
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · ファンタジー
472 Chs

Chapter 403: Ash? Vs Estel part 6

[Diana point of view]

How much time do I need to prepare my final attack? I'm not sure, but I do remember both Linda and Seo Ah telling me...

"At that time, when death greeted me, I entrusted all the blessing of the heroes companion to you. It feels like that of an eternity, but I'm sure it only lasted for a second or two. I know for a fact, that you will be using it to a better use, and thus, I departed from the world in peace during that time" [Linda]

"That time, all I can think of was to save Saintess Rumia. My heart feels like they will be bursting, as I wonder how long the time has passed, only to realise it actually didn't take that long. It sounds scary, but in all honesty, it doesn't. Somehow, it feels oddly calming" [Seo Ah]

And just like them, the oddly calming feeling that I am currently experiencing, I can tell that no matter what happens, I won't regret it.

"Behe! Birdie! Bobunny!" [Elise]

"Thank you for saving us" [Zerolith]

As one by one, the strange thorn that pierces our bodies being removed, our counterattack begin, but as most of us sustain heavy injury, it becomes dull

"Dark mana zone: Barrage of darkness Abyssal bullets!" [Zerolith]

"Dark mana zone: Suicidal kitten bomber" [Kucin]

But that isn't an excuse to stop fighting, as each of us stand up, we believe, we believe that we will save him! We will save him no matter what!

"Are you alright, Charlotte?" [Rean]

"Yes. Yes I am" [Rean]

"Just hang in there. You can rest..." [Rean]


"Charlotte..." [Rean]

"Princess Diana, please! Your order!" [Charlotte]

It looks like she will not step down no matter what kind of persuasion we will be using, in which case

"Raging water magician, can you help me immobilize him for a few seconds. At that time, the blessing inside of me, I'll transfer it all to him in hope of saving him" [Diana]

"Right!" [Charlotte]

"I will support you!" [Rean]

Those two are getting themselves ready to strike at any time, where as other

""Area heal"" [Rumia, Seraph]

Rumia and Seraph are healing other without caring much for their injuries, and Ash begin to start bombarding his spells once more, thing look bleak

"That thorn, it's a nuisance" [Mara]

"Even my plant magic imbued with Avery power wither..." [Farhah]

"And it sting... If it wasn't for the blessing of holy beast, my fist might be here no more" [Khamishah]

"For now, all we can do is dodge and counteract through long distance spell" [Kara]

"That will do. Karon, we will shield the long range attacker, cover them all!" [Aries]

"Leave it to me!" [Karon]

They're planning to attack him from a far, and as for the thorn that's coming from the devil's blessing

"There's too many of them!" [Anjin]

"Can you keep up?" [Saint Louis]

"I can and I will!" [Anjin]

"Linda! Stop!" [Alaric]

"You're badly injured from the direct Explosion magic!" [Singa]

"Just rest first! Leave saving Brother Ash to us!" [Savel]

"I won't! I fail to save him the last time! I don't want that to happen once more!" [Linda]

The thorn keep on searching for it next pray, while we are constantly cutting it apart. Good thing Ash didn't imbued it with any of his spell, or that will cause us all extra trouble

"!" [Ash?]

"Everyone! Protect Charlotte!" [Khamishah]

Charlotte begin charging up all of her spell, as countless magic circle keep intersecting with one another, keep boosting the power of each other, creating a powerful spell that's ready to be fire at Ash at any moment


Ash, ignoring all the incoming attack, passes through all of them, all the while the miasma of the devil attack those whom he passes through

"Fool!" [Khamishah]

Mrs Saga quickly grab one of the many thorn, even when the spikes of the thorn keep getting larger and longer, piercing her muscle

""Shield"" [Karon, Aries]

Through shield magic, both Karon and Aries block the thorn and Ash path, while other bombard spell after spell, but that doesn't stop Ash from dashing through

"I won't let you!" [Rean]


And thus, the clash of sword and scythe, with Charlotte's life at stake happen, but Rean is not alone

""Rean!! Dodge!!"" [Lara, Nara]

"NO! Just charge through!" [Rean]

""Tchh... Be careful!!"" [Lara, Nara]

And it looks like Lara and Nara almost have the same idea as I am, instead of giving their blessings, they simply reinvigorated the blessing of God of Death inside Ash's body and thus

"#83(+*janskK" [Ash?]

