
Rogue Gas

Rogue Gas is a gas used by The Wall as a non lethal approach to engagements, the gas was utilized as the people saw The Wall as nothing but killers so the Rogue Gas was introduced that will force soldiers to retreat with unexplainable fear.

The gas was created with a chemical that can manipulate the brain into forcing a flight or fight response that would mostly end with a flight response, the gas can seep through cracks or cover an entire area in the battlefield. The gas is not fatal but has a low chance of killing the enemy with shock but this issue is being fixed to ensure that the brain will not accidentally release high amounts of chemicals that may otherwise kill the soldier.

Rogue Gas forces the brain to a flight response and escape from any cover and retreat, the gas may dissipate quickly but can spread rapidly in large scale areas. The gas is mostly used to weed out any soldiers in the area and to gun them down the second they run, the gas is capable of forcing the body in a flight response without the body releasing lethal amounts of adrenaline and other chemicals that may kill the soldiers.

Due to it's use The Sword has began to use gas masks which have counteracted the gas effectively, after The Wall caught wind of this they made the gas where t may pass through filters of the masks, the bio war of gas mask and gas has raged on as long as the war of bullets and metal has.

The Wall is currently debating on wether or not to retire the use of the gas for being a threat to local populations that may be hidden in the area the Sword soldiers may reside in and for fear of affecting the population.

A shipment of the gas was ambushed and the shipment was taken by Sword soldiers, unknown what the Sword is doing to the gas but is safe to assume that The Sword is modifying the gas the to be more of a lethal weapon rather than a non lethal weapon.