
Chapter 13 Another Night?

“I don’t understand.”

On the ride back to the house, I finally found my voice.

Dean stayed in his calm posture and very slowly tilted his head toward me.

“What’s there to understand?” He questioned.

“Why are you not angry that I lied to you?

After knowing the truth, you shouldn’t be offering me your help or a ride back home.

You should just walk away from me…”

I blurted out, feeling confused by Dean’s behavior.

Can any man be that gentle and nice?

“Because you have been honest, Amy.

No matter how we began this date, in the end, you came out with the whole truth, and I respect that…

Besides, after that little drama in the restaurant, you definitely need someone to rely on during your pregnancy, and I am not that bad, Amy…”

In the end, he gave me his innocent smile flattering me instantly.

How could someone say “NO” with such a charming smile?

“I think you have a point.” I pointed out with a little pout.

“You can rethink, Amy…

I don’t want to force you into something.