
Oppai Dragon and the Dimensional Chat Group

__________ Read first. Update Jan 8, 2022 - Unstable publishing time due to my real-life workload. (I'll try to publish at least 1 ch a week) - Average word count is 1000 words per chapter. (Excluding author's note) Warning: - Having romaji... Better skip this book if you don't like it. Well, I don't mind if you wanna become a lame person and give me those lame 1-star reviews without reading my warning. - English is not my first language. PS. Comment on that sentence to let me know about my mistake. (Your comment will be deleted by this site's system after I edited that sentence) (c) Characters, plot, and some abilities are not mine. It belongs to the real owner.

Viibration · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Training Island

Issei, Rias, and Akeno were teleported to the living room of Issei's house.

"I'm going to renovate the 3rd basement floor first. Please make yourself at home." Issei then left the living room.

"Wait, let me go with you, Issei... Akeno, come to the 3rd basement floor with everyone after they arrived." Rias ordered Akeno before quickly following Issei.

"Yes, Buchou." -Akeno

After that, Issei and Rias entered the elevator together.



"I remember you mentioned before that there are 2 training rooms on that floor, right?" -Rias

"You're right... That's why I'm here to turn the entire floor into another environment that would be more suitable for our group." -Issei

*Ding* The elevator reached the 3rd basement floor.

After exiting the elevator, Issei brought out his Digivice and used the renovation system to reset the 3rd basement floor back to a normal empty floor.

"Is there any specific environment you want, Buchou?" -Issei

"Nope. Anything is fine." -Rias

"Then, how about this one?" Issei pointed at the screen after opening the list of preset environments in the renovation system.

"Training Island?" Rias asked after looking at the preset that Issei was pointing at.

"That's right. The island is full of various kinds of places suitable for training while some areas can also be used for relaxation. -Issei

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea. We'll choose this island then." -Rias

"Aye." Issei then confirmed the environment selection.

*Tremble* *Tremble* The 3rd basement floor became a vast empty dimension before slowly turning into the Training Island while trembling non-stop.


When the trembling was about to stop, a boulder suddenly emerged from under Issei's right foot, causing him to lose his balance and fall toward Rias.

"Thank you, Chichigami-sama. Thank you, Yuuki Ri- *Mmpf*" Issei mumbled while slowly closing his eyes as his face fell onto Rias' breasts.

"Ara, are you all right, Issei?" Rias didn't push Issei away. Instead, she let his face land on her chest, then gently hugged him.

"*Mmpf* *Mmpf* Yes, I'm fine, Buchou," Issei replied while his face was still leaning on Rias' breasts.

*Ding* The elevator was making a sound before Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko came out of it.

"Ara ara, did we come at the wrong time~?" Akeno teased after seeing Issei in Rias' embrace.

"Of course not." -Rias

"That's right. The renovation was just completed." -Issei

"Then, how long are you planning to lean on Buchou's chest, Issei-senpai?" -Koneko

"Ah, that's- *Mmpf*" Issei moved his face away from Rias' breasts but was pulled back by the latter.

"It's fine, isn't it? He's my cute servant after all." Rias then tightened her embrace slightly.

"Hey, how about a hug from me as well, Issei-kun?" Kiba asked jokingly.

"*Mmpf* *Mmpf* *Puhaaa*... I'm gonna punch your face if you dare to say something like that again, Kiba." -Issei

"Ahahaha, how cruel." -Kiba

"Ah... Katase-senpai said she wants Issei-senpai to go up and bring all the food ingredients there down here." -Koneko

"Ara, is that so? Alright, Issei, don't keep the lady waiting." Rias then released Issei from her embrace.



*Ding* On the first floor, Issei came out of the elevator. He was wondering why Katase didn't ask Kiba or Koneko to help on moving those ingredients to the 3rd basement floor since both of them can also carry huge luggage on their back.

"Hey there- Whoa!" Issei exclaimed after entering the living room. His previous curiosity was answered by several bags of ingredients that were placed on the kitchen countertop, dining table, and even on a table in the living area.

"Ah, you're here, Issei-kun." -Katase

"Aren't you girls buying too many of them?" Issei said while walking toward Katase who was in the kitchen area.

"What are you talking about? These bags are just one-tenth of the ingredients we're going to buy... Murayama and Asia are currently buying the rest." -Katase

"Huh?! There are more?" -Issei

"Of course. We're going to stay on the 3rd basement floor which a month in there equals a day outside, aren't we? We have to prepare enough ingredients for everyone until that time." -Katase

"We can just buy them agai- Wait. How did you find out about this 1-month thing?" Issei was surprised that Katase knew about Time Compression before he could even tell her.

"Ophis-chan mentioned it to us when we were heading to the sweets shop today... Ah! It's almost time for Ophis-chan to bring another batch of ingredients here. Now now, hurry up and put them into your smartphone already, Issei-kun." Katase said while pushing Issei closer to the countertop.

"Alright alright." Issei then put the ingredients on the countertop into his Digivice and went to do the same with the ingredients on the dining table and the table in the living area.

After that, another batch of ingredients that Katase mentioned appeared on the countertop one by one. Since Issei was already prepared, he put the ingredients into his Digivice as soon as they appeared.

Five minutes later, Murayama, Asia, and Ophis arrived in the living room after Issei finished putting the last batch of ingredients into his Digivice.

After making a final check that they hadn't forgotten anything, Issei's group went down to the 3rd basement floor together.



*Ding* On the 3rd basement floor, Issei's group came out of the elevator. The girls were astonished after finding themselves on an island.

"Aren't we supposed to be inside a room?" -Murayama

"Not really. In exchange for not being able to create a deeper floor and using special features on other floors, the 3rd basement floor can turn into any environment that is available in the renovation system." -Issei

"Even if it's not a room?" -Murayama

"That's right." -Issei

"Wow, that's really amazing in many ways." -Murayama

"The wind blowing and the heat of the sun are making me feel like I'm on vacation with everyone," Asia said with a smile on her face while looking around.

"I'm glad that you liked it." -Issei

"By the way, where are the others?" Katase asked after looking around but couldn't find Rias' group.

"Hmm... Oh, found them. They're on top of that mountain." Issei said while pointing at the mountain a kilometer away from his group.

"That's quite far." -Katase

"It's alright, we don't have to follow them there." Issei then went to set up a house not far from the elevator using the list of preset houses from the renovation system.