
explanations and In-game training

Ky gently placed the controller down as he stood back up to look at nathan then to leon then to the mysterious presence.He could sense that there was a third person there but not exactly where but it matter as the presence harbored no ill intention.Ky was very curious as to whoever this mysterious owner was and he wondered he planned to do.This man seems to be a bit too...dim but he doesn't feel anything evil from him and knew that if the mysterious owner wanted them dead then he could've done that while they were all distracted by the game but he didn't.If what was said then was this really a place for entertainment?If so then what kind of entertainment is fighting such dangerous enemies and fighting such a dangerous beast.

Ky shivered a bit when he thought about the nine tails as that beast would surely be able to destroy this world with a simple blast from the energy ball.How was the third hokage even able to fight that thing without any fear in his eyes?That old man must be very powerful or has gone through extensive training as even ramlethal was slightly shook.Yet this man right here the mysterious owner doesn't look bothered at all as if it was just a simple thing.Ky asked "What is even happening in the other world?Who is that masked man and what is his purpose for destroying the village and kiiling all of those people?"Nathan replied "You will learn that in the games and anime."Elphelt immediately asks "Is minato married?"Nathan was confused as he doesn't know what she meant by that as he doesn't know what marriage is.

He was going to ask but cy quickly told an explanation but it still confused nathan a bit.So cy had to use very simple terms which would take too long so he just told nathan to say yes so that's what he did.Elphelt looked dejected as Nathan felt like this girl was a very dangerous person but not in terms of power but...He felt danger somewhere else.That damn annoying voice in his head said 'Well I would say that you might lose your virginity but....well your welcome on that.'Nathan was very confused on what the voice meant as he doesn't know what virginity is nor why he should be grateful for whatever that basterd does with his body.

Nathan calms himself down as ramlethal raised her own question which was "I have been wondering but what is happening with their eyes?Specifically itatchi,the masked man and the nine tails."Nathan knew that cy was getting excited to answer this question but nathan answered first with his own.Nathan states "Ah that is the uchiha clan specialty but it isn't just to that clan as other people can rip out a uchiha's eyes to gain their power.The power is called the sharingan and it has many versions of it but i will only give out a general and basic information about it.Their eyes betray the feelings of their heart as the more pain,anger,hatred and sadness a uchiha goes through their sharingan get's much stronger.It uses the negative emotion or the negative energy of their heart to make their power much stronger as it goes through different levels.Level one would be their eyes turning red with each level they gain a dot in their eyes.The maximum they can get before it evolves is three dots.They can show the different levels so one with a level four sharingan can use a level two sharingan but not a level higher unless they have it.That is all I am going to tell you as you must find the rest while you play the game."

Ramlethal nods her head then remembers about itachi so she says "So on the screen above when it showed itachi's eyes there was three dots.That must mean that he has gone through a large amount of pain and suffering."Nathan nods but he heard cy and how he wanted to talk about the different powers a uchiha may have.So nathan states "Yes he has and your probably wondering what powers a uchiha may have and that i will tell you."

Nathan holds up his index finger "First of is the eternal flame or well amaterasu."As he talked a hologram of ramlethal appears a few feet behind him which the others see clearly."Amaterasu is called the eternal flame for a reason as it will never go away until whatever it is burning is turned to ash."as nathan talked the hologram is surrounded by amaterasu and it tries to get the flames off but couldn't.The group watched as the hologram desperately tries to get rid of the black flames but couldn't no matter what she tried so the group watched as the hologram is burned alive."Now the black can indeed be called back if the user wishes to"The hologram reminds a few minutes before when the hologram was desperately trying to get rid of the black flames.They then noticed that the black flames disappeared as they now see the badly burned hologram on her knee.The hologram was taking deep breaths but inevitably she passed out from the pain.

Nathan raised up a second finger as he continues "Now the second ability is well a black hole that the user can use to kill their enemies or to stop a projectile."The hologram changes as the ramlethal was now fully healed.Soon the space around her stomach starts to shifting as it turns into a black hole.The hologram is compressed then sucked into the blackhole before it disappears.

