
Online Game: Virtual War

On the colony spacecraft, 10 million volunteers embarked on a new journey. This book explores farming in the early stages, as well as the struggle for dominance in the later stages.As an online game of dominance, famous officials and generals from Chinese history play crucial roles. Furthermore, remnants of non-human intelligent races from prehistory are active in this era, adding a touch of splendor to humanity's new era. It all begins on the virtual world. I DONT OWN THIS BOOK (none of this belongs to me got the cover from font snap) JUST REALLY LIKED IT BUT BECAUSE IT WAS UNFINISHED I WANTED TO FINISH IT

Amyri_11 · ゲーム
37 Chs

Chapter 22: Good Dream

Lei Jiu hadn't initially planned to prioritize the construction of the barracks. However, considering the uncertain situation on the surrounding islands and the potential risks, he deemed it necessary to build it as soon as possible. In the event of encountering non-human tribes and needing to engage in combat, rushing into battle with just Luo Zheng, Nangong Dian, and Nicotine wouldn't suffice. Additionally, Lei Jiu held a keen interest in the military careers of generals, commanders, and military division officers that could be trained in the military camp. Compared to the magic he had encountered thus far, the military setting resonated more with him due to its Chinese characteristics.

The significance of the Babel Tower was undeniable. Whether it was Lei Jiu, as the island owner, or the NPCs on the island seeking to enhance their combat prowess, this building was essential for honing skills and improving combat power. Lei Jiu presumed that this building was indispensable in every system city on the Laya continent. Although military training could be provided within the barracks once built, soldiers seeking to enhance their personal combat abilities would primarily utilize the Tongtian Tower. As there were no "wild monsters" available for leveling on Huanghuang Island, the Tongtian Tower served as the primary means for personal improvement.

Lei Jiu's curiosity about the Babel Tower was undeniable. Given its name, he speculated that it consisted of multiple layers. He was aware that his current level 0 self was not as powerful as the five scumbags, indicating that he would likely linger at the bottom of the tower for years, if not decades. Despite the reality being somewhat disheartening, Lei Jiu remained intrigued by the tower.

However, what truly captivated Lei Jiu was the General Soul Tower. It was the first time he had encountered a strategy game where famous generals were obtained through such means. In the past, obtaining famous generals typically involved subjugation tasks or relying on special props to sway their allegiance. The direct challenge presented by the General Soul Tower undoubtedly posed a significant difficulty, causing players and island owners to question their abilities and choices.

As Lei Jiu fell into a trance and drifted off to sleep, he found himself dreaming of commanding armies and conquering islands. However, he was abruptly awakened by a thud, only to find a bag of freshly baked goods at his feet. Disgruntled by the interruption to his dream, Lei Jiu prepared for the day ahead, acknowledging that he would need to manage without the assistance of maids due to the island's current communal ownership system.

Lei Jiu observed the engineering team at work, led by Li Quan, as they reconstructed the island owner's office. Although he initially felt idle, he recognized the efficiency of the team's division of labor between red-haired and silver-haired individuals. With no specific tasks at hand, Lei Jiu contemplated the challenges of constructing system buildings and the scarcity of resources like stone and gold coins on Huanghuang Island. His thoughts turned to potential achievement rewards as a means of acquiring additional funds. As he pondered, Lei Jiu allowed his mind to wander once more, drifting into a realm of contemplation and uncertainty.