
Chapter 11

Today was the weekend. Me and everyone else at the church decided to go and have fun around the city. We were going in groups, like a field trip. I was a little skeptical at first because of how villains could appear at any moment but then I came up with an idea. I bought a skill that could make me produce clones. I decided to put 1 clone with each group and told each one to not be noticed.

Me and Lily were in charge of a group of kids between the age of 6 and 7. It was a pain but I managed. We first went to eat lunch at at a restaurant. I payed for everyone and man was it expensive. Luckily, I'm rich so it didnt matter but if it was anyone else then one can only pray.

What made me lowkey mad was the fact that I had to feed them. What I mean is that I actually had to put the food in their mouth. Those damn kids knew I was trying to talk to Lily but still did it. I'll get them back later as there way a problem. A villain was trying to rob the store we were eating at. He was at the counter with a gun in his hand, pointing at the cashier lady. 'Why do villians with no quirk try to rob stores' I thought. He then noticed me and the group. He pulls out another guns and aims it at me. He then said. "Kid. I know you have money if your able to pay for all those children behind you so cough it up." I looked at him with a confused look and said. "If you see the amount of kids then why do you think I have any money left." He flinched at hearing that. He then pulled the trigger out of anger and shot at me. I stopped time, knocked him out, teleported him to an island in the middle of nowhere, then erased everyones memory of what happened here.(I deleted the camera footage when I stopped time also)

Me, Lily, and the kids left the food placed and decided to go to the beach. When we arrived at the beach, everyone went into the dressing room to get changed. When I came out, i saw Lily there with yuri. She was wearing an all black swimsuit and let me just say that my little brother could barely contain himself so I had to cast illusion magic really quickly. I then looked over to Lily, who was in an all white bikini. Oh, you thought I was describing Lily this whole time? You pervert.(just a joke) Yuri was wearing a black swimsuit tho, but it was school swimsuit. 'Where did she get that from?' I thought. Well it done matter as she looked cute anyway.

Anyway, the rest of the kids came out and when I saw dave, I almost sent him to the void. This mane was wearing a spedo. I told him to change that shit and he said why. Why? You know what. He likes 6 so I'll let him pass this time. If he wears that when he gets older, imma have to talk to him. We all got in the water after that. Most of the kids never really learned to swim, as they never could afford to go to the pool or beach. One of the reasons I did gambling was because of problems like this.

Anyways, me and Lily thought them how to swim and they learned it really fast. There was a kid named annie who also had a quirk that let's her learn things really fast. It's really op if used right, which she does. I took some of the boys off to sneak looks at girls. Gotta teach em young. I'm talking to you dave as you need this 'training' the most right now. There was a kid that had a quirk, which let him see things like they were right in front of him. He could also let other people use this aswell. 'Damn. These orphanage kids have weird quirks.' I thought to myself. I realized that I would stand out to much with my God like looks so I placed an illusion spell on everyone at the beach. Only Lily and the kids see me the same, while everyone else sees me as an average man.

The sun was setting and we decided to eat at a noodle restaurant. I rented out the whole place before we came so it was only us in there. We ate, laughed, and played like a 'regular' family would. While everything was happening, I had a beer. I looked older to other people so no one complained. Only the kids looked at me questioning eyes.

I then caught Lily staring at a ring on the TV. I figured that she liked it so I took a screenshot with my brain. I was going to use creation magic to make it. I then got up and went over to her. I then whispered in her ear "I'll put that ring on your finger if you want." She looked at me then blushed. She slightly nodded her head. Wait a damn minute. Did she just give me the ok. I started perusing her when I first got my quirks. Slowly but surely, I did it. Now, reality can be whatever I want.

<AN: I cringed aswell at that>

And just like that, the day ended. I had to carry yuri on my shoulders tho. It was fine as it was a nice feel- I mean as it was quite pleasant seeing her happy smile. She played with my white hair and as she was doing it, I used illusion magic to make it snow. She only seen it once so she was quite happy about it. I could see Lily smiling at us. I know that she is a nun and all but remember that she gave me the go ahead. 'Guess god ain't really respected here huh.' I thought while smiling up to the stars.

It was then that all hell let loose.

Mentioned power(s)

[CLONE(ACTIVE)- Makes a clone of the user. 1 clone has barley has the power of the user but enought to shake the world. Ex: Each clone this time has the power of prime all might but better (lvl 10/10).]