
Ordinary to Martial

Three planets, four races. Conflicts are common. Schemes are a norm. In the shadows a powerful enemy is lurking with the intention of malice. In this chaos, a man gets the scripture of sages. He walks the path of a martial. Follow his journey as he rises from an ordinary to a martial who can move even the celestial entities. **************************************** This is my first work. Hence, before requesting powerstones, I would like to ask everyone's opinions, through comments and ratings. Through your feedback I will be able to improve.

zacizzz · アクション
57 Chs


As they were walking, they saw a soldier at a distance. They could understand that he was an enemy soldier. This was because his face was not familiar to them. They had all retained their faces in this simulation. Only their uniforms and other essentials were added. The group moved behind a group of rocks. From this hiding place they began to observe the surroundings. They could not find anything. So, Ben climbed a tree which was adjacent to the rock formation. He climbed quite a height sat behind a group of leaves. Ben was an ardent follower of actions films. He also liked to read about military tactics. Although he was not smartest of the class, he did have quite the knowledge about military tactics, formations, and stuff. He began to absorb information from the surroundings and began to formulate a strategy. 'This is obviously a simulation. There is no way a normal military unit would keep this tree here. I can literally see everything from here. Hmm, there are three soldiers that are hiding. The soldier visible to us is just a decoy. There is a clearing 300 meters away from here. It must be our target. There must be soldiers lying in ambush there as well. I can't see them from here. There must be an opening.' As Ben was looking around, he found certain things that could be of use. As he was beginning to get down, two teams coming from their opposite side. One team was headed by Halper, who was a genius as well as a rich kid. The other team essentially comprised of his lackeys and fangirls. They were using some moves in video games and films from old times. They were moving around by taking trees as cover. As they neared the clearing, suddenly they became invisible. Perplexed he came down. He shared what he saw with his friends. They were also confused. Ben was about to explain his plan, suddenly they saw an announcement on their devices that two teams were eliminated. The group looked at each other. After a while they suppressed their fear and waited to enact the plan after making some corrections.

Soon they heard a sound. All of them looked to a side. They did it carefully without alerting the soldiers. It was a group of Tellu Beouf. They were going through a trail which went around the clearing. Ben had located a nest of Bane Vespid. Near by that a group of Lepidos had also nested. These Lepidos had beautiful wings which had color changing capabilities. These group of Lepidos had the capability to change its wing color into two colors. One was the brown color for camouflage. The other one was a resplendent blue. Bane Vespids and Lepidos had a symbiotic relationship. They helped each other to defend. Lepidos had the capability to release a powder that had hallucinogenic capabilities. When the Tellu Beouf reached a bit away from the Bane Vespid nest, Rais shot a stone towards the nest. They were disturbed and so were the Lepidos. Both these creatures shot at the Tellu Beouf. The Tellu Beouf group had 20 members in it. The wind was blowing in the direction of the presumed camp. So, the hallucinogenic powder and the insects were moving in the direction of presumed camp. Tellu Beouf had the ability to send tremors and shock waves. They became maddened because of the attack of Vespids and Lepidos. They moved in the direction of the presumed camp. They sent shock waves and tremors. The soldiers near the group moved from their posts and moved towards that clearing. All the tremors and shock waves destroyed all the vegetation and ground in the direction. All the soldiers that were lying in ambush came out and began to attack the Tellu Beoufs. Several machineries also came out of the ground and were destroyed. Some of the soldiers were also killed. The group could understand that the power of control room was nullified some how. Suddenly an announcement came : " We are stopping the simulation. It will be over in 3,2,1 …"

Soon Ben opened his eyes. Mahaansh was looking at his group. So was everyone who had woken up and had gained their bearing. The teacher began to speak " I did not expect such a result. The destruction of the control rom was really unexpected. But I already have come to the decision. Halper's team and Vel's team were eliminated first. It happened due to your rash decisions. Melinda's team was cautious to a fault. They did not make any progress through the forest. Mat's team got stuck in the swamp. You even left your team mate there and went away. While he did agree to that, that was uncalled for. Damel's team had to fight the soldiers of the outer circle. They could not get near the control room. Although her leadership quality was good, it was not enough. That leaves us with Ben's team. They had good team spirit. All the members contributed to the team. They also used the environment against their enemies, which none of you used. Especially Halper's and Vel's team. You could have used many things in your way against the enemy. Ben, Saarsh, Rais, Roshin and Jim got near the camp without getting caught. Although it was not the expected result, they could destroy the control room , hence they are the winners from the class for this competition.