

OP HERO AGAIN! This is not my first fanfic, but you can consider it my first fanfic. because I didn't improve in any way and decided to start with a clean slate. chapters will be released in a free schedule that is either at the beginning of the week or in the middle or at the end or in the next week. there will be a lot of holes in the plot, but I will try to avoid this. inspired by many other fanfiction, and do not compare this fanfic with others where the quality of the software is better. I tolerate criticism only in a light form, and not by the type of hating. I write only for my own satisfaction, but there may be times when I ask for advice and hope you will help. tags: # winx # harem # travel #magic #friendship #OP #Comedy #family #travel through the worlds #from weak to strong #from poor to rich --- Synopsis it is not known who, it is not known how and it is not known why - dies. and what do you think happened to him? he went to meet the God, who in turn gave mu wishes and re-conquered in another world! what will happen to the person who received all this, will he collect the harem right and left, or will he still decide to settle down? just do not look at the tags, because they are spoilers! and we don't like spoilers! --- I only own my character --- any image I used is also not mine, they belong to their authors

lazy_door · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs


Chapter 4

One month has passed since I started learning to play the piano and guitar and other musical instruments.

In 12 hours, the first competitions in my life will begin, for which Mr. John and the other teachers recommended by him so fiercely prepared me.

Now I own such instruments as piano, guitar and bass guitar, violin, several types of wind instruments.

At the moment, I'm lying in bed and thinking about what to do next, now I'm 6 years old, but I've already reached many heights that some adults can't reach in their entire life, well, I'm one of the best in several professions: cook, musician, driver, etc., but what should I do?

Become a magician? Judging by the way my mother sent me here, I also have magic, and judging by the name "Phoenix", it can be assumed that my magic is somehow connected with the mythical animal – the Phoenix.

I decided to wait for my decade, and start training the abilities of the symbiote, as well as find out what kind of magic I own.

Bloom owns the dragon fire, then according to the meaning I should own the mythical phoenix fire.

I also need to get information about my kingdom and who dared to attack it. And I began to think about who to talk to, and highlighted a few points:

He must be knowledgeable and involved in the canon so that I can trust him. And a moment later, I hit myself on the forehead because what I'm looking for right now is literally right under my nose, because Bloom is not the only Domino princess, and the one who saved her is just the person I can trust. This is the first Domino princess-Daphne.

I think I can trust her, because I am also the older brother of Bloom. I wonder if I will also have to call her big sister, or will we somehow share this title?

He spent some more time on his thoughts, from which it is possible to make a certain plan for the near future:

Wait for the time when I go to high school and start training my body.

To earn money, release a couple of books and draw a couple of manga that were known in my world, of course, after checking their existence on the Internet.

I have not yet decided whether to go to school, but I will graduate or finish it as an external student.

To train skills, in my space.

He will meet with Daphne, and talk, and then how it goes.

Having come up with a plan, I fell asleep.

The next morning.

- Ringing, ringing, ringing, ringing - suddenly the sound stopped.

From the ringing of the alarm clock, I woke up in the same room where I had lived for 6 years, which had everything I needed for my stay, a bed, a table, a wardrobe and a couple of chairs. There were also a couple of windows in the room, through which sunlight fell in the morning, since the windows are located exactly in the direction where the Sun rises.

When I was dressed, I went down the stairs towards the kitchen. In the kitchen, I saw the usual picture, mom was standing near the stove, Bloom was looming next to her, and Dad was sitting at the table and checking the morning news from the newspaper.

- Good morning! - I greeted my relatives.

- Good morning! Did you get enough sleep before the competition? - my father asked, folding the newspaper.

- Yes, I slept like a dead man! - I said with a smile.

- Good morning, son, sit down breakfast is almost ready.

- Morning, brother! - running up to me, Bloom said. I picked her up and sat down at the table.

- Dad, will you go to the competition? - I asked.

- I would like to, but I have a blockage at work today. - he said these words with a note of sadness.

- Okay, let's have breakfast! - Mom said, sitting down in her seat.

We started having breakfast, my mother's cooking, getting better every time, still not as good as I am, but she doesn't have to talk about it.

- Delicious! - I said, and saw the corners of my mother's lips lift.

- Yes, I completely agree with this! - my dad supported me.

After breakfast, we started to get ready. Going out on the street, which was the same as in the cartoon.

It was spring now, and the sun was shining, but it wasn't hot, it was thanks to a light breeze. We quickly got into my father's car, and dad drove us to the place where the competition is held.

- All right, son, don't worry and good luck to you! – he said, slightly ruffling my hair.

- Thank you, I will try! - I said, not even worrying about it. After all, I compete among children under 10 years old, in turn, I can play plays that adults can hardly perform, so I did everything I wanted just not to worry.

After saying goodbye, we went into a building surrounded by a lot of cars. Inside, we saw quite a large number of people, most of whom were children.

They were different from the arrogant ones, looking at the others as unworthy of their attention, and trembling at any sound. We approached the reception desk and were asked:

- Are you here to participate or to view?

- We are here to participate, what do we need to do to register? - Mom answered politely.

- First, you have to choose the competition category. Secondly, you need to fill out these documents. – she said, taking out 2 sheets of paper with inscriptions. - Third, after checking, you must get a number, and wait for your turn.

- Is there a category limit?- I asked.

- There is no limit as such, but I would not recommend registering in many categories. - said the girl in charge of registration, which received a smile from my mother and me.

After a while.

By registering in the following categories: piano, guitar, violin and flute.

When the registrar saw the data in the form, her eyes widened, and she looked at us in disbelief, to which my mother replied:

- You are not mistaken, we will participate in all the categories that you have indicated. – she said, ahead of the registrar's question.

