
Origin : Try to Survive

Indra1987 · ゲーム
1 Chs

Bab 1

One day on earth,



Bailey wake up and sit down after he fell from 5 meter height. The most shameful is, he fell with his face hit ground first. While wiping blood that flow from his nose, Bailey saw row of lines out of corner of his eyes,

[Initialization completed]

[Original Identification complete]

[Original Template activated]

[Module Stealth activated]

[Module Integration activated]

[Module Copy activated]

Front of his eyes, there virtual panel with rows of lines that change every times. After a few minutes, Bailey saw his surrounding, he fell in small forest park that full of three, there was small pond equipped with pedestrian not far from his location. In the distance, you can see rows of skyscrapers with distinctive Asian-style architecture.

He was looking around. In the distance there is a handsome young man with an irritated face walking towards the pond. Bailey got up and brushed the dust off his clothes then walked over to the young man.

"Hei bro, where is it?"

He tapped the youth on the shoulder.

[Detecting anomaly]

[Identification start]

[Planning Action]

[Start Action]

[Finish Adapting anomaly]


The young man turned around to face Bailey, but suddenly they heard the sound of thunder roaring in the sky.

[Warning, dangerous anomaly detected]

[Alert, critical emergency action triggered]

[Critical protection activated]

A very bright light suddenly blinded Bailey's eyes, then he was in an unfamiliar place. What he saw was a grassland that was not too wide, interspersed with trees growing here and there, not regular and not too dense. The beautiful little lake is like a pearl embedded in this green meadow. Towering rocky mountains surround the entire prairie area. A light breeze cooled Bailey. The sun was shining with its shade, interspersed with a bunch of clouds that walked leisurely in the blue sky.

Suddenly a soft voice echoed through the sky:

<<For all intelligent races in all worlds, Hello everyone, I am Heavenly ways, and welcome to the new world that I created>>

<<About everything here, as long as you open the system silently in your heart, you will know for yourself>>

<<I wish you happy life>>

[Detecting foreign intrusion]

[Adapting phase action start]

[Injecting targeted module]

[Reconfigure foreign system]

"Apparently sent here right"

Bailey said in his heart while looking into the sky, noticing the lines of sentences that appeared at the corner of his eyes.

Bailey opened the virtual panel that appeared before his eyes, and the first page that appeared was a description of this world. After reading the explanation for 5 minutes, Bailey understood what had happened.

Everyone around the world involved is given a survival base, and everything can be displayed in data form. All they have to do is survive and make themselves stronger.

Suddenly a row of notification lines appeared in the lower right corner of Bailey's retina:

[Please choose three of your configuration module injection from 5 option below:

1. Origin human and profession template module

2. Multiplier gain, effect and quality module

3. Any node borderless connection module

4. Space area improvement module

5. Advanced resource improvement quality and quantity module]

Bailey thought for a moment then chose:

1. Origin human and profession template module ( This module provides an increase in the function and quality of self template and profession templates that are adapted and recognized by the world system)

2. Multiplier gain, effect and quality module ( This module increases income, gain, positive effect or quality by 10 times from any action taken by Bailey. This module can be managed by Bailey)

3. Any node borderless connection module (This module connects each node with other nodes without any restrictions. So that whatever increase is received by one of the nodes, other nodes will receive the same increase, this increase includes effects, knowledge, income, gain, etc.)

After that, Bailey saw not far from his feet were many tools and several bags of plant seeds, which were the initial materials given from the world system. In addition, each person was given 100 silver as starting capital. Silver is the common currency in the world of Heaven. Because of the module he has, Bailey gets 1000 silver as his initial capital, which can be used to buy various items in the trading center of the system or used in development.

Bailey opened his personal data panel,

Examiner: Bailey

Number : Origin human 1

Base score: 0 points (the initial value is 0 points, and the calculation is completed at the end of each month. The higher the score, the more rewards he gets, and the greater the intensity of the test attacks received)

Life profession: not yet, not yet, not yet

Combat profession: Lord, not yet

Strength: 10 (Origin human average 10)

Agility : 10 (Origin human average 10)

Physical: 10 (Origin human average 10)

Intelligence: 10 (Origin human average 10)

Willpower : 10 (Origin human average 10)

Attribute effect: x500% (lord)

Bailey fiddled with the virtual panel, where there was a trading center of the system, a platform for virtual battles, maps for the surroundings, world communication channels, origin templates and other functions. After he understood and was familiar with these functions, Bailey immediately came up with a plan.

