
OPM: It's Hero time

After getting hit by Truck~kun, Ren Nakamura reincarnated in one punch man world. Stuck in a crazy world where life can end by simply going out for a grocery walk, MC decide to change the world for the better. ... SI (Self-insert) No harem. ... My first fan-fic. 1 chapter per day. ... Author note. I've read many OPM fan-fic some good some bad and realize in OPM why do you need an overpowered ability? since you'll never be as strong as Saitama or why do u even need to be as strong as Saitama, so I made this book, I don't know if it will turn out good or bad, I guess we'll find out in time.

Rovontheus · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Chapter 7

(Flash back to a few months ago)

Inside an underground base just outside A-city.

Inside a room the size of 5 football field stood a huge metal construct with the shape of a door.

Suddenly a voice rang out

"Initiating Teleportation Portal in T-minus"




A blueish energy beam shot out from a cylinder shape construct blasting towards the door like equipment.


The door shape construct suddenly shone brightly.

"Portal stabilizing"

After a few seconds.

"Teleportation portal is now online, TM-87 will initiate the test" Guardian voice rang out.

Shortly after that a bulky robot, the size of 5 meters came out from the portal.

"Scaning TM-87"

"Scan complete, No abnormalities detected"

"Sir, We can start harvesting the minerals" Guardian said with a jolly tone.

"Umm let me go take a look, I want to see how space look like" Ren said as he approached the portal with his own bulky space suit.

Along with hundreds of huge robots with mining gears following him they went forward.

Stepping inside the portal, Ren felt his scenery changed.


Ren said as he looked at the starry skies above with many light shining brightly.

It felt surreal, his view of the sun was blocked by the earth as he stood on a huge asteroid.

This was one of the closest asteroid with rich resources, with the help of his teleportation portal he can mine alot of minerals for his project.

Ren quickly got to work as he commands his Mining robots assigning various stuff.

Ren stared at the brilliant night skies, it felt errie staring out at the vast cosmo.

"Sir it's been an hour, it's time to close the portal and let the miners do their work" Guardian voice rang out as a humanoid robots came next to him.

"Okay, you can proceed with the work, how long do u estimate it will take to mine all of the resources" Ren said casually.

"In order to finish the mining process asap we need more T-M models so I suggest we open the portal once every month and transfer the resources and produce more efficient miners from the base and send them out, in this way I think a year will do" Guardian replied.

"Hmm I trust your judgment, you can carry on then" Ren said while walking back to the portal.

(Flash back ends).


Nakamura household.

"Ren-kun it's time for breakfast" His aunt called out.

"Coming" said a distant voice.

After a few minutes Ren came and sat on the table while his aunt sat leisurely while reading at the newspaper.

"So what have you been upto these days?" his Aunt asked.

"Nothing exciting, I've been trying to improve my arc reactor although I did managed to figure out how to produce it with clean energy and no decay I'm trying to make it sustain more energy" Ren replied.

His aunt not suprised by what he have achieved question again.

"Hmm and what about the making friends part? Any progress on that?" His aunt ask glancing at him.

"Uhh, it's a work in progress" Ren said awkwardly.

"Sigh, you keep making me worried for your future" his aunt let out a tired sigh.

His Aunt have been trying hard to find a friend for years but Ren always ignored the kids introduced to him, as an adult from his previous life he doesn't want to befriend a kid.

Especially playing around with them since most kids are annoying and rude.

Although he got a few friends from his family company they're alot older than him hence his aunt wants him to find a friend around his age.

"Don't worry, it's not like I feel lonely, Right now I'm about to have a breakthrough on another sustainable energy resource" Ren said confidently.

With a deadpan look his aunt stop pestering him.

"Anyway about that orphanage you made, I'm proud of you Ren-kun you did a good job helping those kids" she said with a smile on her face.

"Oh you heard about that huh, I think kids doesn't deserve a cruel childhood, it can leave a phycological scar for the rest of their lives, that's why I think it's every human being job to look after kids" Ren said sharing his thoughts out loud.

Quite stunned by Ren saying something like this since he never expressed his feelings much outwardly.

"I didn't know Ren-chan had such a heart of gold" she said while she hugged him.

"Hey, get off me" Ren said while pushing her back gently since he doesn't want to hurt her with his strong physical power.

"Aww Ren-chan is so strong now Aunty can't even hug him anymore" she said while acting sad.

"Very funny, your tricks don't work on me anymore" Ren said while giving her a stink eye.

"Ren-chan you've become so mean, hmph" she said while getting back on her seat.

"Anyway I'm going to do a quick visit to the orphanage and get back on my research facilities" Ren said while finishing his breakfast.

