
A boy with a dream

J has never told anyone about his ability to control his dream but he can go into another world and do whatever he wants, not his mother, not Mael not anybody. he decided to keep this a secret because he didn't want to be deemed as weird nor does he feel that it's something special, because of this ability, he's able to escape the reality he faces and go to this world where he's free and have the ability to do what he wants there. He spends his sleeping hours there like he's leading another life in another world. "Welcome to StoneCold what can i get ya today?" said an old man by the counter of the bar. "I'll have 2 ales and some walnuts!" said J, over the moon as he's able to be himself. In the real world, J has the tendency to hold back because of all the duly responsibilities he has.

*bam!* The swinging doors of the bar opens, a man wearing a cowboy hat enters the bar, the whole bar went silent suddenly. "Who's that? What's going on? Asked J. "That's Bren, rumour has it that he has been on a killing spree after the death of his daughter and has been constantly extorting money from anyone, even the Dominion can't stop him, heard they deployed a battalion and got wiped out!" the old man replied in fear. Bren went up to the bar counter and ordered a glass of ale. J looked at him and Bren looked back. "What?" Bren asked. "Heard about your situation you alright?" J asked. "Why do you care? It's none of your concern, mind your own business unless you wanna get beaten up too." J laughed like he never did in the real world. "I'm fine if you wanna go, I'm itching for a fight too but does this help you feel better, Bren?" Bren hesitated, got up and went off. "Looks like you saved the bar, young boy." Said the old man. Once again, J laughed and replied, I didn't do anything, in fact I was ready to destroy your bar." The old man lost himself after hearing what J said but J just laughed it off.

As soon as J left the bar, something flew down from the sky, soaring with wings bigger than an Eagle, legs with huge talons and scales so crimson making blood look like water. "Raia! I'm here." J called as it lands down before J with a huge wave of air stream gushing through J. Raia is J's pet dragon which also serves as his transport, at times, J's purpose of coming here tends to be to play with Raia and travel around the place. "I couldn't possibly do this without you, Raia." Raia purrs back in joy.

As they travelled by Raia, clouds gushed onto both their faces. "This kind of adventures can never be done in real life Raia, if you have a chance you should go to the real world with me, perhaps you should try!" Raia turns away uninterested. "Oh and Raia-" "Wake up J, Jesus, you're late for school again!" Mom screamed at the top of her lungs. "Not again!" J said, looking extremely tired.

As soon as he got breakfast and packed up he headed for the door and his mom said "You should go visit your father he probably misses you." "Should've left earlier...." J thought to himself. "Oh and Mael's waiting for you outside, if i were you I'd hurry." Mom said.

"Hey idiot, what brings you here, don't you have to chop your little brother up in the market today?" J asked jokingly. "And before i chop him up how about I scar your mom?" Said Mael while he tries to hold in his laugher. Their Mom jokes can go really far at times. "Crap, it's 9.30am we're late!" Mael said. "Oh god, you need to stop acting like you care Mael." J whined, "Oh yeah, i don't." They both laughed like they never did in their lives and headed to school.