
Prologue (1)

On the busy streets of City F, the classy doors of the world-famous publishing firm, Wenkai Books, burst open, as a young man of small stature rushed out, tapping furiously on his phone, excitement blooming on his face.

Hands fumbling across the screen, almost dropping the phone in the process, he managed to enter a video call before exclaiming with vigour,

"Everyone! Something unbelievable happened."

One by one, the four grey panels on his screen lit up with faces that he knew all so well.

"Hmm? What's up?"

"Something that can cause even Brother Meng to smile? This must be good."

"I got it! He got a boyfriend."


Ignoring that last comment, Meng Yang shook his head, glaring at Zhang Su.

"That's not it. You know my latest series, 'Chasing Dreams'? I was just told that they're going to adapt it into a twenty-four episode season on Netflix!"

A short gasp interrupted the shocked silence before the call erupted in cheers so loud, that even passing pedestrians turned to Meng Yang in confusion.

Quickly plugging in his earphones, putting his head down to hide his flushed cheeks, Meng Yang turned back to the screen, tuning back to the joyful chatters of his friends.

"Waah, Brother Meng is a pro now!"

"We're breaking out the tsing tao tonight. If we don't party till the break of dawn, my surname won't be Shang!"

"Make sure you don't get dragged away by some rich corporate investors."

"That's great!"

Meng Yang gave the biggest grin before saying his thanks and goodbyes.

Of course, none of them broke the agreement, and Meng Yang was welcomed warmly back into their shared apartment, immediately dragged inside for a drink.

Aimless chatter filled the room along with periodic laughter. Paper cups littered the floor and the smell of spilt tsing tao wafted around.

Meng Yang sighed, smiling lightly as he glanced over the two younger authors, knocked out from the alcohol.

"They had always been light drinkers..."

It had been three years since the five of them had been thrown into the apartment by their ruthless editor, Lin Mang, who trained them from the mere novel enthusiasts, to the mainstream authors they were now.

Zhang Su wobbled over with yet another cup of beer, stumbling into Meng Yang, laughing as he did so.

"Brother Meng, Brother Meng, come have another drink! Haha..."

Meng Yang showed a lopsided grin before gently taking away the cup of beer and laying Zhang Su on the ground, "Little Su, you've had enough for today. It's already two in the morning, have a rest."

Shang Ji sighed in defeat, putting down his plastic cup upon his thigh, only to have it spill across his pants, "Looks like I'll have to give up my surname. Everyone's already asleep..."

Meng Yang chuckled.

Gently sipping at the remaining alcohol in his cup, the two friends allowed the tranquil silence of the night to invade the room, only disrupted by soft, occasional moans from the sleeping trio.

Being the oldest of the group, Meng Yang had always been the one to take the initiative in most situations, and today was no exception either. Throwing his plastic cup into the bin, Meng Yang moved to clean up most of the mess and turn in, however as he turned his back, a bright flash of light illuminated the room.

"Don't turn on your torch. You'll wake them up!"

Meng Yang turned back to face Shang Ji with mock anger upon his face, only to find that the light did not originate from a phone, but rather an ancient, blank scripture. He reeled in shock, falling on the floor, pupils dilating as he stared at the slowly forming words upon the page.

. . . . . . . .

Rich minds and treasured thoughts

Don't serve the ones who don't deserve

. . . . . . . .

Zhang Su awoke abruptly before having a similar shock, quickly moving to shake the other two awake.

. . . . . . . .

To move the earths and flush the seas

Where Gods revered and not ignored

. . . . . . . .

A flash of purple ignited within the pages as an ominous humming touched their ears.

. . . . . . . .

Creators, arise to your rightful place

Let no one try dictate your fate

For you survived your treacherous world

Ascension awaits, become the gods

. . . . . . . .

In an instant, the purple haze encompassed the surroundings, disappearing only seconds later.

The plastic cup was still in the bin.

The smell of alcohol was still present.

The night was just as quiet.

However it was on this night, that five promising authors had disappeared from the face of the planet, without a single trace to where they had gone.

Hope you enjoyed

Kuderagecreators' thoughts