infant into a flower-adorned basket, Demeter left a note and knocked on the door before vanishing. A man who answered the knock discovered the basket with the baby girl, flowers, and the note.

As he leaned down, the man, Mark, who was Annabelle's father, tenderly lifted the baby girl from the basket. With the note in his hand, he cradled her while reading the explanation that she was their daughter. Mark was no stranger to Demeter's true identity; during their love story, she had revealed her divine nature to him.


Annabelle's childhood was filled with joy, her constant smile a testament to her happiness. Her father, Mark, dedicated himself to ensuring her safety. However, he grappled with the decision of when and how to reveal the truth about her real mother, uncertain about the best way to approach the topic.

On Annabelle's 10th birthday, Mark ventured outside and strolled to the adjacent field of flowers. There, he discovered his daughter seated amidst the blossoms, her smile shining brightly. "Annabelle," he greeted as he approached. Looking up, she returned his smile. "Yes?" she responded, her eyes fixed on him. Seating himself on the ground beside her, he took a breath and began, "I need to talk to you about something." Confusion crossed Annabelle's face as she looked up at him. "About what?" she inquired.

Gazing at the array of flowers, her father broached the subject. "About your mother," he stated, turning to meet his daughter's gaze. Annabelle's attention was rapt, and a radiant smile soon graced her face. "Really?" she inquired, a mixture of curiosity and excitement in her voice. The desire to learn about her mother had lingered within her, as her father had always promised to share when the moment was appropriate.

"Have you ever wondered why you love nature so much? Why you enjoy being out here with the flowers?" he inquired. Annabelle nodded, her curiosity piqued, anticipating her father's explanation. There was a brief pause before he continued, "Your mother... is the goddess Demeter." The revelation was met with unexpected laughter from Annabelle, which surprised her father.

Initially thinking her father was jesting, Annabelle's laughter faded when she noticed his serious expression. "You're not joking? You're serious?" she questioned, a mix of astonishment and uncertainty in her voice. Mark nodded solemnly. "I'm serious, Belle," he affirmed. "Belle" was one of the endearing nicknames he had for her, among the others being "Anna" and "Annie," all of which she welcomed without any reservations.


As Annabelle reached the age of 12, her latent abilities began to manifest, allowing her to coax flowers into growth. On this particular day, she found herself seated in the living room with the TV playing in the background. Suddenly, a knock echoed from the front door. Her father, Mark, was quick to answer it, engaging in a conversation that Annabelle strained to hear. Curious, she shifted in her seat, attempting to catch a glimpse of the visitor, but her view was obstructed. Mark entered the room with a young boy, introducing him as a satyr. "Annabelle, this is a satyr. He's going to take you to the camp I've told you about," he explained. Her father had previously shared details about a camp designed for demigods like her, a haven for their kind.

Annabelle's reluctance to leave her father was palpable as she rose from her seat, her head shaking in protest. "I don't want to leave," she voiced her feelings to her father. With a sigh, Mark approached her, lowering himself to kneel before her. "I understand your hesitation, Belle, but it's necessary. The camp will provide safety for you. I'll be alright," he reassured her, his primary concern being his daughter's well-being. Aware of the potential dangers looming, he was intent on ensuring Annabelle's protection, recognizing the inevitability of threats like Minotaurs.

"Go pack," Mark instructed gently, urging Annabelle to prepare for her departure. Although hesitant, she eventually nodded, making her way to her room. Standing amidst her belongings, she took a moment to survey her surroundings before reaching for a bag. With care, she selected clothes and gathered cherished photographs of her and her father, interweaving memories into her packing. Once finished, she zipped her bag closed, ready to take this important step forward.

As Annabelle busily packed her belongings, her father engaged in conversation with the satyr, Sam, downstairs. Mark's concern for his daughter's safety was evident as he inquired, "You'll watch out for her, right?" Sam, the satyr, nodded in affirmation, his commitment evident as he replied, "I promise. I'll get her to camp safely and keep an eye on her there." Mark nodded in acknowledgment, turning his attention as he heard Annabelle descending the stairs. The parting was marked by a series of hugs, farewells, and final goodbyes before Annabelle left the house, embarking on her journey with Sam to the camp.

During their walk, Sam cast a reassuring glance toward Annabelle, attempting to allay her concerns. "Don't worry, camp isn't as daunting as it might seem. And your father was right; he'll be alright," Sam's words were meant to provide comfort. "By the way, my name is Sam," he introduced himself. Holding her bag close, Annabelle turned her gaze toward him, her expression a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. "I'm Annabelle," she introduced herself, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Are you sure he'll be okay?" she inquired, seeking further assurance. Sam nodded, firm in his conviction.

Upon arriving at the camp, Annabelle's eyes widened as she gazed at the surroundings. "This is the camp?" she voiced her amazement. Sam's grin affirmed her question. "This is," he confirmed. Advancing toward the camp's entrance barrier, Sam turned to Annabelle and encouraged, "Come on." Her nerves palpable, Sam extended a reassuring hand, and after a moment's hesitation, Annabelle took it, allowing him to guide her through the barrier. Stepping into the camp, she marveled at the new environment. "Wow..." she breathed in awe, her eyes taking in the sights as she adjusted to her new surroundings.

As Annabelle soaked in the sights of her new home, she realized that this camp was now her place of belonging. The thought settled in her mind that this was where she would build her new life. With Sam by her side, she felt a sense of comfort and the promise of a strong friendship that would help her navigate the challenges and adventures that awaited her in this new chapter.