Nathan raised his third finger and states "Now the third one you already know...you..."Ramlethal then said her name and explained what the third power is to the others.As she talked there was no hologram to demonstrate as they have already seen the power before.Nathan states "Well thank you ramlethal now for the rest of you.You should probably get to playing as my shop will be closing soon as it is getting dark.Now for the training this since you only met minato and the masked man you can only fight them or you can fight each other.Do remember that you will not die if you lose so you don't have to hold back.Oh also you can do what..."Ky introduced himself "Ky did but you can also put yourself in the game.Your power will be restricted in some games but in this one you can go all out.The masked man is a villain though so he will do anything he can to kill you in training.With minato you can change his setting a bit if you want him to spar with you or fight you seriously as an enemy.Now you may be wondering how you put yourself in the game well you just gotta go activate a console or pc then state that you wish to enter the game."

The group nods then look at ky as he is the one with the most experience in the game so he sat back down.The screen was already back to normal and was at the starting menu.Ky thought 'I want to train'The screen changed as it went to the character selection screen but with ky already as player one.There was only two characters shown which was minato and the masked man.

Ky chose minato which then changed the screen to settings about minato.It was simple as there were two options such as "Spar" then "Fight".Ky chose to spar as he felt like he wouldn't be strong enough to fight minato in a serious fight.When he chose spar the controller morphed into a VR headset which surprised ky.Nathan states "You gotta put it on"Ky was reluctant as he doesn't know what this weird machine would do but nonetheless he put's it on.

The moment the VR headset was put on ky's surroundings changed as he was now in the game.Before he could properly survey his surroundings he saw three children(kakashi,rin and obito) off in the distance.He was planning to go question the children but he heard a voice a few feet behind say "Sorry that I'm late i had some business to attend to."

Ky turned around to see minato but the minato now was very different from the one before.The minato now had a kind expression and a very approachable aura around him that makes it feel like you can casually have a conversation with him.Ky would say that he was surprised but he felt it was understandable as this was just a spar and not a serious fight.

Ky did a small bow as he says "Greetings my name is ky and I wish to spar with you so that I may get stronger and learn."Minato was taken aback by this kind of attitude so he scratched the back of his head and says "yeah okay but try not to go too far as my students are watching and I don't wanna embarrass myself in front of them."Ky took out his sword while minato got into a somewhat serious battle stance.

Back to the store ky was still sitting in the chair as the screen was showing off the fight.Well it wouldn't really be called a fight...nor training as minato was far too fast for ky to keep up and was soon defeated.They could tell that minato was obviously holding back from hurting ky who was in serious mode.Despite that he still lost and was currently on the floor.

The simulation ends as ky takes off the headset and let's out a sigh.Ky felt a little dispirited but he started to contemplate minato's moves and actions.He knew that minato was very fast even without using his flashing ability.Ky then remembers about minato's students who were in the distance and he doesn't know why but the kid with the goggles feels awfully familiar.Ky shook his head as he couldn't think about anything on that kid nor the others but he did feel that they had great potential and strength which could be the result of their training but he was confused.Why were there children learning how to fight and why were they so powerful?

Ky asked "Hey why were the children so strong?Even without fighting i could sense their strength."Nathan replied "Because they are fighting a war."That simple sense was like a lighting bolt that came down to shock them all.War?why would children be fighting in a war?Nathan could tell from their expression so he adds "As you know war is a very cruel and horrible time and with enemies constantly attacking you well you have to make do with what you have."

Everyone besides ramlethal swallowed some saliva as they didn't expect such a thing.Ky felt his mood sour a bit as he no longer wished to play the game in the meantime so he asked "sir...is there any other games or perhaps this anime you speak of?"Nathan shook his head no and states "No not at the moment but I can give you a small preview of other games or anime I can make for you all.Though we will have to go outside to see the big screen as it can also be for advertising."He smiles at them and without any of them knowing,the Valentine sister blushed ever so slightly.