- Okay, I understand, so you will need 4 numbers and competitions in these categories are held every hour and a half. The first competition will start in 5 minutes, you have time to prepare using the tools provided by the sponsors. - she said, barely recovering from the shock.

Everyone who was standing nearby was almost as shocked as the registrar, but not in such numbers.


- From the 3rd person-

Moving away from the registration desk, they went to the hall where the parents of the participants were sitting. Mom and Bloom found seats in the front rows and sat down on them.

After a while, the piano playing competitions began. Ryan had the number 17, so he had about thirty minutes before his performance, and so it turned out that he was the last in every category in which he participated.

Now Ryan is sitting backstage and calmly eating a sandwich made by his mother. After a while, the preliminary competitions began.

He could hear a piano melody and a few mistakes, like a great master pianist - it's not very pleasant to hear, and he had a feeling that he wanted to go to this participant and hit him on the head for these mistakes.

But it was normal anyway, after he finished eating, Ryan went in search of a restroom, passing by the hall with the audience, he saw his mother and sister enjoying music.

Ryan spent a few minutes searching and after a minute, not finding the bathroom, decided to ask about it. After wandering around for some more time, he came across a child of his age.

- I'm sorry, you don't know where the bathroom is. And yes, my name is Ryan, and you? - I asked with a smile.

She panicked a little and hurried to say

- Oh, yes, of course, you need to go in a straight line... and that's how you'll get to the place. - she said with such speed that I understood the beginning and the end.

- I'm sorry to bother you, but could you hold it, just because you spoke quickly, I didn't understand anything. - I said to her, who had already returned to her own world during this time.

- Ah, I'm sorry. – she said, bowing.

Ryan grinned. He was really surprised by her reaction, it was quite cute actually.

- Hey, why don't I bite, why are you so worried? - forcing her to straighten up. – Why bow down? After which, her face started to turn red.

Ryan went up to her, touched her forehead and said - Hmm ... the temperature is normal, so she's not sick, but why do you have such a red face?

She felt uneasy. She could smell him. She thought, " He smells good! W-what? I'm such a pervert, how could I think such a thing! " - but she did not expect that Ryan would dare to touch her!

- You're wrong..hmm....

Ryan realized what he had done. He got used to it and apologized.

- Ah, I'm sorry that I touched you so suddenly…

- N-no, it's all right… you could touch me more often...

- And...? What did you say? Ryan couldn't hear her words except "No, it's okay," and the rest was too quiet for him to hear, so he asked her.

- Nothing! - she exclaimed in a panic.

There was an awkward silence between them for a while.

- Oh, could you walk me to the bathroom, please?

- And I'm sorry, let's go, it's just that something unexpected happened today and I won't be able to participate in the competitions. - walking forward, she said.

- What happened? What competitions do you participate in? - Ryan asked, following the girl.

- Well, I'm participating in a pair competition with the participation of violin and piano, but my partner called and said that he was ill, and now I have to look for a new partner if I still want to participate. - I said, getting more and more gloomy.

- Well, if that's the only problem, then I can replace your partner and play a piano part, but I just need to warn my mother. - Ryan said, a smile could be seen on her still gloomy face.

- Thank you, but... - she wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ryan.

- If you are in doubt, then you can watch my performance at the competition, and if I still suit you, then give me the notes that you will need to perform.

- Well, I agree when your competition starts.

- It's pretty soon, so let's speed up. - said Ryan, remembering his problem, which began to remind him of himself.

- Yeah.

After a while, Ryan went backstage.


In the hall, Vanessa and Bloom are patiently waiting for their son/brother to take the stage.

- Mom, when will my brother play? - Bloom asked

- A little more, and it will be his turn.

- Okay, I'll wait! - Bloom nodded, and sat down more comfortably.

While they were waiting for Ryan's turn. A 6-year-old girl approached them. The crowd is amazed at how beautiful she was at that age.

Vanessa and Bloom were no exception, they thought that she was really beautiful. But they are also beautiful in the eyes of Ryan, there is no one more beautiful than those whom he loves.

- Is it busy here? Can I sit down? - the girl asked them.

- No, what are you, of course, sit down? - Vanessa replied.

The girl sat down and relaxed, preparing to listen to the performance of the pianists.


While number 16 was performing on the stage, having not found anything to do, he decided to see how things were going with his skills and missions.


1. "Music" - 90/100 ur

\ "Music" is a skill that allows you to sing and play a musical instrument, and the higher the level, the more knowledge. \

2. "Artist" - 100/100 ur

\ "Artist" is a skill that allows you to draw what is in your head, and the higher the level, the more knowledge. \

3. "Cooking" - 95/100 ur

\ "Cooking" is a skill that allows you to cook everything that is in the world and will taste better than usual, and the higher the level, the more knowledge. \

4. "Driver" - 100/100 ur

\ "Driver" is a skill that allows you to ride anything, whether it's a tank or a bicycle. \ Missions


Main missions:

• Challenge: ???

• Reward:???

• Failure:???

Secondary missions:

1. Improve the "Music" skill to 100

Awards: 3 tickets

2. Task: Draw a manga / comic…

Reward: 3 tickets

Failure: No.

3. Task: To write a book…

Reward: 3 tickets

Failure: No.

4. Task: release the game…

Reward: 3 tickets

Failure: No.

5. Task: Win a music competition (0/4)…

Reward: 3 tickets.

Failure: No.

6. Task(new): Win the doubles competition.

Reward: 3 tickets.

Failure: No

Having considered everything that he needs in his mind, Ryan saw that after talking with that girl, he had a new quest, and then it dawns on him that he does not know the name of this girl…

After a while, he returned to reality. And it happened just in time for his performance.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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