
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · ファンタジー
472 Chs

Chapter 391: 8 days until Rean's wedding

[Mara point of view]

Seriously! I hate the First prince of Estel! Ever since we come to know him six to seven years ago, I can't help but to feel furious whenever I see him!

Of course, it's a given for him to investigate Saint Louis, whom many presume dead six years ago, and he has every right to do so, not only for those curious mind, but also for the safety of the country as a whole! It's understandable, but he just wouldn't accept the fact that King Estel, Princess Diana and some of us knew that Saint Louis was in fact, alive and well all along

I applaud Saint Louis, Seo Ah and Zerolith for keeping their composure all the times, which, somehow, makes me all defensive for them, as I keep making sarcastic remarks one after another, so much so that I was kicked out of the "conversation" (more like interrogation if you ask me) soon afterwards. I guess I get what I deserved

"Sigh... Anyway, for today..." [Mara]

Since I don't have anything else to do, I decided to help the church with their preparation. It's some sort of special wedding ceremony, and as such, the usual flow of the event will be different. From vows to... I don't know. Saint Louis, Seo Ah and Zerolith are the one that knows all about it, and as for me, I just help them buy things here and there. They will be having rehearsal two days from now on, and since Seo Ah and Zerolith are basically having a shaky knees all the times, saying they're not ready to help Saint Louis himself, I decided to barge in and help them

"Let see... First, some flowers of...What is this flower again? And this description, they are used in... Bla bla bla..." [Mara]

I really need to up my girl power. Maybe I should ask Mr Filvisar, Farhah or Calypso about it. They ought to know something regarding this flower, and speaking of Calypso

"Calypso! Over here!" [Mara]

"If it isn't Mara, why are shouting for me?" [Calypso]

Calypso, along with other fairies, quickly fly toward me. They're currently making the elemental trees frow ever brighter, by infusing it with Farhah's mana. It's becoming prettier, that's for sure, and the leaves that were blown by the gentle winds add ups to the already beautiful scenery. Sincerely, ever since Brother Ash planted those trees, it actually becomes a tourist attractions, more so on the Orphanage areas, Diana's hall as well as the school. It actually generate revenue for us as well, so that's a win

"I see, hmmm..." [Calypso]

"Something wrong?" [Mara]

"Not that. I was thinking, maybe I should just give them seed of heart" [Calypso]

"What's that?" [Mara]

"Well, according to your description, those flowers represents a sincere heart in one marriage, so I was thinking, maybe if I gives them seed of heart, it will be better" [Calypso]

"And what will this seed of heart do?" [Mara]

"It's a special seed, use by some of the more older elves. This seeds will be given to those newlyweds, and they will infuse their mana with it. The seed will grow into what's in their deepest heart. If they truly love each other, something good will come out, but if it is the opposite..." [Calypso]

"I see. What will come out?" [Mara]

"That depends on the person. According to Master Filvisar, the results often varied from couple to couple that no two things that came out of it were identical, be it if the marriage is one with pure attention or the opposite" [Calypso]

"That sounds good. Maybe you should get the seeds as well as the flowers the church asked for and let them decide for themselves" [Mara]

"Fair enough. I'll ask Master Filvisar straight away!" [Calypso]

"Can you just give it straight to Saint Louis, Seo Ah or Zerolith?" [Mara]

"By your order!" [Calypso]

Ans she quickly fly toward the orphanage direction. That is one task down, and another...

"Sis Mara! There you are!" [Kat]

"We have been looking for you!" [Blanc]

"Huh. Kat and Blanc, what are you doing here?" [Mara]

"We were hoping that you can come with us inside the Rock and Sea dungeon!" [Kat]

"Mommy and Daddy is busy, and Uncle Syah and Aunt Mimi doesn't permit us to do so" [Blanc]

"That's why, we just wanted to search for random treasure chests inside the dungeon, so that we can give Rean, Muse, Samurai Jacks and Principal Alice something" [Kat]

"I see..." [Mara]

The way they're behaving now, it's exactly as I am back then, when we sneakily enter the Open field dungeon in order to get something for Princess Diana debutante party. I guess if I back out now, they will just enters the dungeon on their own, which is why

"Sure. I am free right now. Let us go there straight away!" [Mara]

""Right!!"" [Kat, Blanc]

And thus, the three of us enter the first floor of the Rock and Sea dungeon, and going into the far right side of the dungeon, some small devil spawn, but since they're just a random minion, it isn't worth much of a fuss, as I simply use the spear that Karon's crafted for me and blasted them all away in one go. The impact however, is far stronger than what I anticipated, and thus

"Look!" [Kat]

"A treasure chest!" [Blanc]

"Good gracious, who would have thought that there is a hidden wall here" [Mara]

And inside the treasure chest is

"Wow! It's a bead of Sea Flowers! How lucky!" [Blanc]

""And what is that??"" [Mara, Kat]

"Not you too Sis Mara! Fine! I'll explain! No, better still... Watch" [Blanc]

Blanc... He's more feminine than I am to know all this stuff. Well, whatever. I should just watch as she tickles the stem of flowers

"What the!?" [Mara]

"See! This is why I say we are lucky! This flower, when they're ticklish, will shoot in crystal of water flower as a distraction while it try to run away" [Blanc]

"Do you think they will appreciate it?" [Kat]

"Rean and Mr Jacks? I don't think so. Muse and Principal Alice however, will appreciate it" [Mara]

"I guess that settles it then" [Blanc]

It isn't many, and I'm sure there are others with gifts that will beat them in term of price and quality, but at the end of the day, it's the thought that count

As we exit the dungeon

"Lara, Nara? What are you doing there?" [Mara]

""We are..."" [Lara, Nara]