Ren haven't told his Aunt about his robots and underground base, she only knows that he had research facilities outside of A-city.

He had created a research facilities base for various departments openly inside a forest while he had made a secret underground base that connects to a secret city a few miles away from the base.

Like Wakanda city from marvel he plans to hide it from the rest of the world.

With a cloaking field he made it possible.

As for the city it's filled with people he hired, some who were shunned but had talents in various field.

At the current moment there's around three thousand people, most of them are veteran soldiers or mercenary from all walks of life.

Inorder to have effecient subordinate to complete various task he had hired these people.

Most of them were crippled or had serious injury, Ren hired them and cured them, with his advance medical development it was simply win win situation for both sides.

He wanted more people but people hearts are hard to predict that's why he only hire people who had decent moral character.

He had even hired many scientists and shared his ideas with them and provided them with various resources for experiments.

Making his work effecient and easier since he can't focus on one subject alone.


A few miles away from A-city.

A single black Mercedes drove along the road.

"Sir, why did you build the orphanage in such an area?" the driver question wearing a black coat with a sunglass resting on his head.

"Cause it's near my research facilities sato-san" Ren replied with a lack of interest.

"But going to grocery will be very inconvenient for them" Sato the butler replied.

"I've arrange a truck to supply various necessity every week and a private bus for school and the air is pristine here making them healthier instead of the polluted city air" Ren said with a bored look.

Ren thought to himself.

'If it weren't for you mfker following all my movements and reporting it to my aunt, I would have taken those kids to my secret city'

'Plus I don't want to make an orphanage in A-city since Boros will blow up the entire A-city in the future'

'Worse of all you keep following me all day even in my research facilities, that's why I had to build a secret tunnel underground connecting it with the secret city'

'Good thing my excuse of confidential work made you stay in the research facilities or else I won't be able to work or join my research team in secret city aka Valhalla'

Ren screams internally.

Sato the butler although finding Ren decision strange quit asking since he doesn't look intrested in the topic.

Soon they reach their destination the Nakamura orphanage.

Ren went inside to check up on the kids he had rescued along the way he saw many different kids.

Ren had settled in a lot of different kids who were homeless a few with similar situations like Shiro and Mai and he immediately helped them out without a single thought and settle them in the orphanage.

After finding out that they've settled in, he had a small talk with them.

"Ren Oni-chan thank you so much for everything, you're like one of those heroes in a manga" Mai said with a warmth smile on her face while holding a manga.

Ren chuckle looking at the smiling face and pinch her cheek.

"Well Mai I'm just a guy who tries" Ren said with a smile.

Mai not understand the meaning of his word just thought he was a strange Oni-chan.

Ren left and went to his Underground base after ditching his butler in the waiting room of his research facilities.

Inside the underground a thousand meter deep.

Red walked out of an elevator and walked ahead infront of him stood a high speed metro.

Stepping inside, the metro quickly started and within a few seconds he reach his Secret base Valhalla as it wasn't that far of a distance.

Walking on his way back to his base while pondering.

'A hero huh, I don't think I can wait for the hero association to form, not like I want to join them'

'I don't want to messed up the timeline but I can't wait for cannon to start since monster still kept appearing'

'I'll just leave Z-city and focus on other city with this hopefully Saitama will still become strong like in the anime since without him the world would be destroyed'

A sudden noise rang in his head, he heard the sound of a woman screaming for help shouting a 'monster'.

Ren quickly went to a secret room inside his base.

As he looked at the transparent glass, inside hanged an armor, it had a coating like scales in the middle a circular core is embedded into it, it even had four retractable seperate wings with sharp feature, it's helm covered every area.

Coloured in gold with a white linings his hands and feet had red stripes it had various gold equipment and made from nanotechnology.

He had made this design base on paladin Armor design from world of warcraft, so that he would look like a warrior of light.

Inspiring valor and justice.

Starting at it, the protective glass immediately open itself.

Putting his hand on the Armor it quickly transformed into small pieces like liquid and quickly enveloped Ren's body.

"PD-10 online" Guardian voice rang out.

As Ren felt the armour came alive, he stood tall with his current height he will only look like a kid so he made himself taller.

His feet, hands were extend along with his shoulders.

He stood tall with the height of 190cm he look quite intimidating.

Though it will affect his combat ability he doubt it will be hard, if the situation gets dire he can always stop the extension.

Nanotechnology made it convenient to change his size.

A hatch suddenly opens atop his head with a beam of light shining down on his Armor.

"It's hero time!" Ren said with a serious tone.


Author note.

Cliffhanger xD

Anyway another chapter since I didn't update for 2 days.

If the story lack anything feel free to share your opinion along with my typing mistake or grammar and stuff.

I'll post the next chapter tomorrow.