
The Deadly diseases Control and Prevention Division

The Deadly disease control prevention Division or DDCPD for short is tasked to locate, research, study, and find ways to prevent the disease from becoming a threat to multiple planets. The Division was founded after reports of outbreaks on multiple planets were addressed and were first composed of researchers, local experts on the planets for better Intel on the matter, and ground researchers who are mostly tasked to collect samples and create improvised labs but may give the samples back to the researchers on the bases or ships for better performance. All rooms and bases specifically for the purpose of disease research are sealed, cleaned thoroughly by on site soldiers, and must notify commanding officer of the base of any crack or damage.

The Division today has evolved and now have more superior technology to better understand the diseases and to develop a cure, treatment, or vaccine and to understand how it spreads and the measures to implement to be sure it won't spread farther. The DDCPD prioritizes diseases that may affect the planet's people, wildlife, or flora and diseases that may cause panic and fear to the public, they receive massive amounts of funding The Wall but may be given support from the locals. The DDCPD is separated into two: the major and minor disease prevention with self explanatory names but the major sector is given more funding than the minor sector. The first month the DDCPD became a possible career for people across the universe a large wave of applicants wishing to join the DDCPD came flooding in and for this the Division became one of the biggest divisions present in The Wall.

Today the DDCPD now has multiple careers for people wishing to research a cure or vaccine or prevent the spread of a disease such as: Biologist, Toxicologist, Botanist, Virologist, Mycologist, Bacteriologist, Parasitologist, Veterinarian, Psychiatrist, Behavioral scientist, Biomedical scientists, and so much more.

The DDCPD is headed by the Director who is responsible for all operations, researches, and projects and must be held by someone who has shown great skill in these areas but is under the leader of The Wall and must follow any task given to him by the leader.

The DDCPD has been successful in preventing and eradicating many diseases thanks to its technology and local Intel on the planets and for this has greatly helped the livelihood of many people and due to this many more applicants wish to join the DDCPD every year. One of the major accomplishments was the eradication of "Yellow blood syndrome" which from it's name makes blood yellow and is very fatal as the blood turns thick and viscous due to the content of the blood and making it almost impossible for blood flow throughout the body, and after months of extensive research a vaccine was made and death dropped abruptly but infections are still reported but with newer medication the lethality is greatly reduced.

The DDCPD has implemented different ranks for diseases depending on the infectivity, transmission, lethality, severity, symptoms, resistance to medicine or environment, and potential threat to the planet. The scale that is used is called the "Illness scale" with the first called: Minor for diseases that won't cause long term effects but must be dealt with by The Wall to further help the population, Viral for diseases with low to medium lethality but are extremely infectious and can spread from planet to planet in a matter of days to months using a matter of ways such as food or contact with other people infected and must be dealt with quickly, Zoonotic for diseases that can spread with numerous hosts and may cause moderate panic as the hosts may be very essential for the environment of the planet and must be dealt with fast, Moderate for diseases that may thirve on the planets they inhabit but cause fear among the people and have the potential to become deadly, Severe for diseases that cause widespread panic and have high probability for death and are one of the main priorities of the DDCPD to find a cure or vaccine for, Catastrophic for diseases that are extremely lethal and are currently damaging the livelihood of the people and causing mass panic amongst the planets and are the priority of the DDCPD, Mutant for diseases that may have been genetically engineered to be used as a bio weapon by insurgents or were an experimental treatment for other diseases but we're accidentally released to the public, Beneficial for diseases that have been genetically modified but have passed tests and are now beneficial to fight other diseases, Eradicated for diseases that are no longer prevalent or the DDCPD has developed successful treatments that make the disease no longer a threat but a mild illness.

The DDCPD have helped the people under the protection and guidance of The Wall and the people will remain allies to The Wall until the end.