

He watched weakly as his heart was plucked out by an Oni. Not only that, his whole village including his parents are wiped out by the Oni. Giving in to his fate, Hel accepted death............................but instead, what came was......... [ Conditions for unlocking the Oni Slayer system has been met] Now he resolves to become the strongest Slayer. To wipe out all Oni.

Anoneemos_1 · ファンタジー
8 Chs


" I'll make you pay for what you did to Sin", Rafael screamed. It was obvious he was still in pain.

" Water armour: warrior stance".

The water formed around him taking the shape of an armor. The kind of armor that the Japanese warriors of old wore. He took a warrior's stance.

A water sword formed in his hands. He dashed toward Hel and slashed the sword straight at him.

Hel leapt backwards dodging the attack. He dashed toward the water grimoire user slashing his sword out. Rafeal countered it with a water shield.

Meanwhile, Ingrid summoned his golem again.

Hel sensed danger and quickly side stepped just missing the golem's fist by mere inches.

Seeing an opening, Rafeal struck out again with the water sword, grazing Hel's cheek.

[-1hp ]

Hel gritted his teeth,he was tired of receiving notifications about losing his HP.

" Unleash grimoire skill: blood lust ", he whispered.

The earring stretched out . Rafeal saw it coming and stepped out of the way. But it was useless as the earring still followed and struck him on the neck.

[ Enemy has lost 5hp ]

Rafeal retreated. That earring again. Was it a grimoire? he wondered. But he didn't believe it was. No one could awaken two grimoires.

He had no time to think as Hel dashed forward again bashing him with the dragon vonneiseur. Rafeal fell back.

Hel went after the golem slashing out. The golem received the attack head on . Hel's grimoire passed through its sand like body without dealing any damage.

" You think that attack is enough to stop it ", Ingrid laughed. He threw his fist out towards Hel.

The wanderer side stepped and attacked him from the side.

But the golem jumped in between blocking the attack. Hel clenched his fist. He dashed forward and swung the blade towards the golem again.

" I told you that attack is useless", Ingrid grinned.

But Hel didn't stop there. He stabbed the sand monster who sent a fist towards him. The fist connected with Hel's face sending him flying meters away leaving the grimoire still stuck in the monsters body. Ingrid smiled.

He went to the golem and tried to pull out the grimoire.

" Unleash grimoire skill: dragon fire breath", Hel whispered.


The grimoire caught flames which rose up and enguk the golem's body.

Ingrid's hand which was still trying to pull out the grimoire caught flames.

" Arrrrrrgggh ", he screamed " damn you, wanderer", he shouted trying to shake off the flames.


Rafeal who had gotten up sent streams of water towards the hand quenching the flames.

The golem wasn't so lucky as it charred up in an instant leaving nothing but ash.

Ingrid used his right hand to support the left which got burnt.

Hel stared indifferently at the two, He could see they were both badly wounded, making the fight easier for him.

He dashed forward in a flash and sent a kick to Ingrid. The latter who hadn't gotten over the previous wounds could do nothing to defend himself as the kick connected with his face. He fell to the ground spitting out blood.

Rafeal on the other hand, summoned the water armour again and slashed with the water sword.

He was expecting Hel to dodge the attack but never in his imagination did he guess the opponent would receive the attack head on.

Hel dashed forward and received a large cut in his chest but he didn't stop moving.

[ Critical damage ] [ -20hp ]

The shocked Rafeal lost his balance giving Hel a chance. The wanderer hit the other man with his leg sending him flying backwards. He landed near Ingrid.

Hel smirked. The two on the ground noticed that his red pupils glowing and it looked terrifying. He walked towards the two of them.

" You know, people like you don't deserve to live in this world", he was saying. " Ganging up on the weak just because you can use your powers against them".

He stepped on Rafeal's ribs were he had been wounded by the Undead crimson earring.

" Arrrrrrgggh", The water affinity user yelled in pain.

Hel twisted his feet on his ribs. The immense pain was too much for any man to bear and Rafeal promptly please passed out.

[ An enemy has passed out ]

[ 50 exp gained ]

[ congratulations, you have leveled up ]

[ Current level: Level 2 ]

[ +5 stat points ] [ +2 skill points ]

He ignored the notification pouring in at the moment and walked towards Ingrid. He grabbed the man by the neck and pulled him up.

" Please, please spare me", Ingrid pleaded. Hel could feel him shuddering.

" Why would I? ", Hel smirked evilly " unleash grimoire skill: blood lust".

The Undead crimson earring struck out, stinging Ingrid in the neck.

[ Enemy has lost 5hp ]

Hel summoned the skill again.The earring stung Ingrid again.

[ Enemy has lost 5hp ]

" Arrrrrrgggh," he screamed. But Hel didn't care, he kept on summoning the skill again and again and again. Till Ingrid who had lost too much passed out.

[ An enemy has passed out ]

[ 50 exp gained ]

[ New title has been given to host ]

[ Title: Merciless Slayer ]

[ Due to new title, host has unlocked new skill, Rage of juggernaut ]

Hel read the notification. New skill?, " Show skill description ", he said.

[ Rage of juggernaut: When this skill is used, the host looses all sense of emotions and becomes a merciless killer, destroying any one who stands in his way ]

[ All stats will increase during skill time ]

[ Skill duration: 1 minute ] [ Cool down time: 24 hours ]

So he Could only use this skill once in a day before it went into cool down time.

He remembered he had heard a ding after swallowing that core.He summoned the system.

[ Oni slayer system ]

[Host : Hel ( Yuta) ] [ Level 2 ] [ Exp 50/200 ]

[ Title: Merciless Slayer ]

[ Oni killed 1/1 ]

[ HP 20/100]

[ Strength:20 ]

[ Defense: 20 ]

[ Resistance: 20 ]

[ Agility: 20 ]

[ Vitality: 20 ]

[ Grimoire: Dragon vonneiseur ( Inherited )]

[ Skills: dragon fire breath ] [ Lv 1 ]

[ Grimoire: Undead crimson earring ( awakened) ]

[Skills: Blood lust] [ Lv 1 ]

[ New skills: Oni half transformation ,Rage of juggernaut ]

[ Available stat points:5 ] [ Available skill points:2]

Wait.What the hell was this Oni half transformation. He tapped on the skill" Show description ".

[ Oni half transformation: The Host has consumed part of an Oni, therefore giving him the Oni blood and making him half Oni. Host can now transform into an Oni while still keeping his human genes ] [ Skill duration:1 minute ] [ Cool down time: 1 week ]

So this happened because he swallowed that core. This could never work. He couldn't divulge into this dirty creatures.

He closed the system and sent the dragon vonneiseur into the storage space.

Taking one more look at the bodies on the ground, he smirked and walked away.


A/N : Please do not think I'm swerving away from the original storyline. Thing is every scene from this story is important and makes up an important part of future reference. Also please I'll love it if you support me with power stones. Thanks.