
Chapter 1

Fantasy , almost everyone of us had a fantasy world maybe once in our lifetime. I also have mine. It's not just only a fantasy but also a dream which comes to me almost every night and keeps me awake. The dream starts around 3 to 4 am , it starts like - I wake up from sleep and find myself in the middle of nowhere. Then I get up , I discover wolves surrounding me in a circle ! Not one ! Not ten ! Not hundred ! There are thousands of them ! Then they start to lead me somewhere . I don't know after walking for how long I reach a place surrounded by a ocean , deep blue ocean . After some period of time full moon appears . But the strange fact is there is not a moon , there are two of them ! One is large is size and has a bright light. And the other one is comparatively small and has a very soft yellow-orange light . When the two moon meets at a point of the sky , I hear a voice calling out my name ! And the source of the voice is under the ocean ! That time I feel like drunk, I feel like someone has taken the control of my body . Someone is forcing me to walk , to go to the ocean . I cannot stop though how hard I try . After sometime I found myself so close to the ocean , ocean water is just about to touch me with its tide . Just at the time the cold ocean water touches my feet , suddenly the earth under me cracks and I start to fall down. I keep falling, falling and falling... which never ends . It feels like I have been falling for thousands of years ! At some point of this part I wake up from sleep . At the very first, when this dream came to me days after days , months after months, I used to be afraid . Afraid of not knowing something, though I don't know what that something is ! Now I'm not afraid anymore, I'm just a little bit tired . Today once again that dream came and gave me another sleepless night ! I open my eyes and try to find my watch to look at the time . It's 4:4 am . I know I cannot sleep anymore. So , I get up from bed and have taken a sit beside the window . The wild and cold wind messed my hair up but it was so refreshing . The sky is so clear and not a single cloud can be seen . The moon isn't there but countless stars are present to accompany me . Whenever I look at the night sky l always wonder , which mystery lies in there ? There are millions, billions, trillions of stars , solar systems, galaxies . There is Universes after Universes ! Where is the end ! At some point I have to stop my thinking as I cannot take anyone . I also wonder, Where are we going through centuries after centuries? Civilizations after civilizations? Ages after ages ? Who are we in this endless Universe? Who are we in this multiverse? Who are we ? Who am I ? Who am I?

Thanks for reading. I'm a new writer, please, let me know how acceptable is the story to you . If there is any mistake then kindly show me . Let me know if you like it .