
Inky Mess disease

Inky Mess is a highly lethal disease only found on planets inhabited by The Mysterious, the disease is carried by the fungus or the byproduct of the fungus. It was founded on one of the expeditions when an unlucky soldier became infected and killed the whole crew on the ship.

The disease is spread by contact or inhalation and may infect any living being, The Wall has created special suits to prevent the infection from infecting the person. Essentially the person must be touched by the host or must inhale the fumes that are emitted by the fungi and byproducts. Infection may pass from person to person before onset of symptoms after one account of a failed expedition member when his whole crew became infected.

The symptoms take about a day or two to become onset, first signs were aggression and fever and in the beginning stage infected will begin to sweat profusely, coughing up black liquid later discovered to be the fungus in liquid form, rashes, insomnia. When the disease is at its peak infected will begin necrosis, organ failure, and begin to form skin lesions, after the agonizing ordeal the infected will begin to be sealed in a thick black liquid until it becomes solid and the infected now become a byproduct of the fungi, a slow painful and agonizing death for infected.

Research shows that the fungi shows resistance to cold as the planets it resided in had no heat and were extremely cold, no known treatments were found to counteract the effects it has on the infected. It struggles to spread on far distances so it relies on its byproducts to further spread the fungus, however it is vulnerable to high heat and since it eliminated all microorganisms and organisms in general on the planet it may show vulnerability to foreign bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.

Due to the disease only present on dead planets it can only be visited by scientists or Wall soldiers, anyone unauthorized will be apprehended and arrested. There are no known treatments nor vaccines and the only way to prevent the spread is by eliminating any byproduct or infected, all planets with the fungus have security and patrols to ensure nobody gets in or out.

All scientists or soldiers that venture to the planets must stay in a cell for 2 days as there is no way to detect the fungus in the body until the symptoms begin.