

**a few weeks later**

**early in the morning at the break of dawn**

somewhere up high in the mountains the cloud's can be seen surrounding the side of it completely engulfing the tip of the mountain. these clouds at first were so thick that it was near impossible to see through it but as soon as the morning sun began to rise the clouds were beginning to fade, slowly revealing a building. this building in particular was not that extravagant nor was it new looking. in fact it had an ancient yet relaxing feeling to it, whomever set there eyes unto the building will feel a sense of tranquility and belonging that thoughts of staying in this place will go through their minds. the building was also surrounded by bamboo trees and beautiful flowers of many kinds, which were currently being attended by a couple of men. these men were baldheaded, with huge weighted earrings on which made their ear lobes hang, but what made this guy's intriguing were what they had on as clothes. they had long brownish robes and wooden sandals, also they had some prayer beads wrapped around their arms.

yes these men were Buddhist monks and the building they were attending to was a Buddhist temple.

monk 1: do you think anything interesting will happen today?

monk 2: I don't know I sure hope so, we've been doing this job, waiting for people to climb up those stairs. the only person to ever climb down from here was great elder and he hasn't been back yet. how long has it been already maybe around a year.

monk 1: I heard he had a vision of the future and he was going to a certain place to follow his fate.

suddenly out of nowhere they heard a baby's laughter coming from the stairs.

monk 1: did you hear that?

monk 2: yeah but I'm pretty sure it was just our imagination. how will there be a baby coming here those stairs are known as " stairs to heaven" for a reason. it's extremely difficult to climb those stairs.

monk 1: well whatever I'm going to go take a look around. that laughter was too realistic for it to just be a figure of our imagination.

as the monk walked closer towards the stairs he was hearing a man's voice and a child's laughter, before he was a few yards away the monk noticed a figure appearing from the stairs holding on to a little boy.

monk 1: Great elder is that you?

GE: ahh Joshua how have you been?

(monk 1s name is Joshua)

Joshua : I have been doing well, thanks for asking Great elder, but umm who is that with you.

GE: hoho... him his name is Lotus he is going to be my new apprentice, and will be living here with us from now on.

by the way here take him and let him get familiar with his surroundings.

Joshua: ehh.. but I've never taking....

before he was able to finish his sentence the elder has left.

Joshua: ugh oh well hey there lil bro I'm Joshua and I will be taking care of you for a little while.

a few years later**

"Lotus get back here you have to finish doing your chores!!" screamed a man chasing after a 5 year old kid

"hell no!! old man I ain't going to be doing chores I want to go outside and play!!" screamed little lotus dodging the grabbing hands of the man.

" I swear this damn brat is going to be the death of me"