Bailey looked at the time displayed on the virtual panel, he started to farm immediately, so that later during the day he could start to build a log cabin as a temporary residence. He opened the origin template panel and chose the life professions as collector, and craftsman to help him survive.

Bailey looked at the description of the life profession he chose:

1. Collector lvl 1, accelerates the growth of plants and animals by (200% + (level * 200%)) and improves the quality of these plants and animals by (200% + (level*200%)). In addition, having another passive skill, namely big harvest, gives the amount of gain from collecting actions of 1000%.

2. Craftsman level 1, increases the quality of the product or building produced by (400% + (level*100%)) and speeds up production time by (100% + (level*100%)). In addition, having another passive skill, namely mass production, gives a total product quantity of 1000%

The growth period of plants in this world was vastly different from their growth on earth, that is, the plants here ripened much faster so the sooner Bailey planted the seeds, the quicker he would get the harvest.

Bailey then cultivated a rectangular vegetable garden in no time. The location of this vegetable garden is close to the lake to facilitate irrigation.

[Corn seed: can grow corn as a staple food, there is very little chance of mutation, growth period is as long as 1 week].

Then Bailey planted corn seeds into the field, suddenly in a short time the corn seeds grew into 10 cm tall corn trees.

"Good, good "

He was shocked and laughed to see the corn field. Bailey passionately cultivated another 3 fields to grow rice, vegetables and medicinal plants. After Bailey finished, he saw a corn field ready for harvest, he immediately harvested it.

[Corn +10]

[Corn +10]

[Corn +10]

[Corn : as staple food, quality level 4, Satiety +80, gives temporary strength attribute +2, physical attribute +2]

After harvesting the corn, Bailey immediately harvested the other three gardens,

[Rice +10]

[Rice +10]

[Rice +10]

[Carrot +10]

[Carrot +10]

[Carrot +10]

[Medicinal plants +10]

[Medicinal plants +10]

[Medicinal plants +10]

[Ding, Planting skill level has been raised from Level 0 to Level 1]

[Rice : as staple food, quality level 4, Satiety +80, gives temporary agility attribute +2, physical attribute +2]

[Carrot : vegetable quality level 4, Satiety +20, gives temporary agility attribute +1, physical attribute +1]

[Medicinal plants: herb quality level 4, Hp +20, Blood recovery +12%, stamina recovery +12%]

Seeing the four empty fields, Bailey felt something was lacking in his heart, so he increased the fields to 9 fields and planted a second round of corn, rice and medicinal plants in these fields.

Bailey watched the world channel and the regional channel, it's been a long time, and many people still don't know what's going on, there are those who are crying, clamoring to go home, cursing mothers and nature. What a waste of precious time in early development.

Sensing that it was nearing noon, he then picked up an ax and walked into western forest that was close to the mountains. He didn't dare to go deeper inside, so he just chopped wood on the outside of the forest for his next plan,

[Wood +10]

[Wood +10]

[Wood +10]

[Wood +10]

[Oak tree seed +10]

[Wood +10]

Within 1 hour, Bailey obtained 280 logs and 70 oak saplings, and it only took 30 lumber to build a simple log cabin home.

Opening the build panel on the virtual screen, Bailey selected the log cabin option, and a projection of the log cabin appeared before his eyes, allowing him to select the location for the log cabin to be built.

The construction site Bailey chose is close to a vegetable garden, which can be considered the center of the meadow, a little further north is a small lake.

[The construction of the log cabin requires 30 wood and 10 silver, do you agree?]

After choosing to agree, a bright light dazzled Bailey's eyes, and a log cabin appeared.

[Wood cabin: can provide comfort and protection for the occupants. Comfort +10, Security +10, Defense +10, Durability +5000]