Ash begin going out of control, and before he can prepare the next powerful spell to ward us all

"Water magic: Droplet" [Charlotte]

(((Such power... We will be doom if we get caught in it!!!))) [Rean, Lara, Nara]

Those three, before retreating, make a simple last second spell to keep Ash from moving, and a single small water droplet from Charlotte hit Ash directly, before that water bullet expand into a column of water, that's render Ash immobile. Not only that, inside the tall columns of water are countless magic circle firing multiple spells, from water javelin to ice arrow, at a speed comparable to Zerolith's firing speed. Any attempt from both Ash and the thorn of devil are nullified by the countless spell being fired at frightening speed

"Go..." [Charlotte]

"Thanks! I will!" [Diana]

I don't know how I will get through that dangerous pillar of water. I get this feeling, firing off my blessing will be meaningless in the face of this powerful column of water... If that's the case

"What are you doing! Princess!" [Rean]

"It dangerous!" [Valkyrie B]

""Can't be help... Holiest shield!!"" [Rumia, Seraph]

"Armour of Nine Tail Fox!" [Elise]

"Extreme Defense up!" [Aries]

As I extend my hand, the spell inside the water pillar start hitting me. It hurts, even with all the help. Charlotte went as far as reducing the intensity, which Ash quickly take advantage of

"!" [Charlotte]

""Oh no!!"' [Lara, Nara]

"Stop him now!" [Saint Louis]

"NO! It's fine!" [Diana]

"!?" [All]

He manages to escape the moment Charlotte brought down the intensity of the spell, but I manage to cling through him

"Ash! WAKE UP!" [Diana]

"GYAAAHH!" [Ash?]

Pour it! Pour every single last bit of my blessing! Even when the devilish thorn pierce my abdomen, even when he violently punch me! Don't stop! Just keep on going! Keep on going!

"Snap out of it!" [Khamishah]

Mrs Saga try to save me, but she get blown away by a spell. It feels long, but at the end of the day

"Diana..." [Ash]

"Is it really you?" [Diana]

"Yeah... Give me a second" [Ash]

"ASH! ASH!" [Diana]

"+#ajzbwh" [Ash?]

"Oh shut up!" [Ash]

With the violent clash of three blessing inside of him, the blessing from Goddess Achalasia and God of Death prevail, as evident of some small blackish thing leaving through his skull. It literally pierce from inside the skull toward outside, carrying some of Ash's brain matter. Just what is that thing?

"Oh no you don't! Space magic: Cube of Entrapment! Wind magic: Great wind palm!" [Ash]

Ash entrap that thing, before shouting for


"Pseudo Leviathan" [Mahsuri]

"When did she!?" [Diana]

Mahsuri trusted golem quickly get the job done, and before long, that blackish thing vanish

"Mah... MAHSURI!" [Charlotte]

"What are you doing here?" [Rean]

"Long story short, I have been following him ever since he step inside the Ice Dungeon" [Mahsuri]

"And at one point, she realized rather than directly controlling me, God of Life implanted a powerful devil parasite inside of my brain..." [Ash]

Ash wanted to continue his explanation, but given how he's injured, he can't do so, as he keeps clinging onto me

"Brother Ash..." [Rean]

"Is that really you?" [Elise]

"Please say something!" [Kara]

"This... This isn't a joke right?" [Mara]

""We hope it isn't one..."" [Lara, Nara]

"Don't be so negative. That's definitely him" [Zerolith]

"True, but why aren't you saying something?" [Karon]

"Maybe because he's just extremely fatigue" [Farhah]

"Most likely. But still! Say something!" [Singa]

"Don't leave us hanging!" [Savel]

"Brother Ash?" [Charlotte]

"Ash?" [Diana]

He looks at them, bewildered by what in front of him, and when he get the energy needed to speak

"I'm home, everyone" [Ash]


They're all showing a euphoric faces as they tried to rush and hug Ash

"Hahaha... slow down. Just let me stand properly first" [Ash]

"True, just give him some time for..." [Diana]

"Wow, you really look old, Diana" [Ash]

"P A R D O N?" [Diana]

(((It's been a while since we last saw that scary smile...))) [Elise, Kara, Charlotte]




"Honestly... Welcome home..." [Diana]

"Huh, are you blushing..." [Ash]

"No I'm..." [Diana]

He collapses

finally! We did it!

muhammad_azmeecreators' thoughts