
Chapter It's mine!

Catherine was busy with the cutting of the veggies for the salad while Maggie was busy with the barbeque. their husbands was busy assembling their tents and the table before they got settled for their monthly get together. Today they agreed to have picnic on cool mountain view behind them. and the calming breeze from the sea.

They were startled by Jason's cry for help. He was Catherine four year old son." Mommy, Daddy they did it again! " They rush to where the commotion is coming from, and saw Kaitlyn and Douglas tugging a beach ball from each other.

"It's mine !" Douglas said . "No it's mine you jerk! my Dad and I went to buy it the other day! " their voices raise and gain look from the other people on the beach.

" Kate, Douglas, stop it !" they both look at their parents angry stare . Douglas release the ball sending Kaitlyn sprawling in the sand with her bottom hit a pebble, because of the pain she get even by throwing the ball. on the face of Douglas. Getting a red face, he retaliated by wrestling her in the sand. They rolled and beat each other while their parents took a time to break them apart.

"What seem to be the problem with you two? you hardly come close without breaking into a fight!"Douglas father said.

"It's him uncle he took my ball and doesn't want to return it." Kaitlyn said breathing heavily.

"No dad I've been holding that since we arrived and she suddenly grabbed the ball and accused me of stealing it!"Douglas explained breathing even more heavily.

" Kaitlyn your ball is in the trunk .Now apologize to Doug." her father said.

"No he intentionally released the ball so that I will fall." she stammered angrily.

"No sweety, we saw what happen , you're wrong." her mother said. She considered for a while before apologizing.

"Sorry!" grudgingly she said.

"Apology not accepted!". Douglas said angrily " Douglas! that's no way to treat a girl." his mother said.

" She's not a girl mom, she's a trouble maker. I hate her!" he said teary eyed.

"And the feeling is mutual cry baby."Kaitlyn said.

Both of them got punished and ask to stay away from each other.

Kaitlyn and Douglas was born a year apart, with Douglas. being eight years old and Kaitlyn seven, but Kaitlyn was boyish being the eldest of Jason. who happens to be a handful sometimes she learns to be tough. while Douglas was the youngest of two children turn to be softy because of his doting adorable elder sister.

But because their parents are best friends. they always meet on certain occasions and their monthly get together.

Their bickering and fights continued until they grew up while their ages increase their differences level up.

Once they enrolled in the same class of self-defense and was assigned to spar, they end up beating each other like mortal enemies to the surprise of their instructor.

just one spark and they light up Like conflagration. So their friends nickname them Kath and Doug.

When they were teenagers their school have a play for teacher's day the parents were invited. They were casted on the lead role when their scene was played, one mistake of another they end up fighting without following the script causing chaos on the play. They end up suspended for three days.

They parents resolved to keep them apart, there seems to be no cure for their differences maybe fate has it that they were born to be mortal enemies.

When Kaitlyn's father was assigned to work in another city and they have to move with him did the two families were left in peace. while their parents was kept in touch with one another, the two was totally cut off with their association.